Xray: Mensuration Lines, Angles, Flashcards
Basilar Angle
> 152 = platybasia / basilar impression
norm: 123-152
aka Welcker’s or Martins’s BA
McGregor’s Line
BEST LINE for basilar impression / invagination
(Pagets, osteomal, FD)
Odontoid is >8mm above in Males OR
Odontoid is >10mm above in Females
aka Basal Line
Chamberlain’s Line
Basilar impression if >7mm above line
(Pagets, osteomal, FD)
aka Palato-occipital
Macrae’s Line
Basilar Impression if occiput above line
aka Foramen Magnum Line
Atlantodental Interspace (ADI)
> 3mm in adults
5mm in children
Transverse ligament rupture or instability –> Downs, Inflammatory Arthritis
George’s Line
antero / retro listhesis
posterior bodies
Posterior Cervical Line
antero / retro listhesis
spinolaminar junction
Stress Lines of Cervical Spine
Flexion C5/C6
Extension C4/C5
aka Ruth Jackson’s lines
DDD, muscle spasm, joint fixation
Prevertebral Soft Tissues
PLT sandwich 7,14,21
R-pharyngeal: >7mm (C2-C4)
R-laryngeal: >14mm (C5)
R-tracheal: >22mm (C6-7)
Tumor, mass, hematoma
Cobb’s Angle
BEST for scoliosis
Risser Ferguson
Sacral Inclination
Norm: 30-72
Avg: 46
Ferguson’s Angle
Sacral Base Angle // Lumbosacral Angle
Norm: 26-57
AVG: 41!!!
Meyerdings Grading Line
Spondylo grading
Ullmann’s Line
L5 should be posterior or just at perpendicular line….IF L5 body crosses the line = ANTEROlisthesis
aka Garland Thomas
Garland Thomas Line
Einstein’s Line
Measures >15mm…
Canal / Body Ratio
Canal Stenosis
Higher the ratio, smaller the canal
Lumbosacral Disc Angle
Lines are drawn parallel and through the INFERIOR END PLATE OF L5 AND SUPERIOR ENDPLATE OF S1
Normal = 10-15
Lumbar Gravity Line
Ferguson’s Line
Hyper / Hypo Lordosis
Norm: line intersects sacral base (S1)
Ant to Sacrum = HYPERlordosis
Post to Sacrum = HYPOlordosis
Macnab’s Line
Line intersects SAP (superior articular processes) =
Facet Imbrication
…facet arthrosis
Hadley’s S Curve
Should like like an S, if not =
Facet Imbrication
…facet arthrosis
Kohler’s Line
Protrusio Acetabuli
Shenton’s Line
Should be smooth
SCFE - dislocation / fx/ dysplasia
aka Menard’s or Makka
Iliofemoral Line
SCFE - dislocation / fx / dysplasia
Femoral Angle
Norm: 120-130
130+ - Coxa VALGA
120- - Coxa vara
Skinner’s Line
Line is drawn thorugh and parallel to the femoral shaft. A perpendicular line is drawn tangenital to the tip of the GT
Fovea capitus below line = fx or coxa vara
Klein’s Line
tendon length is 20% greater than the patellar length = patella alta
Heel Pad Measurement
Distance >25mm male, >23mm female
Acromegaly…“increased Heel Pad”
Boehler’s Angle
Norm: 28-40 degree angle
> 40 degree = fx with calcaneous dysplasia or fx
Sella Turcica size
- Seen on lateral skull
- Normal:
AP: 5-16 (11mm avg);
Vert: 4-12 (8mm avg)
** enlarged = neoplasm, aneurysm, empty sella syndrome
Digastric Line
aka Biventer Line
Line - C2: 1-21mm (11avg)
Line - C1/Co: 4-20 (4avg)
Measurements decrease with platybasia (Pagets, osteomal, FD)
Sagittal Dimension of Cervical Canal
C1: 22mm
C2: 20mm
C3: 18mm
C4-C7: 17mm
Pavlov’s ratio –
Cervical Gravity Line
Line should pass through C7 body (from apex of odontoid)
– assesses gravitational stress at cervicothoracic junction
Cervical Lordosis
Depths of C Curve Method of Jochumsen Angle of C curve Method of Gore Method of Drexier
Thoracic Cage Dimension
aka Straight Back Syndrome Eval
Males: 11-18cm (14)
Females: 9-15cm (12)
Less in either of those categories = SBS…check heart for murmurs
Lumbar Lordosis
50-60 degrees normal
Van Akkerveeken’s Measurment of Lumbar Instability
Intercrestal Line
Norm: line intersects bottom L4 body / disc = most stable
Helps to indicate where the most biomechanical stress is coming from
L4/5 Degen: HIGH line, long L5 TP, rudimentary rib, transitional vertebra
L5/S1 Degen: Line through L5 body, short L5 TP, no rud rib, no trans vert
Center Edge Angle
aka CE angle of Wiberg
Norm: 20-40 deg (36avg)
shallow angle = acetabular dysplasia –> DJD
Radioulnar Variance
Norm: 2 lines should be aligned
Difference of 5mm = significant
Negative UV = Keinbock’s (AVN of lunate)
Positive UV = stress on the ulna
72in FFD
Chest: PA + Lat
Cervicals: neut + F/E + obl + lat
Tube Tilt
Cervicals w/ TT
AO: 15 caud
PO: 15 ceph
AP: 15 ceph
Pillar: 35 ceph
Butt w/ TT
Sacral Base Tilt / Lumb Spot AP: 20-25 ceph
AP sacrum: 15 ceph
AP coccyx: 10 caud
Extremities w/ TT
AP knee: 5 ceph
Sunrise: 10 ceph
AP/OB foot: 10 ceph
Apical Lordotic: 30 ceph
akas for FFD
Lateral Skull View
Sella Turcica
PA Caldwell Projection
Frontal Sinus
AP Towne’s View
Foramen Magnum
Water’s View
Maxillary Sinus
Best to view a Jefferson’s Burst FX
Cervical Obliques help to view
Motive IFV’s
Evaluate ADI
Cervical flexion
Cervical Pillar View
articular processes and apophyseal joints
pillar = uncinates
Swimmer’s View
Cervico Thoracic Junction
PP: standing, lateral position with arm closest to the bucky raised overhead; other arm hangs at patient’s side
Which views have specific breathing instructions? What are the instructions?
PA Chest + Lat Chest + Apical Lordotic
Deep breath in and hold
**72” FFD
Apical Lordotic View
Pancoast tumor
Lateral Lumbar
IVF’s of Lumbars
Ferguson’s Projection
aka L5/S1 spot
aka Sacral Base Tilt
TT 25 cephalic
Lumbar Obliques
Motive is PARS!!!
To visualize the SI joint, what is the best TT?
30 cephalic
AP angulated SI Joints View
AC Jt w/ and w/o weights
AC joint
TT 5 cephalad
AP shoulder w/ EXT ROT
Greater Tub
AP shoulder w/ INT ROT
Lesser Tub
What makes up an elbow series?
Medial (Int) Oblique
AP Elbow PP
Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist against table
Med Oblique Elbow PP
Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist against table
Lateral Elbow PP
Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist against table
PRONATED hand w/ thumb pointing towards tube
PA wrist PP
elbow + wrist against table
PRONATED hand w/ fingers curled in fist
PA Ulnar Deviation View
Scaphoid + Lunate
AP Pelvis PP
Standigng w/ feet turned in 15 degrees
Tunnel Projection View
Intercondylar Fossa
TT: 45 caudal
PP: prone w/ knee flexed to 45
Tangenital (Sunrise) View
Patella + Patellofemoral Jt Space
Medial Oblique Ankle PP
Leg extended
Ankle 90 dorsiflexion
Foot turned IN 5
Cathode consists of:
Large Filament
Small Filament
Focusing Cup