Middle Knowledge-Neo-Orthodoxy Flashcards
Middle Knowledge
God knows reality and all possible realities
Millennium, Millennialism
refers to the 1000 year reign of Christ mentioned in Rev. 20:1-8. There are basically three understandings as to what this text teaches: *premillennialism, *postmillennialism, *a-millennialism
one person, multiple views
post enlightenment humanism
any anti-dualist philosophy that appeals to one unifying principle to explain all it is
the belief in one God (mono-theo) as opposed to multiple gods (polytheism)
Moral Argument for the existence of God
claims that morality presupposes the existence of God
the belief and practice that seeks a personal, experiential knowledge of God y means of direct, non-abstract and loving encounter or union with God
Naturalism, Natural Theology
matter is all that matters
promoted a return to the basic properties of *Reformation theology and the early church while taking seriously the Enlightenment Critique of *orthodoxy and rejecting Protestant *scholasticism