XI: Chapter 2- Biological Classification Flashcards
Who was the earliest to give a scientific bases for classification?
Aristotle’s classification was based on
morphological characters
Aristotle divided plants into
trees, shrubs and herbs
Aristotle divided animals into
Animals with red blood- enaima
Animals without red blood- anaima
Two Kindgom classification was given by
C. Linnaeus
Three kingdom classification was given by
Ernst Haeckel
Four kingdom classification was given by
Five kindgom classification was given by
R.H. Whittaker
Six kingdom classification was given by
Carl Woese
Five kingdom classification was given in the year
What criterion of classification were used by R.H. Whittaker in his five kingdom classification?
1) Cell structure
2) body organization
3) Mode of nutrition
4) Mode of reproduction
5) Phylogenetic relationships
What is the main basis of classification in five kingdom classification?
Holophytic nutrition is found in
Holozoic nutrition is found in
Which group (kingdom) shows the most extensive metabolic diversity?
Bacteria (Monera)
What type of nutrition is found in majority of the bacteria?
Which bacteria oxidise various inorganic compounds to nitrates, nitrites and ammonia for ATP production?
Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria
Which microbes play a great role in recycling of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and sulfur?
Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria
Thick walled, non motile spores released under unfavourable conditions by cyanobacteria are called
Thin walled, non motile spores released under unfavourable conditions are called?
Motile asexual spores released by cyanobacteria like Nostoc
Which carbohydrate polymer is found in both monerans and animals?
Which kingdom forms a link between fungi, plants and animals?
What does the process of sexual reproduction in protists involve?
Cell fusion and zygote formation
In which environments are chrysophytes found?
Freshwater and marine
Which are the chief producers of the oceans?
Where are the two flagella of dinoflagellates located?
One lies longitudinally and other lies transversally in the furrow between the wall plates
In which environments are dinoflagellates found?
What is the body of euglenoids coverd with?
Pellicle (no cell wall)
In which environments are euglenoids found?
Freshwater- stagnant water
During favourable conditions, slime moulds form
An aggregation called plasmodium
What is the plant like characteristic of spores of slime moulds?
True cell wall
How are the spores of slime moulds dispersed?
By air currents.
What is the mode of nutrition of protozoans?
Which organisms are believed to be primitive relatives of animals?
In which habitats are amoeboid protozoans found?
fresh water, sea water or moist soil
Which compound is present on the shells of marine protozoans?
Name the asexual spores found in fungi.
Conidia, sporangiospore and zoospores
Name the sexual spores found in fungi
Oospores, ascospores and basidiospores.
What is the basis of classification of fungi?
Morphology of mycelium, mode of spore formation and fruiting bodies
Which class of fungi are found in aquatic habitats?
Which class of fungi has aseptate and coenocytic mycelium?
Name the endogenous spores of phycomycetes.
Zoospores and aplanospores
Which fungi is known as bread mould?
Rhizopus (phycomycete)
Parasite of mustard
Albugo (Phycomycete)
Sac fungi are known as
Are conidia produced exogenously or endogenously?
Are ascospores produced exogenously or endogenously?
Ascospores are produced in
Asci of ascocarps
Claviceps belongs to the class
Neurospora belongs to class
Morels and truffels belong to class
Aspergillus belongs to class
Bracket fungi belong to class
In which class of fungi are asexual spores not found?
Sex organs are absent in which class of Fungi?
Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes
How does plasmogamy occur in Basidiomycetes?
By fusion of vegetative cells of two different strains
How many basidiospores are produced as a result of karyogamy and meiosis in basidium?
Are basidiospores produced exogenously or endogenously on the basidium?
Once of perfect stages are discovered in deuteromycetes they are moved to which classes?
Ascomycetes or Basidiomycetes
How do deuteromycetes reproduce?
What is the main role of deuteromycetes?
As decomposers of litter and in mineral cycling
Alternaria belongs to which class of fungi?
Trichoderma belongs to which class of fungi?
Colletotrichum belongs to which class of fungi?
What does ‘virus’ mean?
Venom or poison
Who gave the term virus?
Who recognised the microbes infecting tobacco in mosaic disease of tobacco?
DJ Ivanowski
Who called viruses ‘contagium vivium fluidum’ ?
M.W. Beijernek
Who demonstrated that the extract of the tobacco plant infected with mosaic disease could infect other healthy plants?
Who crystallised viruses?
Can a virus have both DNA and RNA?
What is the genetic material of plant infecting viruses?
Single stranded RNA
What is the genetic material of animal infecting viruses?
Single or double stranded RNA, or double stranded DNA
What is the genetic materials of bacteriophages?
Double stranded DNA
What symptoms does a virus infected plant show?
Leaf rolling and curling, mosaic formation, yellowing and vein clearing, dwarfing and stunted growth
Who discovered viroids?
T.O. Diener
Potato spindle tuber disease is caused by
What are viroids?
Low molecular weight Free RNA
What do viroids lack which all viruses have?
Protein coat
What kind of infections to prions cause?
Neurological diseases
Prions have size similar to
What is a prion?
Abnormally folded protein
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is caused by
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is also known as
Mad cow disease
Cr-Jakob disease is cause by
What is the analogue of mad cow disease in humans
Cr- Jakob disease
Pliny’s classification of plants is based on
Which kingdoms were included in the three kingdom classification?
Protista, Animalia, Plantae
Which kingdoms were included in the four kingdom classification?
Monera, Protista, Animalia, Plantae
What was Carl Woese studying which made him develop the six kingdom classification?
16s r-RNA gene
Who gave the three domains of life?
Carl Woese
Chromosomes are absent in
Why can archaebacteria survive in harsh conditions?
Due to absence of peptidglycans
Which group of monerons have introns?
In archaebacteria, membrane lipids are linked to
In eubacteria, membrane lipids are linked to
L glycerol phosphate is found in the membrane lipids of which monerans?
D glycerol phosphate is found in the membrane lipids of which monerans?
Thermoacidophils oxidise sulphur to
Sulphuric acid
In anaerobic conditions, thermoacidophiles reduce sulphur to
Hydrogen sulphide
In the presence of light halophytes developa purple membrane made of
What is the mode of nutrition of halophytes?
Bacteria in streptococcus are arranged in a
Bacteria is staphylococcus are arranged
like grape vines
Sarcinae of bacteria is
3- dimensional arrangement of bacteria
How many flagella do vibiro bacterias have?
What is the shape of caulobacter?
What is the shape of Rhodomicrobium?
What is the shape of beggiatoa?
Cilia orginate from
Basal body
Cilia is made of which protein?
Amphitrichous bacteria have
Single flagella at both ends
Lophotrichous bacteria have
Tuft of flagella at one end
Cephalotrichous bacteria have
Tufts of flagella at both end
Which stain is used in Gram’s staining?
Crystal violet
Which have thicker walls- gram positive or gram negative bacteria?
Gram positive (20-80 nm)
Teichoic acid is present in gram positive or gram negative bacteria?
Gram positive
Exotoxins are released by
Gram positive bacteria
Endotoxins are released by
Gram negative bacteria
Mucopolypeptides are more in gram positive or gram negative bacteria?
Gram positive bacteria
Mesosomes are more prominent in gram positive or gram negative bacteria?
Gram positive
How many rings are present in the basal body of gram positive bacteria?
2- s and m
How many rings are present in basal body of gram negative bacteria?
4 - s, m, p and l
Can a bacteria survive without a cell wall?
What is a bacteria without a cell wall called?
Peptidoglycans are co-polymers of
N- Acetyl glycosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid
Which cellular component is similar in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes?
Cell membrane
What is an episome?
Nucleoid + Plasmid (in a prokaryote)
Which bacterias posses chromatophores?
Photosynthetic bacteria
What do chromatophores contain?
Bacteriochlorophyll, bacteriophytin
Gas vacuoles are present in
Blue-green algae, Purple photosynthetic bacteria, and Green photosynthetic bacteria
What is the function of gas vacuoles?
Protection from UV rays, help to float
What are metchromatic granules present in bacteria?
Fe, S, volutin and magnetite granules
What is the funtion of mesosomes?
Respiration, replication
What is blapheroplast?
Basal body
How are pili/fimbriae different from cilia/flagella?
Pili/fimbriae do not arise from basal body and do no help in locomotion while cilia/flagella do.
What are pili/fimbriae made of?
PIli are found in which bacteria?
Gram positive
Fimbriae are found in which bacteria?
Gram positive and gram negative
Where are pili found on a bacteria?
At the apex
Where are fimbriae found on bacteria?
All over the body
Thick walled endospores are formed in which bacteria?
Rod shaped bacteria
Endospores are resistant to toxic chemicals due to
Dipicolinic acid
What is meromixis?
Primitive sexual reproduction/ Parasexual hybridisation
How is gentic material transferred from one strain to another in transformation?
Simple diffusion
How is gentic material transferred from one strain to another in transduction?
Through bacteriophage
Conjugation was first discovered in which bacteria?
E. coli
Clostridium pefringes causes
Mild food poisoning
Which bacteria cause denitrification?
Pseudomonas denitrificans
Rocky mountain spotted fever is caused by
Rickettsia rickettsii
Chancroid is caused by
Haemophilous ducrei
Streptomycin is produced by the bacteria
Streptomyces griseus
Chloramphenicol is produced by
Streptomycin venezula
Vitamin B12 is produced by the bacteria
Which bacteria is used in curing of tea leaves?
Bacillus megatherium
Which bacteria is used in retting of fibres?
Which are the smallest living cells known?
Which organisms are known as jokers of plant kingdom?
Which organisms are known as pleomorphic organisms?
Based on the type of respiration, mycoplasma are
Facultative anaerobes
Is flagella present in diatoms?
Yes, in sperms
What is frustule?
The cell wall of diatoms
Food reserve in diatoms is
Chrysolaminarin (Beta 1,3 glucan) and leucosin
What happens to cell wall during cell division in diatom?
The two new cells retain half the old cell wall and synthesis the other half new.
What division to dinoflagellates belong?
What is cell wall made of in dinoflagellates?
Which group of protists are also called ‘Armoured protists’?
What is the food reserve in dinoflagellates?
Carbohydrates and oil
What pigments are present in dinoflagellates?
Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, alpha carotene, and xanthophyll
What pigments are present in diatoms?
Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, beta carotene and diadinoxanthin
What is pusule?
Non contractile vacuole found in dinoflagellates
What is the function of pusule?
Osmoregulation and buoyancy
What is the cell wall of dinoflagellates called?
Sexual reproduction is absent in all except one genus of dinoflagellates, which is?
What makes noctiluca glow in dark?
Luciferin protein
Which organism is called the fire algae or night light?
Which toxin is released by gonyalaux in its surrounding environment that kills fishes?
From where do the flagella of euglena arise?
Cell gullet
Reserve food material in euglena is?
Paramylum starch (apha 1,3 glucan)
What pigments are found in euglena?
Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, beta carotene and xanthophyll
Which flagella of euglena helpsin locomotion?
Longer flagella
What is the mode of reproduction in euglena?
Asexual reproduction- longitudinall binary fission
Which slime moulds are called acellular slime moulds?
What are swarm cells?
Gametes of myxogastria
Who gave the term protista?
What is the excretory product of protozoans?
What happens to the contractile vacuole of a freshwater protozoan if it is transferred from freshwater to marine water?
Contractile vacuole disappears
What happens if a marine protozoan is transferred to freshwater?
New contractile vacuole is formed
What happens when parasytic protozoan is transferred to freshwater?
It dies. (No new contractile vacuole is formed)
What are the locomotory appendages in class mastigophora?
What is the mode of reproduction in flagellated protozoans?
Asexual reproduction (longitudinal binary fission)
Which protist is considered as the connecting link between unicellular and multicellular organisms?
Which protozoan is a symbiont of termite’s gut?
What is acts as a vector for leishmania?
Sandfly (phlebotomus)
What is the infective stage of leishmania?
What causes kala azar (dum dum fever)?
Leishmania donovani
What causes cuntaneous leishmaniasis/delhi boils?
Leishmania tropica
What causes espundia disease ( naso oral leishmaniasis)?
Leishmania brasiliensis
What is the infective stage of trypanosoma?
Metacyclic stage
African sleeping sickness is caused by
Trypanosoma bruce gambiense
What acts as a vector for sleeping sickness?
Tse-tse fly
Chagas disease/ American trypanosomiasis is caused by
Trypansoma cruzi
What acts as a vector for chagas disease?
Triatoma (kissing) bug
Pellicle is absent in which protozoans?
Sarcodina/Amoeboid protozoans
What is the function of pseudopodia?
Feeding, locomotion
Name the orders in sarcodina class.
Lobosa, heliozoa, foraminera, radiolaria
Which type of pseudopodia are present in order lobosa?
Amoeba belongs to the order
What is the habitat of amoeba?
Fresh water
Sol-gel theory of amoeboid movement was given by
Hyman, Pantin and Mast
Is Entamoeba histolytica a monogenetic or a digenetic parasite?
Monogenetic parasite
What is the infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica?
Tetranucleate cyst stage
Which organism cause pyorrhia?
Entamoeba gingivalis with oral bacteria
Entamoeba coli is a
Commensal of human gut
Which type of pseudopodia are present in order Heliozoa of Sarcodina?
What is the other name of actinophrys?
Sun animalcule (amoeboid protozoan)
What is the shell of order Foraminifera of class sarcodina made of?
Calcareous shell
In what habitat are Foraminiferans and Radiolarians found?
What is ocean ooze?
Foraminifera and Radiolaria
Used as indicator of petroleum reserves.
What is the shell of Radiolarians made of?
Trichocyst is found in which protozoan class?
Ciliated protists
What is the function of trichocyst?
Offence and defence, also help in anchoring usually found in dinoflagellates
What is the mode of sexual reproduction in ciliated protists?
All the cilia in paramecium are similar. True/False? (with explanation)
False. A caudal tuft of longer cilia is present in paramecium.
How many contractile vacuoles are found in paramecium?
How many nucleus are found Paramecium aurelia?
1 macro, 2 micro
How many nucleus are found in Paramecium caudatum?
1 macro and 1 micro
Which protozoans are the commensals of frog’s gut?
Opalina and Nyctotherus (ciliated protozoans)
Which is the only ciliated protozan that is parasitic to humans?
Balantidium coli
How do sporozoans move?
Through wriggling movement
What type of sexual reproduction is found in sporozoans?
Sexual cycle of Plasmodium occurs in
Where does fertilization of gametes of Plasmodium occur?
In the gut of mosquito
The ookinete’s cyst wall is secreted by
Partially by the stomach wall and partially by the ookinete itself
What causes the symptoms of malaria?
Plasmodium converts haemoglobin into haemozoin which is a toxic compound and it cause the malarial fever.
What is the incubation period of P. vivax?
14 days
What is the incubation period of P. falciparum?
12 days
What is the incubation period of P. Malariae?
28 days
Which is the most poinsonous fungi?
Amanta muscoids
Rhizopus belongs to class
Zygomycetes of phycomycetes
What are conidia produced on?
Sterigmata on surface conidiophores
Which fungi are called egg fungi?
Which fungi are called algal fungi?
Which fungi are called gill fungi?
Fruiting bodies are formed in which classes of fungi?
Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes
What is the cell wall of phycomycetes made of?
Which organism is blue mould?
Which organism is brown mould?
Which organism is pink mould?
Which organism is called the weed of the laboratory?
What are lichoperdon?
Puff balls
Which organism caused the famine of Bengal (1943)?
Helminthosporium oryzae- cause brown leaf spot of rice
Camembert cheeze is made using the fungi
Penicillium camemberti
Which part of lichen performs sexual reproduction?
What is the female sex organ in lichens called?
What is the shape of apothecium in lichens?
Plate shaped
What is the shape of perithecium in lichens?
Flask shaped
Give two example of fruticose lichen.
Usnea and cladonia
Given an example of crustose lichen.
Give an example of foliose lichen.
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is found in
What is a virion?
A virus present in an abiotic environment is called a virion.
Who is considered as the father of virology?
Which is fastest mutable virus?
Influenza virus
Where do the carbohydrates and lipid of envelope of a virus come from?
Host cell
In which viruses is an envelope found?
Retrovirus and bacteriophages
How many copies of ss-RNA are present in HIV?
Generalized transduction is the result of which bacteriophagial cycle?
Lytic cycle
Specialized transduction is the result of which bacteriophagial cycle?
Lysogenic cycle
The sporangia of terrestrial oomycetes produce
Non-flagellated conidia and aplanospores
How are oospores formed in oomycetes?
By fusion of gametes
The sporangia of aquatic oomycetes produce
The sporangium of zygomycetes produces