Yokley and Glenwick (1984)- procedure, materials Flashcards
Describe the procedure of the study.
- General prompt group
- Specific prompt group
- Increased access group
- Monetary incentive group
- (Contact) control group
- (No-contact) control group
- Follow-up measures
- Checks
Can you describe the general prompt group (Stage 1)?
Families (195) in this group recieved mailed prompts with
* GENERAL immunisation information.
* Urging parents to get their children’s immunisations up to date)
* No specific or personal information
Can you describe the specific prompt group (Stage 2)?
Families (190) in this group recieved specific prompts
* With target childs name
* Specific immunisations they required
* Clinic’s location and hours
Can you describe the increased clinic hours group (Stage 3)?
- Families (185) in this group recieved mailed prompts with
- Specific prompts
- Info about extra out-of-hours sessions at the clinic
- free childcare facillities avalible for full sessions
What was the monetary incentive offered?
- Cash prize draw/lottery
- $100, $50, and $25
How did the cash prize draw/lottery work?
1) A ticket was given to familes when they took their children for their immunisation.
2) The ticket was then placed in the clinics lottery box.
3) The cash prizes were awarded after the intervention period.
Can you describe the monetary incentive group (Stage 4)?
- Families (183) in this group were given:
- specific prompts
- Information about a cash lottery that offered 3 cash prizes ($100, $50, and $25).
How many control groups were there?
- Contact control group
- No-contact control group
Can you describe the CONTACT control group (Stage 5)?
- Recieved telephone contact REQUESTING info about immunisations and demographics.
- NO mailed prompts.
Can you describe the NO-contact control group (Stage 6)?
- Not contacted at ALL during the study
Describe the follow-up measures taken?
- The immediate effect of the methods, were measured after 2 weeks.
- Another follow-up measure occured 2 and 3 months later.
Why did the researchers preform checks?
To ensure the accuracy of
1. The (written) specific prompts.
2. Names and adresses
3. Immunisations given.
How were the checks preformed?
Random sample of (specific) prompts (10% checked)
1. Prompts are generally accurate (93%).
2. Names and addresses are perfect (100%).
3. Immunization data needs the most improvement (80%).
Out of all the prompts, a random 10% were checked.