Kingdom-Metaphysics Flashcards
God’s divine, kingly reign as proclaimed and inaugurated by Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection, and the subsequent outpouring of the Spirit into the world
a greek word meaning “fellowship” “communion” or “sharing together”
Law, Legalism
law means variously the OT in general, the Torah (esp. the Pentateuch), the 10 commandments or the several codes of conduct that identified Israel as set apart and in covenantal relationship with God, the Mosaic Law
desires to adapt religion to modern thought and culture
Liberation theology
1960’s in Latin America, liberation theologians emphasize the scriptural theme of liberation understood as the overcoming of poverty and oppression
Limited atonement
“particular redemption” the view that Jesus’ death secured salvation for only a limited number of persons (the elect) in contrast to the idea that the work of the cross is intended for all humankind
matter is all that matters
hebrew word meaning “anointed one”
the idea that there is an overwhelming all-embracing story of humankind into which all the more particular narratives fit creation-Fall-redemption- new creation is this all-embracing matanarrative
the philosophical exploration into the ultimate nature of really lying beyond the merely physical