Yorkshire Dales Flashcards
4 land uses in Yorkshire dales
•hill sheep farming
Benefits of hillsheep farming
•short growing season
•sturdy hooves can cope on rocky ground
•little water got plants to grow
•Woolley coats for cold wetter climate
3 Benefits of quarrying
•limestone is easy to blast, shape and use for building
•needed for cement and chemical industries so limestone is valuable
•gritstone from YDNP with limestone is used for aggregate is used for road surfaces
3 benefits of tourism in YD
•unusual limestone features attract tourists
•soaps eg. emmerdale encourage tourism
•hill walking
4 benefits of forestry
•trees can be planted on thin soil eg coniferous
•cooler climate for trees
•roots bind soil eg soil erosion
•trees absorb water preventing river floods
Conflict farmers vs tourists
4 Problems 4solutions
•dropping litter - choking
•gates left open - escapees
•dogs chase sheep -worrying
•crops trampled -money loss
•no bin policy -take home
•self closing gates
•education signs dog leads
•staying off areas
Conflicts tourists vs quarriers
3problems 3solutions
•noise of blasting - stops peace
•Lorrie’s clog narrow roads
•ruins landscape
•limit blasting +transport times
•plant trees to screen quarry
•restore nature when finished
tourists vs environmentalists
3 problems 3 solutions
•footpath erosion - scars
•wildlife habitats disturbed
•traffic congestion-pollution
•stone paths stop erosion
•dales bike bus cycling
•farmers use field for parking
Conflicts farmers vs quarriers
3 problems 2 solutions
•dust settles on crops limiting growth
•noise can scare animals
•dust pollutes drinking water
•spray water during blasting to dampen dust
•cover Lorrie’s to stop dust flying out