Yi Unit 5 Flashcards
Abolition Movement 5.1
The abolition movement was a movement to end the Atlantic slave trade and free all the enslaved people. Before slavery was banned, the slave trade was banned. As a result of the slave trade’s end, slavery declined.
LO: The Enlightenment allowed for thinking and knowledge to come from reason and other secular reasons, rather than coming from religion and traditions. It also allowed for revolutions all across the Atlantic world and allowed for countries to rise up against the absolute powers in their countries and become independent ones.
Empiricism 5.1
Empiricism is the idea that sensed experiences and what you observe through those experiences is the basis of knowledge. Francis Bacon emphasized empiricism and based his work on the observation of natural data rather than tradition or religion. LO: The intellectual and ideological context in which revolutions swept the Atlantic world from 1750 to 1900 is the concept of enlightenment. As the Enlightenment swept across countries, it promoted natural rights and allowed for questions to rise about the legitimacy of an absolute government, religion, and class systems.
Enlightenment 5.1
Enlightenment is the period of time in the 17th and 18th centuries where there was a shift in society from tradition and community value to reason, individualism, freedom, and self-determination. LO: The intellectual and ideological context in which revolutions swept the Atlantic world from 1750 to 1900 is the concept of enlightenment. As the Enlightenment swept across countries, it promoted natural rights and allowed for questions to rise about the legitimacy of an absolute government, religion, and class systems.
Suffrage Movement (include Wollstonecraft and Seneca Falls) 5.1
The suffrage movement was a movement to allow for women to have equal rights and the ability to vote. Seneca Falls was a convention that was held to promote women’s rights, and demand that women should be allowed to vote, hold office, own property, manage their own income, and be the legal guardians of their children. Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the first advocates for women’s rights and fought for universal education.
LO: The Enlightenment allowed for thinking and knowledge to come from reason and other secular reasons, rather than coming from religion and traditions. It also allowed for revolutions all across the Atlantic world and allowed for countries to rise up against the absolute powers in their countries and become independent ones.
American Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
The American Revolution was a revolution that fought for America’s independence from Britain. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was created that expressed how Britain was depriving them of their unalienable rights. in 1783, the colonists won the war with help from France.
LO: One cause and effect of the various revolutions in the period from 1750 to 1900 is the rise of nationalism that allowed for France to rise up against the absolute monarchy and have a revolution for a more constitutional revolution. Another cause is that the concept of enlightenment led to the Latin America revolts because they wanted to have a different social hierarchy where creoles had the same social status as peninsulares.
Bolivar Revolutions (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
The Bolivar Revolution was a revolution led by Simon Bolivar, mainly for creoles in South America to have the same prestige on the hierarchy as the peninsulares. After Simon Bolivar’s conquests, he created a large area called Gran Columbia. He hoped it would be a federation with enlightenment ideals. He wrote the Jamaica Letter to outline his goals and ambitions for his new federation.
LO: One cause and effect of the various revolutions in the period from 1750 to 1900 is the rise of nationalism that allowed for France to rise up against the absolute monarchy and have a revolution for a more constitutional revolution. Another cause is that the concept of enlightenment led to the Latin America revolts because they wanted to have a different social hierarchy where creoles had the same social status as peninsulares.
Classical Liberalism (include John Stuart Mill) 5.2
Classical Liberalism was a new belief during the enlightenment era that highlighted natural rights, constitutional government, laissez-faire economics, an reduced spending on armies and churches. John Stuart Mill was a British philosopher who was the founder of another belief called utilitarianism. Utilitarianism called for the greatest good for the greatest amount of people, and viewed themselves as advocates for gradual reform.
LO: One cause and effect of the various revolutions in the period from 1750 to 1900 is the rise of nationalism that allowed for France to rise up against the absolute monarchy and have a revolution for a more constitutional revolution. Another cause is that the concept of enlightenment led to the Latin America revolts because they wanted to have a different social hierarchy where creoles had the same social status as peninsulares.
French Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
The French Revolution was a revolution that fought for establishing a constitutional monarchy. Before this, King Louis XVI had established an absolute monarchy that had absolute control over the government and economy. People like Marquis De Lafayette led the revolution towards a constitutional monarchy. On July 14, 1789, a crowd of people stormed the Bastille, a place that symbolized the abuse of the monarchy, and allowed for more revolts and uprisings within the country. The king was forced to accept a new government with the National Assembly in charge.
LO: One cause and effect of the various revolutions in the period from 1750 to 1900 is the rise of nationalism that allowed for France to rise up against the absolute monarchy and have a revolution for a more constitutional revolution. Another cause is that the concept of enlightenment led to the Latin America revolts because they wanted to have a different social hierarchy where creoles had the same social status as peninsulares.
Haitian Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
The Haitian Revolution was a revolution that fought for freeing the enslaved people of Haiti and independence from France. Enslaved Africans began to rebel against their owners, and with the help of the Maroon Society, they were able to win back their independence as a result of a slave uprising. Toussaint L’Ouverture joined the revolts in 1791 and led the general rebellion against slavery. In 1804, Jean-Jacques Dessalines led Haiti to declare permanent independence.
LO: One cause and effect of the various revolutions in the period from 1750 to 1900 is the rise of nationalism that allowed for France to rise up against the absolute monarchy and have a revolution for a more constitutional revolution. Another cause is that the concept of enlightenment led to the Latin America revolts because they wanted to have a different social hierarchy where creoles had the same social status as peninsulares.
Nationalism (include German, Italian, and Argentinian) 5.2
Nationalism is the concept of loyalty towards those who share the same culture and language as one’s self. It led to the breaking up of empires and formations of individual governments. In Italy, nationalism led to the unification of the entire Italian Peninsula. In Germany, nationalism led to revolutions and a desire for independence. In Argentina, nationalism led to an increase in immigration because of poverty in Italy.
LO: One cause and effect of the various revolutions in the period from 1750 to 1900 is the rise of nationalism that allowed for France to rise up against the absolute monarchy and have a revolution for a more constitutional revolution. Another cause is that the concept of enlightenment led to the Latin America revolts because they wanted to have a different social hierarchy where creoles had the same social status as peninsulares.
Causes of Industrialization 5.3
A cause of industrialization is the creation of new technologies that began to reshape and change the way society worked. There was also the enclosure movement, which caused many farmers to move to inner cities to find jobs, in turn resulting in the urbanization of many cities.
LO: Environmental factors that contributed to industrialization from 1750 to 1900 is that Britain is an island nation located on the Atlantic, so they have easy access to water. They also had control over American colonies and India and had coal deposits that help to provide energy for new inventions like steam engines. There was also an increase in iron production that was used in steel production to build new things like larger bridges, stronger ships, and taller buildings. Britain also has a lot of rivers, which allows for cheaper transportation for easier distribution.
Factory System 5.3
A factory system is a system where interchangeable parts were created using an assembly line, therefore creating more of a product and being able to produce and distribute more. It led to a loss of individuality within factory workers because they were skilled people who were forced to work menial jobs.
LO: Environmental factors that contributed to industrialization from 1750 to 1900 is that Britain is an island nation located on the Atlantic, so they have easy access to water. They also had control over American colonies and India and had coal deposits that help to provide energy for new inventions like steam engines. There was also an increase in iron production that was used in steel production to build new things like larger bridges, stronger ships, and taller buildings. Britain also has a lot of rivers, which allows for cheaper transportation for easier distribution.
Industrialization 5.4
Industrialization is a change in society that was caused by an increase in technological innovations, which led to the mechanization of production.
LO: Different modes and locations of production developed and changed over time by the development of factories and factory systems rather than having cottage industries. There were also exchangeable parts, so the manufacturing of these products became more efficient and consistent. There was also a change of production and manufacturing after imperialization with textiles because India and Egypt were now the main producers of cotton and textiles, not Britain.
Fossil Fuels Revolution 5.5
The Fossil fuels Revolution was a change in industrialization that was caused by the use of fossil fuels like coal to power technological innovations like steam engines, resulting in the birth of large industrial cities.
LO: Technology shaped economical production over time by helping to advance the industrial revolution, advancing transportation, and utilizing the existing resources like fossil fuels and coal. Inventions and machinery like the steamships and transcontinental railroad allowed for faster and advanced transportations and opened up advances in communication.
Industrial Communication (include Railroad, Steamship, and Telegraph) 5.5
Industrial Communications were developments in technology that allowed for communication during the industrial revolution. The telephone and telegraph allowed for communication over longer distances. Railroads allowed for industrialization to grow in the US because of the connection between the East and West coasts. Steamships allowed for the birth of industrial cities because it being able to travel and bring factories with them.
LO: Technology shaped economical production over time by helping to advance the industrial revolution, advancing transportation, and utilizing the existing resources like fossil fuels and coal. Inventions and machinery like the steamships and transcontinental railroad allowed for faster and advanced transportations and opened up advances in communication.
Internal Combustion Engine 5.5
Internal combustion engines are innovations from the industrial revolution that allowed for different types of transportation like trains and cars to be created and utilized.
LO: Technology shaped economical production over time by helping to advance the industrial revolution, advancing transportation, and utilizing the existing resources like fossil fuels and coal. Inventions and machinery like the steamships and transcontinental railroad allowed for faster and advanced transportations and opened up advances in communication.
Second Industrial Revolution 5.5
The second industrial revolution was a new wave of innovations that included steel, chemicals, precision machinery, and electronics.
LO: Technology shaped economical production over time by helping to advance the industrial revolution, advancing transportation, and utilizing the existing resources like fossil fuels and coal. Inventions and machinery like the steamships and transcontinental railroad allowed for faster and advanced transportations and opened up advances in communication.
Steam Engine 5.5
The steam engine was an innovation created during the industrial revolution. Steam engines used coal to power and create steam to generate electricity. Steam engines brought on the birth of large industrial colonies. This is because steam was being used for both industry and transportation and factories can move to other places, not just by a river.
LO: Technology shaped economical production over time by helping to advance the industrial revolution, advancing transportation, and utilizing the existing resources like fossil fuels and coal. Inventions and machinery like the steamships and transcontinental railroad allowed for faster and advanced transportations and opened up advances in communication.
Meiji Restoration 5.6
The Meiji Restoration was a period of time where shogunates were abolished and a government was formed to strengthen the country against foreign influences. It was a time where the emperor was brought back to power.
LO: Some causes of economic strategies in different states and empires were the rapid industrialization of European countries and the upcoming idea of imperialism. Some effects of this were the industrialization of countries to counteract imperialization and the adoption of western standards. For example, in Japan, the US opened up Japan’s economy, causing them to industrialize and start a period of Meiji Restoration.
Muhammad Ali 5.6
Muhammad Ali was considered the first ruler of Egypt, who focused on starting to industrialize Egypt and focused on nationalizing the cotton industry to compete with Europe. They worked to bring in the Suez Canal (creates a direct water route from the Mediterranean Sea into the Indian Ocean without having to go around Africa).
LO: Some causes of economic strategies in different states and empires were the rapid industrialization of European countries and the upcoming idea of imperialism. Some effects of this were the industrialization of countries to counteract imperialization and the adoption of western standards. For example, in Japan, the US opened up Japan’s economy, causing them to industrialize and start a period of Meiji Restoration.
Capitalism (include Adam Smith) 5.7
Capitalism is an economic system where factories and other ways of production were privately owned and managed for profit. Adam Smith was an influential scholar during the Enlightenment and his ideas provided the base for capitalism. He believed that if society was able to choose what they wanted in their economic decisions, the “invisible hand” of the market would guide them to make choices in favor of society.
LO: Some developments in economic systems were the idea of capitalism and the theory of laissez-faire where individuals are able to control their own economy and politics without the interference and control by the state. This caused a rapid change from mercantilism where the empire had full control, to a society where the people and private corporations and control. There was also an increase of joint-stock companies, transnational corporations, and banking companies like the Hong Kong Banking Corporatin and the United Fruit Company.
Stock Market 5.7
A stock market is a result of new ways of organizing businesses during the industrial revolution. Stockholders own parts of corporations and usually purchase these parts through stock markets.
LO: Some developments in economic systems were the idea of capitalism and the theory of laissez-faire where individuals are able to control their own economy and politics without the interference and control by the state. This caused a rapid change from mercantilism where the empire had full control, to a society where the people and private corporations and control. There was also an increase of joint-stock companies, transnational corporations, and banking companies like the Hong Kong Banking Corporatin and the United Fruit Company.
Transnational Business (include United Fruit Company and HSBC) 5.7
Transnational companies are companies that work and operate across different borders and boundaries of several countries and nations. The HSBC is a transnational business that opened in Hong Kong and focused on finance, corporate investments, and global banking.
LO: Some developments in economic systems were the idea of capitalism and the theory of laissez-faire where individuals are able to control their own economy and politics without the interference and control by the state. This caused a rapid change from mercantilism where the empire had full control, to a society where the people and private corporations and control. There was also an increase of joint-stock companies, transnational corporations, and banking companies like the Hong Kong Banking Corporatin and the United Fruit Company.
Communism (must include founder) 5.8
Karl Marx’s ideology of communism changed society by eliminating social classes and hierarchy and making everyone equal. By having the government be in charge of giving housing and payment for everyone, Marx believed there wouldn’t be uprisings from factory workers and everyone would be on the same level.
LO: Some causes for calls for change in industrial societies from 1750-1900 are harsh working conditions and harsh treatment of workers and slaves. Some effects of there are labor unions and the abolition movement. The abolition movement called for change in labor systems and the freedom of all slaves. Labor unions were formed to counteract the harsh working conditions that were implemented in factories
Labor Unions 5.8
Labor unions were formations of workers that advocated for better working conditions and the right to bargain with employers. They were formed because of the low wages and harsh conditions that workers were working in without any say.
LO: Some causes for calls for change in industrial societies from 1750-1900 are harsh working conditions and harsh treatment of workers and slaves. Some effects of there are labor unions and the abolition movement. The abolition movement called for change in labor systems and the freedom of all slaves. Labor unions were formed to counteract the harsh working conditions that were implemented in factories
Self-Strengthening Movement 5.8
An emperor decides to do something called the 100 days of reform to combat corruption in government and European interference. They took what the Europeans did well (especially Prussia) like education and applied it to China. The thought was that the Chinese people are naturally superior. They abolished the civil service exam and did a lot of things to combat the lack of trust in the government. However, this will all be undone because the emperor’s aunt was very conservative and formed a coup to throw him in prison and take over the government.
LO: Some causes for calls for change in industrial societies from 1750-1900 are harsh working conditions and harsh treatment of workers and slaves. Some effects of there are labor unions and the abolition movement. The abolition movement called for change in labor systems and the freedom of all slaves. Labor unions were formed to counteract the harsh working conditions that were implemented in factories
Socialism (must include founder) 5.8
Proletarians will rise up and want to take over the government. Their solution to corruption is that they are gonna take all the factors of production (factors of the economy) put under the control of the government and workers to root out corruption (government rules the economy and businesses)
LO: Some causes for calls for change in industrial societies from 1750-1900 are harsh working conditions and harsh treatment of workers and slaves. Some effects of there are labor unions and the abolition movement. The abolition movement called for change in labor systems and the freedom of all slaves. Labor unions were formed to counteract the harsh working conditions that were implemented in factories
Taiping Rebellion 5.8
The Taiping rebellion is a rebellion that happened in between the Opium Wars. People were upset with the Qing Dynasty and Manchu rule and wanted to overthrow them. They thought that the Manchu was working together with the Europeans. The Europeans didn’t want the Manchu people to be overthrown because they already know how to manipulate them, so they helped the Manchu, further re-enforcing the narrative of Manch going against the Chinese revolt
LO: Some causes for calls for change in industrial societies from 1750-1900 are harsh working conditions and harsh treatment of workers and slaves. Some effects of there are labor unions and the abolition movement. The abolition movement called for change in labor systems and the freedom of all slaves. Labor unions were formed to counteract the harsh working conditions that were implemented in factories
Tanzimat Reforms 5.8
The Tanzimat reforms secularized education and created public schools, because before this, schools were run by the ulama (religious school under Islam), so they made it a secular school system with primary, secondary, and eventually colleges and universities that focused on key features of the Industrial Revolution that would allow them to interweave that into their government. They also relooked at all the Ottoman laws and codified them, created a criminal code, created different kinds of law codes, streamlined everything, took out a lot of religious influence, made it so all men were looked at as equal, and they regulated millets (local courts)
LO: Some causes for calls for change in industrial societies from 1750-1900 are harsh working conditions and harsh treatment of workers and slaves. Some effects of there are labor unions and the abolition movement. The abolition movement called for change in labor systems and the freedom of all slaves. Labor unions were formed to counteract the harsh working conditions that were implemented in factories
Cult of Domesticity 5.9
The cult of domesticity was the idea that women should stay home and make the house a place of refuge and retreat for their working husbands. Because of this, incredible stress was put on the lower class, who was living in the same city as the middle and upper classes. LO: Industrialization caused change in existing social hierarchies by introducing the idea od middle class workers who held jobs like managers and office workers. This led to the increase of leisure activities like movies and restaurants. Women and children in the lower class were required to work, as it was the only way for them to support their households and produce enough income, while women and children in the middle class started creating a cult of domesticity and the household became a place of retreat for the working husbands. The standards of living continued to separate further as the middle class got used to working shorter hours, while the lower class continued to struggle due to poor working and living conditions.
New Social Classes (include middle and industrial worker) 5.9
There was a new social class hierarchy based on wealth (the same one we use today) A brand new social class, the middle class, was formed. This included white-collar workers, managers, etc. Women and children in lower-class HAD to work, while middle-class women and children didn't have to work LO: Industrialization caused change in existing social hierarchies by introducing the idea od middle class workers who held jobs like managers and office workers. This led to the increase of leisure activities like movies and restaurants. Women and children in the lower class were required to work, as it was the only way for them to support their households and produce enough income, while women and children in the middle class started creating a cult of domesticity and the household became a place of retreat for the working husbands. The standards of living continued to separate further as the middle class got used to working shorter hours, while the lower class continued to struggle due to poor working and living conditions.
Urbanization 5.9
Urbanization was the result of society and people's everyday lives due to the industrial revolution. As the industrial revolution continued, more factories were built and more workers moved into the city to work in those factories. This caused the urbanization of the cities. LO: Industrialization caused change in existing social hierarchies by introducing the idea od middle class workers who held jobs like managers and office workers. This led to the increase of leisure activities like movies and restaurants. Women and children in the lower class were required to work, as it was the only way for them to support their households and produce enough income, while women and children in the middle class started creating a cult of domesticity and the household became a place of retreat for the working husbands. The standards of living continued to separate further as the middle class got used to working shorter hours, while the lower class continued to struggle due to poor working and living conditions.