xerostomia Flashcards
What is xerostoma? how prevalent is it?
- 50% reduction in saliva produced & altered saliva composition/quality
- > 1 in 405 aduls
- > can occur at any age, most prevelant in older patients and owmen
* 100% of sjogrens syndorme patients
why is a health tongue and saliva important?
- TOngue
- imp for papillae functions
- Saliva
- Maintains neutral pH
- Remineralization of teeth
- Cleansing and shielding of teeth
- Lubrication of mouth
- Local antimicrobial activity
- Assists in taste, speech, swallowing
- Facilitates digestion and nutrition
what produces saliva?
3 pairs of large glands: parotid, submandibular, sublingual
what is saliva made of?
- Water
- Mucins, electrolytes, other proteins • Gustin
- Bicarbonate & phosphate
- Calcium & phosphate
- Salivary enzymes
etiology of xerostoma
- Medications & therapies
- takeing 2 or more meds
- radiation and chemo
- Medical conditions
- nerve damage (from injurt/surgery)
- obstruction of salivary glands
- Lifestyle
- mouth breathing; nasal obstruction
- smoking; dehydration
- excressive alcohol or caffeine use
Drug causes of xerostomia and salivary gland dysfunction
- OTCs ***
- antihistamina: chlorpheniramine and diphenhydramine
- decongestants: pseudoephedrine
- lots of other meds (dont need to know
what diseases can cause xerostomia & salivary gland dysfunction
- autoimmune disease (celiac, RA, Sjogrens, chrons)
- endocrine disorders
- genetic diseases
- others
implications of xerostomia and saliary gland dysfunction
- oral infections (caries and gingivitis)
- mucus membrane infections (cadidiasis)
- loosening of dentures, causing painful ulcerations
- impaired ability/willingness to eat or tlak
- tooth sensitivity
- altered taste and smell
- loss of appetite w/ evental decline in nutritional status
- atrophic erythematous oral mucosa
- peeled and cracked lips
- burning tongue
- sticky and visocus saliva
- halitosis
- heartburn and reflex
- decrease eficacy of SL meds
- inc risk of med non ahernace
direct signs and symptoms of xerostoma
- Saliva
- dec amount
- foamy or stringy
- Tongue
- dry day and ngiht
- rough/raw -> red and sore
- regionsal or generalized mucosal pain
- Taste:
- altered or loss
- Swallonging
- diff eating and swallowing
- acid reflex/ heart butn
- mucosa
- sensitivity to acidic, spicy and salty foods
- Teeth
- decay
- Lips
- Dry, chapped, angular cheilitis
- Breath
- inc occurence of halitosis
indirect sigsn and symptoms of xerostoma
- Eyes/nose and skin
- dry
- decrease sweating
- Other
- fatigue, weight loss, recurring vaginal infections
Questions to aid in early detection of dry mouth
- does amount of saliva in mouth seem to be too little
- does mouth feel dry when eating a meal
- do you sip liquids to aid in swallowing of dry food?
- Do you have difficulty swallowing?
*if any are yes they have some degree of dry mouth
xerostoma red flags
- comorbid conditions (Sjogren’s syndrome, depression, hyperlipidemia, uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes mellitus, pain worsened by acidic/spicy foods)
- concurrent radiation therapy
- concurrent medication therapy or oxygen therapy
- severe tooth pain
salivary gland swelling
what are the gaols of therapy for xerosterma
- relieve symptoms and improve mouth comfort
- prevent consequences and complications of dry mouth: dental caries, fungal infection, poor nutrition
non pharm prevention strategies
- Prevent dryness
- aocid substances that dec salivation or erroth enamel
- cariogenic foods, alc, tobacco , caffeine, spicy
- inc water intake
- aocid substances that dec salivation or erroth enamel
- Stim secretions
- have good oral hygrien
- chew gum sweetened with xylitol
- Dental prophylaxis
- use of fluoride containing anti-plauqe mouth rinses, gels and dentrifices
- use of very soft bristle tooth bushes to reduce enamel abrasion
Decribe the treatment approach for self care candidates
- prevent dryness
- avoid substances that reduce salivation or cause irritation or erode tooth enamel
- Prevent tooth decay
- practice good oral hygiene and use topical fluride products
- Alleviate symptoms
- use artifical saliva products
first line therapy for xerostoma
- non prescription therapy
*want a fluroide free, SLS free oral product that contains xylitol
what to cousel on for xerostoma self care candidates
- educate on lifestyle modifications and products available without Rx
- work with toher HC professionals to determiens if medications contributing can be replaced for dsicontnues and provide guidnece for doing so
- ensure pat have realistic expectations for itnerventions and understand when to seek further medical care
when to monitor
- reasses after 1 week: signs of improvement, oral hygiene, pilocarpine (excessive solinergic sdie effects)
- refer patients to dentist if: sysmptoms persist or worsen with self treatment, patietns have complciations from xerostoma
*look at the patient case for practice