Yoga Medicine Questions Flashcards
As a teacher, when teaching the chakras, it is key for you to have your students take the time to notice where they are starting from.
Bandhas mudras support & direct the flow of energy during yoga practice.
Drishti means ______.
focal point
In Anjaneyasana (crescent lunge), the following cues all aim to support the lumbar: sacrum lengthens toward floor; cinch waist;front ribs back toward spine.
In Ardha chandrasana (half moon pose), the standing leg/hip is externally rotated.
In backbends, the pelvis should be anteriorly tilted.
In Chaturanga (low push up) the biceps are eccentrically contracting.
In general, when cueing you will exhale with opening &; expanding, lifting the arms, &; rising against gravity.
In Indian philosophy, the Vedas &; Upanishads are considered to be of lesser authority than the Bhagavad Gita.
In order to stabilize the shoulder, you must stabilize the ______.
Scapula and the humeral head
In Upavistha konasana (wide-angle seated forward bend), which of the following is lengthening/stretching the most?
Semimembranosus and; semitendinosus
In Utthita trikonasana (extended triangle or triangle), you are looking for Tadasana alignment in the torso.
In Vasisthasana (side plank), it is important to:
a) Hug your femurs into their sockets.
b) Hug your shoulder into
c) Press the floor away.
d) Slightly extend the
thoracic spine.
e) All of the above
f) b &;; c only
In Virabhadrasana A (warrior 1), the feet are on a heel-to-heel intersection, or on a tightrope.
In Virabhadrasana B (warrior 2), the front leg is internally rotated &; the back leg is externally rotated.
In Virabhadrasana B (warrior 2), the pelvis must be square to the long edge of the mat.
In Vrksasana (tree), the bent knee should be pointing:
Incorporating visualization techniques into your meditation or yoga practice taps into which chakra?
Ajna - the 6th chakra
Many schools of Indian philosophy contrast two aspects of existence: Purusha &; Prakriti; Purusha is described as being changeless &; eternal, consciousness, non-doing or witnessing.
Poses that stretch Gluteus Medius include ______.
Cow Face Pose/Gomukhasana stretches the outer hip (abductor) muscles, including the gluteus medius.
Parsvottanasana (pyramid) will primarily stretch ______.
Starting with the deepest layer, which of the following are the layers of the joint?
Bone, cartilage, joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, deep muscles, superficial muscles
The diaphragm is the primary muscle of relaxed breathing.
The essence of Patanjali’s Sutra, the “two wings” of yoga practice, are ______.
Diligent practice &; nonattachment
The fascia creates a continuous web of support that connects &; covers every muscle, nerve, blood vessel, bone &; organ from head to toe.
The gluteus maximus must vigorously contract in backbends.
The hyaline/articular cartilage has very little direct blood supply &; no nerve innervation.
The ida &; pingala nadis spiral around sushumna, crossing each other at each chakra. Through pranayama practices, such as alternate-nostril breathing, we can bring balance &; equilibrium to the nadis &; our energy bodies.
The ligaments contain important sensory nerves to protect from over-stretching.
The lower arm in Gomukhasana arms (cow face) stretches what primarily?
The primary function of the rotator cuff is to:
Stabilize the humeral head.
The primary movement of the serratus anterior is ______.
The function of the serratus anterior muscle is to allow the forward rotation of the arm and to pull the scapula forward and around the rib cage.
The psoas is the only muscle that connects the spine to the leg.
To stretch the external rotators (including piriformis) you must take the hip into external rotation &; flexion as you would in double pigeon.
What are some qualities of Pitta?
Hot; Sharp or penetrating; Light; Liquid; Spreading
What are the 3 major alignment cues for twisting standing poses?
Square hips, cinch waist, twist from thoracic spine
What elements make up Kapha?
Earth &; water
What elements make up Vata?
Air &; space
What is the best modification for someone with wrist issues in Vasisthasana (side plank)?
Forearm on the floor
What is the direct English translation of “Ayurveda”?
Life Knowledge
What is the most refined state of Vata that animates &; enlivens us?
When teaching a class to balance Muladhara, the best poses to include in your sequence would be _____.
Hip openers
Which is usually the most accessible stretch for the external rotators of the hip?
Figure 4
Which muscle is of primary importance when transitioning through a sun salute to support/protect the lumbar spine?
transversus abdominis has the biggest job
Which muscle is primarily responsible for the action of knitting/drawing the front ribs back in something like crescent lunge or virabhadrasana A (warrior 1)?
Which muscle is the primary stabilizer of the pelvis when standing on one leg?
The muscles that play a great role in stabilization include gluteus medius, gluteus maximus
Which muscle supports the lumbar spine & can be active through most of the practice because it is not dependent on the movement or position of the body?
Transverse abdominis
Which muscles create the 3 pillars of deep support for the lumbar spine?
Transversus Abdominis (TA) Multifidus (MF) Pelvic Floor (PF)
Which muscles function to stabilize the scapula?
Rhomboids &; serratus anterior
Which of the following are the movements of the spine?
Flexion, extension, rotation, lateral flexion
Which one of these is NOT an alignment principle for Urdhva mukha svanasana (upward facing dog)?
Tighten glutes
Which pose is best to activate/strengthen piriformis?
Virabhadrasana B (warrior 2)
Which pose is the most specific to target a stretch in the adductors?
These muscles include the pectineus, gracilis, adductor longus, brevis, and magnus.
Which Pranayama practice is NOT contraindicated during pregnancy?
Ujjayi breath in a prenatal yoga practice provides breath awareness and practice in preparation for delivery
Which verbal cue could you give a student to help them square their hips in Parsvottanasana (pyramid)?
Reestablish the extension of your left leg and see if you can broaden and lengthen the back of your upper left thigh on the floor. Each time you move your right leg closer toward your torso, pull the right hip down toward the floor and away from your head
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “Yuj”, which means to yoke, join or unite.
Which style of yoga seeks to ‘uncoil’ a snake, or serpent at the base of the spine through a series of poses, pranayama, sounds, and meditation?
Kundalini Yoga
Which style of yoga encompasses many different genres, but is known for its focus on a ‘flow’ between different postures?
Vinyasa Yoga
Which style of yoga came from a background of martial arts and Taoist philosophy?
Which style of yoga is typically considered the basis of many other yoga styles, combining the use of deep breathing and different postures to achieve a meditative state?
Hatha Yoga
In Sanskrit, this word translates into “Strong, Willful, or Forceful”.
The psoas is an important postural and structural muscle in the body because which of the following?
Spans a large section of the body
Plays a role in pelvic movement
It supports and surrounds the spine
The iliopsoas muscle is made of which two muscles in the body?
Psoas major muscle
Iliacus muscle
The psoas major muscle connects at the body of the vertebrae, beginning at which vertebrae?
The psoas major muscles attaches at vetebrae T-12 to L4 and _________________________?
Lesser trochanter
The psoas major muscle flexes the hip joint.
The psoas muscle surrounds and supports the
Tension in which muscle will be the LEAST likely to be a limiting factor for students in backbends with the arms overhead, like dancers or wheel pose?
Latissimus dorsi
In Vasisthasana (side plank), it is important to:
Hug shoulder into socket & Press the floor away
Garudasana (eagle) requires:
Flexion of the hip, abduction of the hip, & abduction of the arms.
In backbends, the pelvis should be anteriorly tilted.
In Vrksasana (tree), the bent knee should be pointing:
To the side only as much as you can while keeping the pelvis facing forward.
Parsvottanasana (pyramid) will primarily stretch ______.
Semimembranosus & semitendinosus
Tension in which of the following muscles will affect respiration the LEAST?
Which muscle is of primary importance when transitioning through a sun salute to support/protect the lumbar spine?
Transverse abdominis
Which pose is the most specific to target a stretch in the adductors?
Paschimottanasana (western intense stretch or seated forward fold)
In Ardha chandrasana (half moon pose), the standing leg/hip is externally rotated.
Which muscle is the primary stabilizer of the pelvis when standing on one leg?
Gluteus medius
Poses that stretch Gluteus Medius include
Supine twist, Gomukhasana, Ardha matsyendrasana
Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga, which lead progressively to liberation, include ______.
Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana & Samadhi
Which muscles create the 3 pillars of deep support for the lumbar spine?
Quadratus lumborum, erector spinae & transverse abdominis
Which muscle is primarily responsible for the action of knitting/drawing the front ribs back in something like crescent lunge or virabhadrasana A (warrior 1)?
Upper rectus abdominis
The primary movement of the serratus anterior is ______.
Scapular protraction
In Virabhadrasana B (warrior 2), the pelvis must be square to the long edge of the mat.
In Chaturanga (low push up) the biceps are eccentrically contracting.
What are some qualities of Pitta?
Spreading, oily, hot, & sharp
Contraindications for Eka pada rajakapotasana (pigeon) include ______.
Hip labral tears, Sciatica-like symptoms, Knee pain or injuries
Which muscle supports the lumbar spine & can be active through most of the practice because it is not dependent on the movement or position of the body?
Transverse abdominis
The gluteus maximus must vigorously contract in backbends.