Yoga Philosophy Flashcards
The 3 Gunas
- Satva
- Tamas
- Rajas
5 Causes of Suffering (according to Vedanta)
- Not knowing who we are
- Attachment
- Aversion
- Identifying with the ego and creating separate identities
- Fear of death
The Five Points of Yoga
- Asanas
- Pranayama
- Savasana
- Vegetarian/Sattvic Diet
- Positive thinking and Meditation
Four Paths of Yoga
- Gyana Yoga (to think)
- Karma Yoga (to act)
- Bhakti Yoga (to feel)
- Raja Yoga (to be still)
4 Forms of Pratyahara
- Indriya Pratyahara (control of the senses)
- Karma Pratyahara (control of action)
- Prana Pratyahara (control of vital energy)
- Mano Pratyahara (withdrawal of the mind from the senses)
What is Gyana Yoga?
- The path of knowledge and wisdom
- Uses the mind to inquire its own nature
- Achieve enlightenment through deep inquiry into what is real and what is not
How does a Gyana Yogi reach enlightenment?
- Through deep inquiry into what is real and what is not
- Deep self-study, inquiry and reflection
Which type of yogi does the following?
- Studies spiritual texts
- Reads the words of the Great Masters
- Asks: Who am I? What is my purpose?
- Is mindful of the surrounding world
- Listens, reflects and contemplates
- Practices discernment and detachment
- Meditates, takes time each day to be silent
Gyana Yogi
What does a Gyana Yogi do?
- Studies spiritual texts
- Reads the words of the Great Masters
- Asks: Who am I? What is my purpose?
- Is mindful of the surrounding world
- Listens, reflects and contemplates
- Practices discernment and detachment
- Meditates, takes time each day to be silent
3 Examples of Gyana Yogis
- Ramana Maharshi
- Patanjali
- Veda Vyasa
What type of yogis were the following people?
- Ramana Maharshi
- Patanjali
- Veda Vyasa
Gyana Yogis
What is Karma Yoga?
- Performing action without attachment to the outcome (no expectation of personal gain or recognition)
- Not only doing the right thing, but the act of achieving perfection in that action, and accepting whatever the outcome
*All action is seen as an offering to the Divine and thus performed as selfless service (seva).
What type of yoga is the following?
- Performing action without attachment to the outcome.
- Not only doing the right thing, but the act of achieving perfection in that action, and accepting whatever the outcome
Karma Yoga
Name 5 Karma Yogis
- Mother Theresa
- Mahatma Ghandi
- Swami Vivekanda\
- Swami Sivananda
- Rumi
What type of yogis are the following people?
- Mother Theresa
- Mahatma Ghandi
- Swami Vivekanda\
- Swami Sivananda
- Rumi
Karma Yogis
What does a Karma Yogi do?
- Lives life with passion, but dispassionate about the outcomes
- Effortless and grateful in all things
- Has a loving, friendly nature
- Is sympathetic, compassionate and tolerant
- Rejoices in the success and happiness of others
- Feels neither above nor beneath anyone
- Speaks and acts truthfully
- Bears compliments, insults, pain and pleasure equally
- Is fearless
- Is adaptable to any situation
What type of yogi does this describe?:
- Lives life with passion, but dispassionate about the outcomes
- Effortless and grateful in all things
- Has a loving, friendly nature
- Is sympathetic, compassionate and tolerant
- Rejoices in the success and happiness of others
- Feels neither above nor beneath anyone
- Speaks and acts truthfully
- Bears compliments, insults, pain and pleasure equally
- Is fearless
- Is adaptable
Karma Yogi
What is Bhakti Yoga?
- The yoga of devotion, ultimately to the Divine
- Path of love which removes jealousy, hatred, lust, anger, pride, egoism, and arrogance
- Chanting matras, offerings, prayers, kirtan, devotional rituals
Name one bhakti yogi
Akka Mahadevi
What type of yogi is Akka Mahadevi?
Bhakti Yogi
What does a Bhakti Yogi do?
- Asks “what is it that I long for at the deepest level of my being?
- Purifies and transforms egotistical self-love by focusing the mind in sacred thoughts, transfers all love and emotions into the Divine essence that permeates all
- Is pure in thoughts, words and actions
- Looks for the Divinity in the ordinary
- Honours and respects all life
Purifies the heart through devotion
Sings, dances, chants, and listens to Divine verses - Surrenders to being open to everything
What type of Yogi does the following? - Purifies and transforms egotistical self-love by focusing the mind in sacred thoughts, transfers all love and emotions into the Divine essence that permeates all- Asks "what is it that I long for at the deepest level of my being? - Is pure in thoughts, words and actions - Looks for the Divinity in the ordinary - Honours and respects all life Purifies the heart through devotion Sings, dances, chants, and listens to Divine verses - Surrenders to being open to everything
Bhakti Yogi
What is Raja Yoga?
- The “Royal Path”
- The science of controlling body and mind
- Connection with the Divine is obscured by the disturbances of the mind - if we still the mind, the Divine Self with shine forth
- 8 limbs
- Main practice = silent meditation
- Believe only what you find out for yourself through direct experience
Which type of yoga involves the following:
- The “Royal Path”
- The science of controlling body and mind
- Connection with the Divine is obscured by the disturbances of the mind - if we still the mind, the Divine Self with shine forth
- 8 limbs
- Main practice = silent meditation
- Believe only what you find out for yourself through direct experience
Raja Yoga
Name 5 Raja Yogis
- Patanjali
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
- Krishnamacharya
- Pattabhi Jois
- B.K.S. Iyengar
What type of yogi are the following people?
- Patanjali
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
- Krishnamacharya
- Pattabhi Jois
- B.K.S. Iyengar
Raja Yogis
What does a Raja Yogi do?
- Maintains balance in sleep, diet, lifestyle, and work
- Is in harmony with nature’s rhythms
- Is pure and nonjudgemental
- Takes responsibility for his/her life
- Takes control over their emotions and remains free from worries
- Avoids distractions
- Trains the mind through techniques of meditation
What type of yogi does the following?:
- Maintains balance in sleep, diet, lifestyle, and work
- Is in harmony with nature’s rhythms
- Is pure and nonjudgemental
- Takes responsibility for his/her life
- Takes control over their emotions and remains free from worries
- Avoids distractions
- Trains the mind through techniques of meditation
Raja Yogi
What are the 8 Limbs of yoga?
- Yamas
- Niyamas
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi
What are the 5 Rules of Behaviour in the Yamas
- AHIMSA - Non-violence
- SATYA - Truthfulness
- ASTEYA - Non-stealing
- BRAMACHARYA - Celibacy/restraint and control of sexual energy/managing sensory cravings
- APARIGRAHA - Non-materialism
What is Ahimsa?
- First Yama
- Not to harm or wish any harm upon any sentient being
- Respect = main element of Ahimsa
- Intent rather than action itself
- Attitude of universal benevolence
Yamas - Ahimsa
How do we harm/perform violence?
- Negative thoughts
- Being unforgiving
- Unrealistic expectations of yourself
- Taking on too much responsibility
- Being over-controlling
- Acting out of fear
- Resenting others
How can we incorporate Ahimsa?
- Vegetarianism/Veganism
- Compassion and respect toward all beings
- Letting go of reacting in negative ways
- Encourage feelings of kindness and acceptance
- Approach your yoga practice with kindness and intention
- Observe non-violence in your thoughts
- Avoid harmful language
- Avoid interupting another’s spiritual progress
What are the Yamas?
5 Rules of Behaviour which purify one’s mind and behaviour
Yamas: How can we practice Satya?
- Don’t make assumptions
- Listen to your inner experience/wisdom
- Be aware of hyperbolic language - be truthful about reality
- Don’t sacrifice kindness for unpressing honesty
- Notice your limiting beliefs about yourself and others
- Notice when you deny yourself your desires or lie about them
- Look out for victimising yourself
- Acknowledge your sources
- Be comfortable with your truth
- Be authentic
- Be observant, not judgemental
- Give clear requests
Which Yama discusses Truthfulness?
Which Yama discusses not harming?
Which Yama discusses not stealing?
Which Yama discusses celibacy/retraint/managing sensory cravings?
Which Yama discusses non materialism?