O Flashcards
branch of *metaphysics concerned with the nature of being
Ontological Argument
argument for the existence of God that argues from the idea of God itself to the reality of God
Original Sin, Original Righteousness
state of alliance from god into which all humans are born…Adam’s sin affects all humans
“right praise” or “right belief”
Everything is God
Paradigm, Paradigm shift
A paradigm is a conscious or unconscious structure if thought, belief and action.
A paradigm shift is a change within this structure that results in the ability to perceive and consider things differently and this to respond in a radically new or different meaning
Pedobaptism, Paedobaptism (infant baptism)
The practice of baptizing infants or children who are deemed not old enough to verbalize faith in Christ
Perserverance of the Saints
the saved remain
Plenary Inspiration
View of biblical inspiration that holds that god is the ultimate author of the Bible in it’s entirety