Youth Flashcards
Name the Functionalists of Youth
Albert Cohen
Name the Marxists of Youth
Phil Cohen
Hall and Jefferson
Name the Feminists of Youth
Name the Interactionists of Youth
Stan Cohen
Jock Young
Name the Postmodernists of Youth
Luke and Luke
Explain the Functionalist Parson’s theory
- Youth culture is functional as it acts like a bridge between childhood and adulthood
- Youth culture helps to prevent anomie, it provides a sense of belonging
Explain the Functionalist Eisenstadt’s theory
- Youth culture is functional as peer groups help each other through the stresses
- Moving from ascribed to achieved status
Explain the Functionalist Albert Cohen’s theory
- Status frustration
- W/C boys can’t achieve status through education/material wealth so they join delinquent subcultures and gain status through deviant acts
Give an evaluation of Parsons theory
He ignores NEETs
Give an evaluation of Eisenstadt’s theory
Ignores the issues that can’t be fixed by peer groups - NEETs
Give an evaluation of Albert Cohen’s theory
Helps the understanding of crime and deviance
Explain the Marxist Phil Cohen’s theory
- The skin heads resisted against the decline in W/C communities
- They did this through the clothes they wore - boots, jeans, braces
Explain the Marxists Hall and Jefferson’s theory
- The teddy boys resisted against class divisions by blurring the lines between M/C and W/C
- They did this through dressing M/C despite being from W/C backgrounds, wearing smart suits etc
Explain the Marxist Brake’s theory
- W/C saw youth subcultures as an escape from their dull lives/futures
- Gave them a sense of belonging and excitement
Give an evaluation of Phil Cohen’s theory
Ignores women in youth cultures
Give an evaluation of Hall and Jefferson’s theory
Ignores women in youth cultures
Give an evaluation of Brake’s theory
Ignores M/C youth culture
Explain the Feminists McRobbie and Garber’s theory
- Bedroom culture
- Stricter parental control meant girls weren’t allowed out to certain places/after certain times
- This meant they spent more time socialising in bedrooms
Explain the Feminist Archer’s theory
- Girls in gangs felt empowered
- Defence mechanism against being seen as weak/overly sexualised
Explain the Feminist Osgerby’s theory
- No more chivalrous behaviour
- Lad culture - degrading women, puts them off joining youth subcultures
Give an evaluation of McRobbie and Garber’s theory
Ignores social media use
Give an evaluation of Archer’s theory
She only used secondary research
Explain the Interactionist Jock Young’s theory
Labelling theory - hippies being labelled as drug users by the police/public became a self-fulfilling prophecy as it became a central part of their culture
Explain the Interactionist Stan Cohen’s theory
Moral panic - media exaggerating Mods and Rockers made it a bigger deal than it was, lead public to panic
Explain the Interactionist Fawbert’s theory
Media labelling ‘hoodies’ exaggerated it and made the public fear them - lead to an increase in hoodie sales
Give an evaluation of Jock Young’s theory
Ignores those who reject labels
Give an evaluation of Stan Cohen’s theory
Doesn’t explain the initial act of deviance
Give an evaluation of Fawbert’s theory
Seen as sympathetic/bias to the W/C youths
Explain the Post-Modernist Luke and Luke’s theory
Cultural hybridity - youth is no longer local/national, media means youth culture is less divided
Explain the Post-Modernist Maffesoli’s theory
Youth culture no longer exist, neo tribes made up of people who have similar interests, doesn’t depend on class etc
Give an evaluation of Post-Modernists
Doesn’t give a solution to the issues youths face
Give an evaluation of Osgerby’s theory
Backed up by the NUS study, girls are
Explain how the media influences youth culture (15)
Jock Young
Stan Cohen
Explain why youth cultures are masculine (15)
Albert Cohen
Explain the meaning of Neo-Tribes (15)
Luke and Luke
Katz and Lyng
Explain why young people join gangs (15)
Katz and Lyng
Albert Cohen
Explain why youth is seen as a social construction (15)
Jock Young
Stan Cohen
Why youth is seen as functional (15)
Albert Cohen
The meaning of spectacular subcultures (15)
Phil Cohen
Hall and Jefferson
Name the sociologists of nationality
Phil Cohen
Explain Nayyar’s theory
‘Othering’ - forming identities based on what we are not
Explain Modood’s theory
Says ‘othering’ occurs when far right nationalist groups blame ethnic minorities for societal problems and target working class groups with this
Explain how Phil Cohen’s theory links to nationality
Skinheads were resisting against the decline in W/C communities and the British culture and were known to be violent and racist towards ethnic minorities
Name the sociologists of nationality
Phil Cohen
Explain Nayyar’s theory
‘Othering’ - forming identities based on what we are not
Explain Modood’s theory
Says ‘othering’ occurs when far right nationalist groups blame ethnic minorities for societal problems and target working class groups with this
Explain how Phil Cohen’s theory links to nationality
Skinheads were resisting against the decline in W/C communities and the British culture and were known to be violent and racist towards ethnic minorities
Name the sociologists of nationality
Phil Cohen
Explain Nayyar’s theory
‘Othering’ - forming identities based on what we are not
Explain Modood’s theory
Says ‘othering’ occurs when far right nationalist groups blame ethnic minorities for societal problems and target working class groups with this
Explain how Phil Cohen’s theory links to nationality
Skinheads were resisting against the decline in W/C communities and the British culture and were known to be violent and racist towards ethnic minorities