XI: Chapter 14- Respiration Flashcards
What is the respiratory substrate in germinating seeds?
What is floating respiration?
Respiration in which respiratory substrate is a carbohydrate.
What is protoplasmic respiration?
Respiration in which the respiratory substrate is fat/protein.
What type of respiration liberates ammonia?
Protoplasmic respiration
How many net ATP are produced in the pentose phosphate pathway?
35 ATP
What is the starting substrate in pentose phosphate pathway?
Where does pentose phosphate pathway take place in a cell?
What are the base and stalk of an oxysome together called?
F0 particle
What is the head of an oxysome called?
F1 particle
In which step of glycolysis is NADH produced?
Triose phosphate –> 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate
In which steps of glycolysis are ATP produced?
1,3 bisphosphoglycerate –> 3 phosphoglycerate
Phosphoenolpyruvate –> Pyruvate
Which enzyme converts 2 phosphoglycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate?
Which enzyme converts fructose 1,6 bisphosphate to triose phosphate?
Where does glycolysis take place?
Cytoplasm of cell
What is oxidative decarboxylation in respiration process?
Pyruvate –> acetyl co-A
Which molecules form a part of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex which catalyses oxidative decarboxylation reaction?
Lipoic acid, Mg2+, transacetylase, thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), co-a, NAD+
Sequentially name all the molecules formed in the glycolysis chain reaction?
Glucose Glucose-6-phosphate Fructose-6-phosphate Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate Triose phosphate 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate 3-Phosphoglycerate 2-Phosphoglycerate Phosphoenolpyruvate Pyruvate
Sequentially name all the major molecules formed in the Kreb’s cycle
Oxaloacetic acid + acetyl Co-A Citric acid Cis-aconitic acid Isocitrate Oxalosuccinate α-Ketoglutaric acid + CO2 Succinyl co-A Succinate Fumerate Malate Oxaloacetic acid
How many carbon molecules are present in α-ketoglutaric acid?
In which step of Kreb’s cycle is a carbondioxide molecule lost?
Oxalosuccinic acid –> α-Ketoglutaric acid + CO2
α-Ketoglutaric acid –> Succinyl co-A
In which steps of Kreb’s cycle are NADH produced?
Isocitrate –> Oxalosuccinic acid
α-Ketoglutaric acid –> Succinyl co-A
Malate–> Oxaloacetic acid
In which step of Kreb’s cycle is GTP produced?
Succinyl co-A –> Succinate
In which step of Kreb’s cycle is FADH produced?
Succinate –> Fumarate
What is the ratio of decarboxylation:dehydrogenation:substrate level phosphorylation in citric acid cycle?
[Dehydrogenation implies the formation of NADH and FADH, substrate level phosphorylation implies the formation of GTP]
Where does the Kreb’s cycle take place?
In the matrix of mitochondria
What is the net gain of ATPs from Kreb’s cycle and link reaction?
What is the net gain of ATPs from glycolysis?
What is the net gain of ATPs from link reaction?
Where does terminal oxidation in respiration take place?
Inner membrane of mitochondria
Which is the I enzyme complex of electron transport chain in mitochondria?
NADH dehydrogenase enzyme complex
What are the components of I enzyme complex of electron transport chain in mitochondria
Which is the II enzyme complex of electron transport chain in mitochondria
Succinate-Q-reductase complex
Which enzyme complex of electron transport chain in mitochondria receives electrons from NADH?
NADH dehydrogenase enzyme complex
Which enzyme complex of electron transport chain in mitochondria receives electrons from FADH2?
Succinate-Q-reductase complex
Which is the III enzyme complex of electron transport chain in mitochondria?
Cytochrome b-c1 complex/QH2 cytochrome reductase complex
WHich is the small mobile carrier in the electron transport chain in mitochondria?
Where is cytochrome-c intially attached?
Outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane
What are the components of IV enzyme complex of electron transport chain in mitochondria?
Cyt-a1, cyt-a3 and two copper containing centres (cytochrome c-oxidase complex )
Which acts as the final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain of inner mitochondrial membrane?
What is the sequence of molecules in the electron transport chain of inner mitochondrial membrane?
Flavin mono nucleotide (FMN) Fe-S Fe-s Quinone (Q) Ubiquinol (QH) Cyt b Fe-S Quinone (Q) Ubiquinol (QH) Cyt c1 Cyt c Cyt a1-a3 Oxygen
Where are hydrogen ions accumulated in terminal oxidation process of respiration?
Peri membranal space of mitochondria
Which part of oxysome contains ATP synthetase enzyme?
F1 (head)
How many hydrogen ions pass through the oxysome for each ATP produced?
When does pentose phosphate pathway operate?
In case mitochondrias do not function (old age, disease, poison)
How many NADH are produced in pentose phosphate pathway?
How many net ATP are produced in anaerobic respiration?
What are the end products of anaerobic respiration in muscle cells?
Lactic acid (no CO2)
In which form do fats join respiration?
Fat–> fatty acid + glycerol
glycerol-Triose phosphate
fatty acid- acetyl coA
In which form does protein join the respiration process?
Pyruvate, α-Ketoglutaric acid, acetyl coA
What is the respiratory quotient?
Volume of O2 consumed
What is used to measure respiratory quotient?
What is the respiratory quotient of fats?
What is the respiratory quotient of proteins?
What is the respiratory quotient in succulents?
What is the respiratory quotient of organic acids?
> 1
What is the respiratory quotient in anaerobic respiration?
Which step in respiration is present in all living organism?
Which enzyme catalyses the phosphorylation of glucose and fructose?
Expand PGAL
Expand BPGA
1,3 bisphosphoglyceraldehyde
How many redox equivalents are removed from PGAL in glycolysis?
What oxidises PGAL to BPGA in glycolysis?
Inorganic phosphate
Which enzymes catalyse the conversion of pyruvate to CO2 and ethanol in fermentation?
Pyruvic acid decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase
Which enzyme reduces pyruvic acid to lactic acid in lactic acid fermentation?
Lactate dehydrogenase
What is the reducing agent in fermentation?
What is the first step of Kreb’s cycle called?
Which enzyme catalyses the condensation of oxaloacetic acid to citric acid?
Citrate synthase
What is released along with citric acid in the first step of Kreb’s cycle?
Cyt -c acts as a mobile carrier between?
Enzyme complex III and enxyme complex IV
Which is the complex V of electron transport chain of mitochondria?
ATP synthetase
What is the net ATP gain in respiration of one glucose molecule?
NADH is oxidised to NAD+ rather slowly in aerobic respiration, but very vigorously in anaerobic respiration. True/false?
NADH is oxidised to NAD+ rather slowly in anaerobic respiration, but very vigorously in aerobic respiration.
What is the respiratory quotient of tripalmitin?