Yellow Flashcards
Christian theology views creation(entailing everything that exists other than God) as a result of God’s spoken word
creatio ex nihilo
a Latin phrase that literally means “creation out of nothing
In christian anthropology *creationism refers to the theory that God creates a person’a soul directly
Creationism can also refer to a theory of the creation of the universe as having been accomplished in a literal 7 day week as recorded in the first chapters of Genesis
Derived from the Latin credo (I believe), a creed is a summary statement of Christian faith and belief
*biblical criticism is the attempt to interpret the Scriptures by uncovering the original meaning of the text, looking to the original historical setting in which it was written without reference to later theological traditions
Day of The Lord
Era of judgement where God judges through Christ
Deacon, Deaconess
Derived from the Greek diakoneo (to serve)
A term used in hermeneutics to describe the process of analyzing a particular representation of reality so as to offer a critique of how a text constructs a picture of reality
when god tells us to do something by making a plan
God created the universe but then left it to run it’s course on it’s own