Year 1 Organic Flashcards
Same molecular formula
Position isomerism:
Different position of functional group with same Molecular Formula
Structural isomerism:
Different structural arrangement with same Molecular Formula
Chain isomerism:
Different branched chains with Molecular Formula
Functional group isomerism:
Different functional group with Molecular Formula
Different spatial arrangement of atoms with same Molecular Formula
in E add of alkenes, what major product is formed?
tertiary carbocations formed in intermediate are most stable due to positive inductive effect.
Why does Stereoisomerism occur, types, rules?
Due to limited rotation of CC double bond.
E-Z (Cis-trans) isomerism
E opposite
Z together
Follows CIP rules (Atomic mass based)
Polymers: What is PVC, properties, what do plasticisers do?
PVC is polyvinyl chloride or polychloro methane
Waterproof due to plasticisers.
Plasticisers increase the distance between chains, decreasing van der waals, more flexible, less E required.
What is crude oil? How can it be separated?
Mixture of hydrocarbons with a range of boiling points that can be separated by fractional distillation.
How do different Hydrocarbon chains travel through a fractionating column?
Fractional distillation: vaporised, rise, cool, condense, siphoned off at different levels of tower.
Shorter chain= lower BP = Rise higher= Cool to BP Higher up = collected closer to top.
Properties of Hydrocarbon chains as chain length increases:
BP increases
Darkness Increases
Viscosity Increases
Volatility Decreases
What is cracking? Types of Cracking?
breaking C–C bonds in alkanes to produce shorter chain products.
Thermal: for alkanes + alkenes
High temp
High pressure
High yield of alkenes
Catalytic: for motor fuels and aromatic chains.
High temp
Slight pressure
Zeolite Catalyst.
C neutral:
No net increase in CO2 in atmosphere.
Biofuel: definition, types.
Biofuel: organic matter burned for energy.
Biodiesel: from oils/fats from plants/fauna.
Ethanol from fermentation of glucose. (‘biopetrol’)
Reaction conditions for industrial hydration of alkenes, fermentation:
Industrial hydration: 300 degrees, 60 atm.
Fermentation: anaerobic, yeast, 37 degrees.
C neutral argument for fermentation, why its invalid.
Photosynthesis abosrbs 6co2
Fermentation produces 2co2
Combustion of ethanol produced 4co2
However Co2 expenditure for transport of products/reactants makes this invalid.
pros/cons of industrial hydration (opposite for fermentation)
Higher yield
Higher speed
Higher continuity (as opposed to batch process)
Higher purity
Higher price
Higher quality
Less sustainable
IR: how it works, unique segments, broad absorption regions, small absoprtion regions.
Identifies functional groups.
Covalent bonds absorb E in IR region, vibrate and stretch bonds, absorbs differing frequencies.
Unique fingerprint region from 500-1000cm-1 for each compound stored in online database.
OH in alcohols has broad absorption
NH CCdouble and OH in C acids have small thin absorptions.