Rural Flashcards
When farmers branch out into other activities on their farm
Examples of diversification
•sunflower farming
•bison farming
•cowboy ranch holidays
3 advantages of diversification
3 disadvantages
•new way to make money
•unreliable farming few leavers
•sunflrs grow in dry conditions
•time consuming expensive
•tourists =pollution
•footpath erosion
New technology
•increased mechanisation
•fertilisers pesticides
3 advantages of new technology
3 disadvantages
•less physical work
•less wages to pay
•increased yeild
•fewer jobs available
•habitats lost to fit machines
•expensive + repairs
Organic farming
When farmers don’t apply artificial fertilisers and pesticides
3 advantages of organic farming
3 disadvantages
•no leaching fertilisers
•less fuel money
•more sustainable
•expensive crops low yeild
•more labour intensive
•poisonous plants can harm animals
Government policies
Subsidies- money given to leave land or grow certain crops
US farm bill- stops farmers converting grassland to crops
3advantages of government policy
2 disadvantages
•income guarantee
•reduces over production
•protects soil from overuse
•farmers paid to produce nowt
•large payments could be spent elsewhere
Genetically modified crops
Crop or animal which is scientifically altered to improve it eg. Higher yeild , pest resistant
3 advantages of GM crops
3 disadvantages
•high yeild reduces hunger
•high profit resisting pests
•GM withstand harsh conditions
•HYV need a lot of fert+pest =pollution + expensive
•HYV need reliable water =costly + damaged ecosystem
•HYV seeds expensive so poor farmers don’t benefit
New technology examples
New machinery- small tractor
Modern irrigation-dams
Green houses- control climate
Irrigation- carry water to fields
3 advantages
3 disadvantages of new technology in kerala
•irrigation allows multiple harvests
•less physical work -machines
•need for machinery creates jobs
•soil quality decreases
•fewer jobs -mechanisation
•machines expensive to buy+repair
Biofuels examples
Sugar cane
3 advantages And 3 disadvantages of biofuels in kerala
•can grow in poor soil where crops can’t
•reduces soil erosion
•less pollution
•industry reluctant as fossil fuel’s readily available
•jatropha uses a lot of water
•process from plant to fuel uses a lot of energy