YEAR-IN-REVIEW 382 (The Beast) Flashcards
What were the Intolerable Acts?
- Shut down Boston Harbor
- Sent many more troops to Massachusetts to police the colonists.
- Took away Massachusetts’ right to self-govern
- British soldiers were to be tried in Britain
Women in Oregon territory out west were more respected because they worked and survived moving out west. So they helped get which right?
right to vote
What does ratify mean?
to approve
During the Nullification Crisis, what was the real issue?
the rights of States to ignore Federal laws
The right to assemble means…
the right to gather together with other people and protest
Compromise of 1850
The compromise included 1) end of slave trade in Washington D. C.; 2) California entered as a free state ; 3) New Mexico and Utah - popular sovereignty; 4) Fugitive Slave Law passed. This proposal was made by Henry Clay. Once again issues of slavery were resolved through compromises and small fixes.
True or False: Before the Declaration of Independence was written, they were considering abolishing slavery.
True. However, too many colonists wanted to keep slavery so they decided to address the problem later on.
What made John Adams so famous during the Revolutionary War?
He defended the Redcoats involved in the Boston Massacre even though Adams was a patriot!
Supporters of the Constitution called themselves
Why did the colonies explain why they wanted independence when they wrote the Declaration of Independence?
So other countries would be supportive to America
How did a group of colonists respond to the Tea Act?
The Boston Tea Party
Working in factories made workers get….
health problems
Which states had an advantage under the Virginia Plan?
This plan favored states with largerpopulations, which would have morerepresentatives in both houses ofCongress.
Who appoints federal judges?
When Jackson rewarded people for helping him win his election, he gave them jobs afterward, What was this called?
Spoils System
Who elects the president?
Electoral College Delegates
Which statement about approving the Constitution is true?
Nine states had to approve the Constitution before it went into effect.
What was the Proclamation of 1763?
Nobody is allowed to settle land that is west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What were the rules of the Northwest Ordinance?
• When a territory has 5,000 free adultmales, it can elect its own legislature.* When the population reaches 60,000,a territory can apply for statehood.* Settlers have the same rights andprivileges as other citizens.* Slavery is banned
According to our Declaration of Independence, the government should get their power from…..who?
their citizens
What are the Articles?
The Articles outline the function of the government; the first three articles explain the role of the three branches of government.
Virginia plan
Plan to have 2 Legislative branches based on population
The U.S. Constitution
our constitution that splits power into 3 branches and allows changes called amendments
How did Britain forcefully rule the colonies after the French and Indian War?
They required colonists to pay taxes
Who can impeach the President?
Legislative Branch
What was one of the most difficult things that people of the Constitutional Convention had to compromise on?
how to balance power among the large states vs small states
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
The Declaration of Independence was written to tell Britain and the world why we wanted to become a new country. Who were they complaining about the most?
King George III
What is the power called that the Judicial Branch uses to say that a law is unconstitutional?
judicial review
to approve or veto a law created by the Legislative Branch
New American Strategy
Avoid large battles and more defensive-try to tire them out
The Trail of Tears was a result of…
Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Policy (he no like Indians, he hate)
Which war was because of Texas?
Mexican-American War
Which battle had the famous command “don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes?”
Battle of Bunker Hill
Before Britain’s new policies and taxes, what was the colonies’ goverment like?
Colonies self-governed (ruled themselves) using their own assemblies.
a nation that joins another nation in some common effort, such as fighting a war
Dorothea Dix was involved with improving what?
What is Amendment Nine?
Any right not listed in The Constitution, automatically belongs to the people
What happened at the Battle of Bunker Hill?
The British won but suffered a heavy loss of troops
What did delegates for stronger stategovernments (weaker nationalgovernment) believe?
A strong national government could threaten individual liberty. The state governments are closer to the people’s control and so should have more power than the national government.
The President decides to veto a law that Congress has passed
Executive Branch checks the Legislative Branch
to make treaties with leaders of other countries
A few years after the Constitutional Convention, political parties were
nominating presidential candidates.
Society North
Towns and cities; experienced rapid growth; more education opportunities; public schools; many immigrants
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
During the Gold Rush, how did the high demand for gold mining tools effect prices of these items?
prices got jacked up for gold mining tools (high prices)
What two reform groups shared something in common?
Women’s Rights & Abolitionist (both denied rights to women and African Ameriicans)
Underground Railroad
A series of escape routes and safe stops or stations that led enslaved people to freedom.
What did John Brown hope to achieve by his raid at Harpers Ferry?
to create a slave rebellion that would bring an end to slavery
Battle of Trenton
On Christmas night, Washington crossed the icy Delaware in boats despite being bitterly cold and having worn out shoes and guns too wet to fire. The Americans caught the Hessians by surprise and they surrendered. This battle improved the morale of the Americans showing they can beat the British.
A bill is sent from Congress to the President in the final step of the law-making process. The President decides whether to sign the bill into law or to veto it.
Executive Branch checks the Legislative Branch
What were the causes of Shays’ Rebellion?
* Congress did not have enough gold or silver to mint coins, which caused a money shortage.• Farmers had difficulty earning enough to pay their debts and taxes.• Farmers were required to sell their land and livestock to pay their debts.
Treaty of Paris
Great Britain agreed to recognize the United States as an independent nation. It gave up its claims to all lands between the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi River-from the border of Canada south to Florida. The United States agreed to return all rights and property taken from Loyalists during the war.
Transportation North
Trains; improved roads; ships and canals; 30,000 miles of railroad tracks by 1850
What precedent did Washington set up by asking Hamilton and Jefferson to advise him?
The “cabinet”. The cabinet is a group of advisors that give advice to the president.
Economy North
Industrial Revolution, machinery, factories; wanted higher tariffs to discourage trade with other countries
True or False: Federalists supported The Constitution.
True, Federalists supported The Constitution
A colonist who was disgruntled by the laws and actions of the British kind and Parliament in trying to control the colonists; wanting independence
Which event stained Adams presidency?
Alien & Sedition Acts (his laws discriminated against French people)
What meeting occurred of delegates of all 13 colonies in 1775-1776? These representatives moved discussions toward inevitable war and signed the Declaration of Independence.
Second Continental Congress
Who can override a veto?
Legislative Branch
Constitutional Convention
Meeting held in Philadelphia in 1787 at which delegates from the states wrote the U.S. Constitution, and amend the articles of confederation.
Battle of Yorktown
France sent 3,000 troops along with 29 French warships. Washington moved his army south to Virginia, joined the French, and surrounded Yorktown on land with more than 16,000 troops. French warships sealed off the entrance to Chesapeake Bay. American and French troops formed two long lines that stretched for more than a mile along the road to Yorktown and the British laid down their guns.
James Madison
Father of the Constitution and he added the Bill of Rights to appease Anti-Federalist and guarantee rights and liberty
Susan B. Anthony tried to give women the right to….
Abraham Lincoln
Republican candidate in 1860 who won the election and presidency; he did not receive one electoral college vote from the South
Jackson help start which political party?
What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830?
Indians traded their land in the east for new lands in the Great Plains
Enlightenment’s “social contract” has to do with what?
consent (allowing) to be governed by the people
Who were the Hessians?
German mercenaries that were paid by the British to fight the Americans (The Headless Horseman was a Hessian)
Henry David Thoreau’s philosophy is…
to question society’s rules
to appoint justices to the Supreme Court
American Weaknesses
Few Americans were trained for battle
What amendment gives a convicted individual a right to a lawyer?
Why did the important leaders SamAdams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henrynot attend the convention?
Adams, Hancock, and Henry feared that astronger national government would hurt the rights of the states.
Tax on legal documents, newspapers, wills, and basically every piece of paper used is called the…?
Stamp Act
American Strengths
Patriotism-people were willing to defend and give their lives for their country
Amendment 1
freedom of speech
What did delegates for a strong nationalgovernment believe?
Government should protect “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The government’s powers come from the people. The best way to protect rights is with a republic.
Why is the Gadsden Purchase the best purchase ever?
Helped U.S. build southern railroad
In the introduction of the Constitution, it says “We the people” to show…
where the power comes from
What happened at the Second Continental Congress?
they created an Army
Slaves often made their own way of life on a plantation. They became close, even if they didn’t know each other. Why did they do this?
to better cope with the horrors of being slaves and made them feel like they belonged to a community
Which events led to the Declaration of Independence?
The “shot heard ‘round the world” at Lexington and then Concord
What was Jackson’s “Spoils System?”
The winner of an election gives those who helped him government jobs
Who supported the New Jersey Plan?
delegates from small states
President Polk believed in expanding America all the way to the ________ _________.
Pacific Ocean
Chinese immigrants helped America with
culture and farming skills
What was the MAIN purpose of the boycotts by the women patriots?
making clothing for themselves, prevented patriots from buying the TAXED British items
American Weaknesses
Congress lacked power to raise taxes and had to print paper money resulting in inflation
A republic is a country governed
by elected representatives.
Who can declare an action taken by the President as unconstitutional?
Judicial Branch
Why was Shay’s Rebellion important?
Farmers attacked and were hard to stop. Many realized that America needed a stronger central govt. and agreed to fix government.
Mexico _________ slavery in 1830.
What was the Boston Tea Party?
Patriots threw barrels of tea into the harbor to protest tea taxes
Why were the colonists taxed by the British government?
Britain was in debt
What caused Britain to want to create the Intolerable Acts?
The Boston Tea Party
Andrew Jackson hated the National Bank because…
he felt it favored the wealthy
What state did not send delegates to the Convention?
Rhode Island
How did America explore the land they bought called Louisiana?
Louis and Clark Expedition
Battle of Saratoga
Americans outnumbered Burgoyne and attacked. British accepted defeat. It was a turning point in the war as France became an ally of the Americans sending money, troops, weapons, and warships. Spain also entered the war against Great Britain.
What was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War that led to final American victory?
Battle at Yorktown
At the Constitutional Convention, delegates elected George Washington to be
president of the convention.
Who started the Seneca Falls Convention?
Miss Mott
to approve the president’s budget
What did the Treaty of Paris 1783 say?
Britain recognized that the United States was now a new nation, not their colonies anymore.
Put the following in chronological order:
Battle at Lexington
French and Indian War
Boston Tea Party
The Stamp Act
The Intolerable Acts
The Townshend Acts
- French and Indian War
- The Stamp Act
- The Townshend Acts
- The Boston Tea Party
- The Intolerable Acts
- Battle at Lexington
Who explored the south part of the Louisiana Purchase?
What was the name of the newspaper that Frederick Douglas made to spread his abolitionist message?
The Northern Star
What did Jackson do when the Supreme Court ruled that the National Bank was constitutional?
Jackson ignored the Supreme Court
What was the military’s role during Reconstruction?
they were sent to the South to make sure new rules were followed
Why did Anti-Federalists not like the Constitution?
They were scared that too much power was being given to the federal government
How did the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 impact Lincoln’s political future?
He became known throughout the nation
Battle of New York
Washington used the Declaration of Independence as a motive for the troops to fight for independence. Inexperience and lack of training for the Americans was too much, and they lost this battle losing over 1400 men. General Howe ordered a halt in the attack assuming Americans would surrender, but Washington did not and retreated hungry and cold
Which branch of government never has to worry about re-election?
Judicial Branch
Working conditions for women in Mill Factories was…
harsh and low money
Fugitive Slave Law
Law forcing enslaved people to be returned to owner; citizens caught assisting a runaway enslaved person would be fined $1000 and 6 months in jail.
TRUE OR FALSE… Colonists wanted to go to war with Britain after the battle at Lexington and Concord.
The Federalist Papers
A series of essays written by James Madison, Alexandr Hamilton, and John Jay in support of the ratification of the constitution by the states. Pointed out the importance of a Federal Govt. (1 central govt. instead of 13 separate state govt.)
What document did the women at the Seneca Falls Convention try to copy?
The Declaration of Independence
What was Britain’s reaction to the colonies rebelling against the Stamp Act?
Britain repealed (removed) the Stamp Act
Eli Whitney
Invented the cotton gin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
A best selling book (and play) that raised awareness of the harshness of slavery
What was a feature of the Great Compromise?
a Senate with two senators from each state
Congress has the power to pass laws but the Courts can declare laws unconstitutional
Judicial Branch checks the Legislative Branch
Amendment 1
right to petition the Government
In the Declaration of Independence the power to govern should come from who?
the people
Problem with education was that it only benefited who?
Florida Seminole Indians were attacking which state’s wealthy plantations?
Women wanted someone in office that would give women the right to vote, however, women could not ________ for a person like this, they still did not have that right yet.
Popular Sovereignty
Allowed residents of a territory to decide whether or not they wanted slavery.
to nominate the Secretaries of the executive departments, the Attorney General and ambassadors
What is Manifest Destiny?
The idea that the U.S. has a godly right to expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Why? Because only the U.S. had new technologies that made life better for humans. Wow, that is arrogant. Indians, Mexicans, we take your land, yes? Because we have new technology, we take your land, you will like our technology, yes? We take your land. We take now. You like.
What did the British realize about the colonists at the Battle of Lexington?
colonists were willing to die for their right to self-govern
Which two people worked together to balance the interests of the North and the South with regard toslavery?
Daniel Webster and Henry Clay
can override president’s veto of bill by 2/3 vote
Checks and Balances
Division of DUTIES and LIMITS on power to ensure no portion of government becomes more powerful than others.
How can the Constitution be amended?
By 3/4 or more of the STATE Legislatures
What was the turning point in the Revolutionary War?
The Battle of Saratoga because that victory convinced the French to join the Americans
The Nullification Crisis was caused when Jackson raised what?
Which states had an advantage under the New Jersey Plan?
This plan favored states withsmaller populations because eachstate would get an equalnumber of votes in Congress.
Amendment 6
speedy and public trial for criminal prosecutions
Who explored the west for the U.S. during the Louisiana Purchase?
Lewis and Clark explored the north, and Pike in the south
The Stamp Act angered colonists because…
There was no representation by colonists in this new law… in other words “no taxation without representation!”
Which right did Lincoln suspend?
Habeas Corpus - the right to be at trial
American Weaknesses
Continental army was small and always short of soldiers
What issue did the Land Ordinance of1785 address?
The Land Ordinance of 1785addressed the issue of how todivide the western lands acquiredby the United States in the Treatyof Paris.
How did the colonist react to the Stamp Act?
Boycotts and protests
What are the Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights are the first 10 Amendments outlining the personal liberties and freedoms of Americans.
What do we call the first ten amendments?
Bill of Rights
TRUE OR FALSE: Jackson wanted State Banks rather than a National Bank.
What was the Supreme Court’s decision in the Dred Scott case?
that African Americans did not have the right to sue in federal court
The Mormons were being treated badly so they packed up and moved to
When Washington left office, he recommended that America not…
make foreign alliances (partnerships), we should stay out of other countries’ problems
Valley Forge
The winter was particularly harsh, and the army was short on food, clothing, and supplies. The leadership of George Washington and Baron von Steuben made sure they were fed, clothed and trained as better, tougher soldiers.
The delegates at the Constitutional Convention had differing views on how powerful the national governmentshould be.
Some thought the states should have most of the power, some thought the central government needs to be stronger.
Dred Scott
Sued for his freedom after his owner died; Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to keep him a slave
Economy South
Agriculture, agrarians, cotton gin, plantations, COTTON; wanted lower tariffs (because they imported many goods)
What was the result for Native Americans when cotton became big business?
Native Americans were kicked off their lands so that the U.S. could grow cotton
African Americans
Early in the war Washington did not want them to fight fearing the army would be a way to become runaway slaves. The British promised them freedom, but Washington changed his mind because there was a shortage of troops.
opponents of a strong central government
Father of Constitution
James Madison of Virginia. He also added the Bill of Rights to guarantee Rights and Liberty
The Cherokee sued the state of Georgia that Georgia shouldn’t be allowed to remove Indians, but The Supreme Court decided…
They can’t sue in Federal court because the Supreme Court had no right to decide the case.
Effect of the War
- At least 6,200 Americans had been killed in combat 2. 10,000 died in camp of diseases 3. 8,500 died while in captivity as British prisoners 4. Inspired revolts in South America against European rule 5. Influenced the French Revolution
Which event made John Adams well respected as president?
XYZ Affair because Adams avoided war with France
Three Fifths Compromise
An agreement made at the constitutional convention stating that enslaved persons would be counted as 3/5ths of a person when determining a state’s population
Congress moves to impeach a judge from the Supreme Court
Legislative Branch checks the Judicial Branch
Who can veto a bill passed by Congress?
Who became a part of the women’s rights movement when she was refused the right to speak at a convention?
Republican Party
Party formed to fight the spread of slavery.
Northwest Ordinance
Laws that explained how new land can become a state. When population became over 60,000 the region could apply to become a state. More than 5000 adult males, the region was able to elect own legislature.
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act nullify the Missouri Compromise?
It allowed slavery in new Northern territories
Why did leaders from the different colonies want to come together to meet at the First Continental Congress?
to solve their problems with Britain
Who was the father of the Constitution?
James Madison
Congress decides whether or not to confirm a judge appointed by the President to the Supreme Court
Legislative Branch checks the Executive Branch
Why is Valley Forge important?
Washington was able to convince his men to keep fighting, even though times were tough.
British Weaknesses
The British had poor military leadership.
Which statement about drafting the Constitution is true?
The delegates included a fugitive slave clause.
New British Strategy
To divide the rebels by taking control of New York’s Hudson River Valley and control the waterways to cut New England off from the rest of the states.
Which one of the following did the Patriots think was unfair?
Boston Tea Party, Proclamation of 1763, French and Indian War
Proclamation of 1763
Great Compromise
The plan that govt. came up with to meet in the middle and share both Virginia and New Jersey’s plan.
Who was the 2nd president of the United States?
John Adams
American Strengths
Received help from overseas-gunpowder and money
What was the impact of the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
It turned many more people against slavery
The Three-Fifths Compromise called for each slave to be counted as three-fifths of a person when determining
representation in the House of Representatives.
British Strengths
Well supplied with food, uniforms, weapons, & ammunition
Amendment 2
keep and bear arms
Mexico lost half of its territory as a result of which treaty?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Articles of Confederation
1st constitution of the US that was weak due to only having 1 branch of Legislation
The Crisis
Thomas Paine’s pamphlet reminding Americans that real patriots hold onto their beliefs even in hard times. As a result Washington had a new plan to attack the Hessian troops camped in Trenton, New Jersey.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jeffeson
The Court declares acts of Congress to be unconstitutional
Judicial Branch checks the Legislative Branch
Which 3 values does America get from Enlightenment?
Liberty, Equality, and Justice For All
Why did America take Native American lands?
to expand west and use land for farming
What was the Great Compromise?
In debating the representation of states in the legislative branch, Roger Sherman suggested a compromise by creating a two-house Congress made up of the Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate would have two representatives per state. The House would have representatives based on the stateĒs population.
What did the Virginia Plan propose?
two houses of Congress with representation based on state population
One of the complaints of King George III
he denied colonists their rights
Colonists had to provide food, housing, blankets, candles, etc. for the British soldiers according to what law?
Quartering Acts
When thousands of Native Americans died on their journey from being removed from Georgia, what was this known as?
The Trail of Tears
Population North
Surge in population in the 1800s; 23 million people by 1860; two million immigrants settled in the North
The Federalists Papers were written to support
ratification of the Constitution.
Why does each state have the same amount of Senators?
To make things fair for smaller states
Amendment 10
the powers not delgated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively
How does a Congress finally create a law?
When they present it to the president and he/she signs it into law
Why do you think patriots used the title “BLOODY MASSACRE in BOSTON” when only 5 people died?
Patriots were trying to get other colonists angry at the British
What was the Olive Branch Petition?
A letter to King to ask for peace
New Jersey Plan
Plan to have 1 Legislative branches and equal representation for each state
How does the British government respond to the Boston Tea Party?
The Intolerable Acts
How did the population of California increase?
Gold Rush (49ers)
What did Manifest Destiny lead to?
The Mexican-American War
Stephen A. Douglas
Northern Democratic candidate in 1860; there were two Democratic candidates in the Election of 1860 that worked to split the Democratic votes, leading Abraham Lincoln to win the election. Mr. Douglas also helped craft the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
to determine if a law is unconstitutional
British Weaknesses
Sending troops and supplies from Great Britain to North America was slow and costly
Who had a difficult time getting into medical school?
Miss Blackwell
What meeting of delegates happened in 1774 to discuss actions and tasks in response to British laws and actions? At this meeting, not all members wanted independence; some wanted compromise.
First Continental Congress
What were people who supported the British called?
Loyalists (or Tories)
Who can confirm / reject nominated Judges?
Legislative Branch
List one belief that these two types ofdelegates shared.
The national government should have morepower so it can do its job of protectingthe people’s rights. Under the Articles ofConfederation, which gives more power to the states, the nation is falling apart.
When making America’s government, why did government need to be balanced and checked?
Men are no angels, we need rules!
Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty hurt Britain by doing what?
boycotting goods from Britain
Why did southern delegates oppose giving Congress broad power to control trade?
They feared that Congress would outlaw the slave trade
In which House of Congress does having more population give you more representation?
House of Representatives
Amendment 6
right to have the assistance of counsel (lawyer) for defense
Which group voted for Jackson and got him the win in the election of 1828?
common people, not the rich
Loyalists did not like the Patriots because….
Loyalists thought the Patriots were rebels who forgot all the good things Britain has done for them
By the time of the Constitutional Convention, most slaves lived in
the South.
The name that Jefferson and Hamilton gave to the branches that met with Washington in the “Kitchen”
Bleeding Kansas
Violence in the Kansas-Nebraska Territory abrupted as the issue of slavery. At the heart of the conflict was the question of whether Kansas would allow or outlaw slavery, and thus enter the Union as a slave state or a free state. Bleeding Kansas occurred as an effect of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which called for “popular sovereignty”.
French & Indian War
- Colonists had went west and got into trouble with French & Indians
- British helped the Colonists defeat the French & Indians
- They won land
- However, British owed A LOT OF MONEY because of this war
How did the Supreme Court interpret the Indian Removal Act?
Tribes could choose to remain on their land
American Strengths
Home territory advantage
The delegates decided that the president and vice president should be chosen by
the Electoral College.
What resource helped power the Northern Mill Factories?
water (rivers) would turn the big Mill Wheel
to make laws
What war was going on that caused the British to feel the need to tax the colonists (due to the large war debt)?
French and Indian War
Geography North
Climate: cold winters and hot humid summers; Bays, inlets, and harbors allowed for transportation and shipping; small farms to grow foods for family
Who can declare a law passed unconstitutional?
Judicial Branch
Who participated in dumping the some 90,000 pounds of tea at the Boston Tea Party as well as organized other protests, secret meetings, and stockpiling of weapons (in addition to other revolutionary actions)?
The Sons of Liberty
Chinese came for the gold but were treated very
harsh and were abused
Why do we have three separate branches with separate powers?
Powers are divided among the three branches of government so that one branch cannot become too powerful.
What amendment guarantees a public and speedy trial?
Describe the role of George Washington at the Constitutional Convention.
He presided over the convention and made sure the rules were enforced
Nat Turner’s slave rebellion was violent and when it was over, what did the U.S. government do?
Made laws stricter against slaves
What is the Preamble?
The introduction and purpose statement of the Constitution.
Chief of the Supreme Court John Marshall helped give..
more power to the Federal Government over the states
What is Manifest Destiny?
U.S. has the right and duty to expand across to the Pacific Ocean
Newspapers and handbills (posters and signs) helped to sway colonists’ opinion by exaggerating actions of both British and Patriots, such as the famous Boston Massacre engraving.
Marquis de Lafayette
He helped raise the troops’ spirits, and he used his own money to buy the men warm clothing.
Amendment 4
right against unreasonable search and seizures
Executive Branch
Branch of government that enforces laws
Colonists did not feel they should be paying taxes to a government that was not hearing their voice or offering a place in their government (Parliament). This is called?
Taxation without representation
What treaty was involved with the War of 1812?
Treaty of Ghent
Society South
Wealth measured in land and enslaved people; plantations were like small towns; plantation owners like nobility; education only for the rich; many small farms with few to no enslaved people
Although Bunker Hill was won by the British, why were some Patriots excited?
More British troops were killed than Patriots.
Most medical schools would __________ accept women
Amendment 3
no soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law
British Strengths
Soldiers outnumbered the Continental army & had mercenaries known as Hessians and recruited Loyalists, African Americans, and Native Americans
Horace Mann believed that a way to get out of poverty was through what?
Which amendment gave the right to bear arms?
Amendment 2
What is a tariff?
A tax on goods coming from another country
British Weaknesses
The British people were not passionate about defeating the rebels and paying war debts
What religious group settled Massachusetts?
What famous propagand picture did Paul Revere engrave?
Boston Massacre
What were the effects of Shay’s Rebellion?
* Many Americans saw these things as signs that the nation was falling apart.• Congress called for a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation.• People like Madison concluded that a nation made up of many groups needs a strong central government.
What was the NULLIFICATION CRISIS of 1830s?
State Rights vs. Federal Rights
What was the purpose of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
It established how territories could become states.
Which delegate objected to having one person serve as chief executive?
Benjamin Franklin
People revived the fur trapper trade in the Rocky Mountains and became known as…
Mountain Men
According to James Madison, who should have most of the power in the country?
the people
a violent attempt to resist or overthrow the government or another authority
Declaration of Independence
The colonists’ break up letter; stated the reasons for breaking apart and the actions the colonists tried in order to reach compromise and fairness; a final declaration
Geography South
Climate: mild winters and hot humid summer; long growing seasons; fertile lowlands
Polk started which war when America and Mexico were arguing over their border?
Mexican-American War
to interpret laws
What did colonists do when Britain began passing laws taking away more rights?
created the First Continental Congress
Why did some want to move to Oregon?
good farmland
Which group of people made up the Continental Army?
can impeach president for misconduct
What was the principle of the Declaration of Independence?
natural rights, that people were born with rights
A colonist who was sympathetic and loyal to England for a variety of reasons–economic, political, and/or family
Population South
Increase in population in the 1800s at a steady rate; by 1860 the population was approximately 12 million with one-third enslaved people
Southern Colonies had many…
farms and plantations
Describe the role of James Madison during the Constitutional Convention.
Known as the “Father of the Constitution,”he was the best-prepared delegate, spokenumerous times, and kept the best records.
How did the U.S. gain land during Westward Expansion?
war, purchase, and treaties
Early missionaries to Oregon helped establish what?
The Oregon Trail that future people could use
How does the Electoral College operate today?
People choose their state’s electors when they vote in presidential elections.
supporters of the stronger central govt.
Which of these describes the delegates at the Constitutional Convention?
Most had extensive political experience.
Transportation South
Steam boats, some train/railroad; 10,000 miles of railroad tracks by 1850
The Court declares acts of the President unconstitutional
Judicial Branch checks the Executive Branch
Which president was known as “Old Hickory?”
Andrew Jackson
What was the main concern of the Anti-Federalists?
no list of people’s rights in the Constitution
Horace Mann was a part of which movement?
education reform
American Weaknesses
Army had shortages of guns, gunpowder, food, and uniforms
Judicial Branch
Branch of government that interprets and judges the laws
What caused the Nullification Crisis of the 1820s?
tariffs that southern slave states did not want
How did American double its size?
the Louisiana Purchase
Eli Whitney’s cotton gin invention made slavery grow. True or False?
TRUE! His invention would make everyone want to grow cotton in the South so slaves went from 300 thousand to 4 million!!!!
British Strengths
Well trained in military tactics and had experience firing artillery
Which of these was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Which of these was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
It led to a violent struggle over slavery in Kansas.
Amendment 1
right of the people peaceably to assemble
How did the Americans in Texas behave when they made the deal with Mexico?
didn’t keep their promise of learning Spanish culture and some just took Mexican land illegally
Emancipation Proclamation freed ALL slaves. True or False?
FALSE! It freed the slaves in the Confederate States of the South
During the election of 1828, which group helped vote Jackson into office?
common people, not the rich
Who kept challenging Jackson on the issue of the Bank?
Henry Clay (he wanted National Banks)
“Fifty Four Forty or Fight!” was about…
Getting more Oregon Territory from Britain
Why were the first ten amendments created?
The Bill of Rights were created to protect the rights of individuals. Many feared that a strong national government could abuse freedoms of individuals.
What was apparent following the presidential election of 1860?
The nation was divided over slavery
What is a republic?
The right to vote, oont, elect representatives, yah? YEAH!!
The President does not agree with a law that Congress has passed but they overide his veto, and he must enforce the law.
Legislative Branch checks the Executive Branch
A duty is a tax. A tax is a duty. Duty Free shopping at the airport means “tax free”. Why did colonists not want to pay duties to the British?
colonists felt that they had no representation in British government, so they shouldn’t pay British tax
President Polk helped make the Oregon Treaty with Britain to establish what?
the border with oh, Canada, aye
Legislative Branch
Branch of government that makes laws
According to the Wilmot Proviso of 1846, in which area was slavery banned?
land acquired from Mexico
What were the colonists reaction to the Townshend Acts?
They boycotted. The real hero of the boycotts were the women. So you can say they women-cotted the Townshend Acts.
An argument against Manifest Destiny was
America was being a bully
The Gadsen Purchase gave America good land for what?
making a railroad to connect southern California
What are the Amendments?
The Amendments are laws that have been added to the Constitution.
Going west, for new hope and promise was difficult because they had to pass what?
Rocky Mountains
Where did the women’s rights movement begin?
Seneca Falls
to approve or disapprove the president’s declaration of war on other countries
The basic freedoms (speech, press, etc.) are in which amendment?
Amendment One
Did the Olive Branch Letter work?
NO, King George ignored the colonists plea for fairness and peace
According to the Articles of Confederation, who should have most of the power in the country?
the states
Casimir Pulaski
the Father of American cavalry (horseback) who convinced Washington and the American army to organize a cavalry division.
Who provided lines of communication in different cities and colonies that shared information on opposing British laws, such as the Stamp Act? The groups of Patriots that formed these “committees” helped build solidarity and a commitment to liberty.
Committees of Correspondence
When our nation had 2 parts (North & South) why did they have to compromise all the time?
South would be scared the North would control government and the North would be scared the South would control government.
What religious group settled the colony of Maryland?
The President appoints a new judge to the Supreme Court
Executive Branch checks the Judicial Branch
Harriet Tubman
Nicknamed ‘Moses’; never lost a passenger on the Underground Railroad; freed approximately 300 slaves; made 19 trips to the South to do so
Who won the French and Indian War?
The British
What rights does the first amendment guarantee?
speech, religion, assembly, petition, press
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Amendment 7
right to jury trial for common law suits where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars
What is federalism?
when you make federal power share with state power
Congress votes to override a Presidential veto
Legislative Branch checks the Executive Branch
What was the biggest impact of the Louisiana Purchase?
Big. It was big. It doubled the size of the U.S.
Is the freedom to vote in Amendment One?
What was the 1st Amendment of the U.S.?
Freedom of religion, speech, press (news), and protest peacefully
How were Native Americans treated during Westward Expansion?
they were pushed westward
In what way did the Compromise of 1850 appease the South?
It included a law requiring the return of escaped slaves
A problem with the Louisiana Purchase is that Native Americans were ________ living there.
already (as a result, many wars with Native Americans)
to create a budget for the government
Amendment 1
free exercise of religion
When did racist groups form?
during Reconstruction
What is a transcendentalist?
to go beyond what your told, to believe in your own gut feeling
Which event turned the secession crisis into a civil war?
South Carolina’s shelling of Fort Sumter
to say yes or no to any people the president recommends for jobs, such as the cabinet officers, Supreme Court justices, or ambassadors
How was America able to build a railroad to southern California?
Gadsen Purchase
What was an effect of the Missouri Compromise?
It temporarily ended the slavery debate
What was the Declaration of Independence?
document that declared the U.S. is a nation
This was known as the…?
Proclamation of 1763
Who elects the president after citizens vote for the president?
The Electoral College
Who helped Louis and Clark?
Sacagawea and Native Americans
Amendment 4
no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause
a country governed by representatives
What amendment acknowledges people’s choices and rights not written in the Constitution?
Missouri Compromise
Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state; a compromise and effort to further put off the issue of slavery
What amendment allows citizens to bear arms and create an army?
American Strengths
George Washington was more than an experienced leader inspiring courage & confidence
What does unjust mean?
What was a feature of both the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?
a national government with three branches
a constitution
a written document that shows how a government should operate
Which was a fear of Southern senators if there were more free states than slave states?
losing voting power
Oregon got its border when ________ made a deal with Great Britain?
President Polk
What are tariffs?
tax on goods coming from foreign countries
As a result of Shay’s Rebellion, what did America want to do?
make a stronger central government
Baron Friedrich von Steuben
Turned the Continental army into an organized fighting force and used a continuous drill.
John Breckinridge
Southern Democratic candidate; there were two Democratic candidates in the Election of 1860 that worked to split the Democratic votes, leading Abraham Lincoln to win the election
What was one of the biggest causes of the American Revolution?
The debt from the French and Indian War
People did not want Texas to become a state because Texas would be a __________ state.
Why do we have a system of checks and balances?
Allows a branch to limit the power of the other two branches so that one branch or one individual can not become too powerful.
One of the jobs of the Judicial branch is to…
settle disputes under the law
Battle in the South
The British had a successful attack on Savannah, Georgia. They tried to take the Carolinas but guerrillas, soldiers who are not part of a regular army, attacked the British and then faded into the swamps and forests. Washington sent General Nathanael Greene to slow the British advance through the South. While the army was too small to meet Cornwallis in a major battle, they led Cornwallis’s troops on an exhausting chase through the southern backcountry.
What are natural rights?
Rights that you are born with because you are a human being
What led many people, including William Lloyd Garrison, to join in a reform movement?
religion (Second Great Awakening)
George Washington’s Farewell Speech
Speech that stated the US needed to avoid 2 parties and foreign alliances
During the Civil War, what happened to Southern Plantations?
they were destroyed….
What are the parts of the Constitution?
Preamble, Articles, and Amendments
an agreement in which both sides in a dispute agree to give up something they want in order to achieve a settlement
What does abolitionist mean?
someone who wants to end slavery
Reasons the Fugitive Slave Law failed
many slaves moved to Canada, Northerners refused to obey the law, hounded slave catchers returned to the South