Sports Injury Flashcards

*bursa = soft cushion protecting are from tendon and muscle
*tendon = attaches muscle to bone
*Ligament: attached bone to bone (helps w/ joint stability)

an injury to the ligament will cause
issues with stability
*attach bones to bones
vaccines injected into shoudler area can accientally be injected into the ____ and cause pain
- bursa
what is bursitis
(description, impact, cause, location, symptoms)
- inflammation of the bursa -> fluid filled sack that cushions ,uscle/tendon from joint
Impact: Pain during movement
CauseL prolonged pressure (resting elbows, kneeling), repetitive use
Location: joints (shoulder, knee
Symptoms: redness, pain and swelling
- can be acute or chronic
*have 4 burse in knee
in achilles tendon
- impacts walking, triggered by walking long distance, poor fitted footwear, overusing achilles tendno
Tennis elbow
- occurs by repeated movements -> carrying briefcase, exceeding strength/ability to carry
What is tendinitis
- Description: inflammation of tendon, which connects muscle to bone or joint
Impact: pain during movement (tendons help you mvoe)
cause: usually repeated overuse, improper training technique (new job at factory w/ repeated movement, carry heavy breifcase)
location: near joints (shouldner, knee, elbow, ankle)
Symptom: Pain, swelling
What is a strain (description, impact, cause, location, symptom)
Description: tear in muscle/tendon (minor tear to full rupture)
Impact: minaly distrupts movement
Cause: over extertion, voer stretching, repetitive movement, trauma
Location: Common in back, shoulder, hamstrings
Symptoms: pain, swelling
*common to encouner in pharmacy
What is a sprain (description, impact, cause, location, symptom)
Description: Tear in ligament (partial or full rupture)
Impact: Mainly distrupts stabiltiy
Cause: Mainly trauma, from twisting, falling leading to ligament being over stretched or twisted)
Location: common in ankles, knees writes and fingers
Symptom: pain, swelling, tenderness, bruising
*without X ray a bad sprain can appear as a break
What is a stress fracture
description, impact, cause, location and symptom
*micro breaks from repeated use ->load injury
description: small fractures in bone resulting from repetitive strain
impact: pain during excersie
Cause: repetitive force (e baseball, long distance running_
location: common in lower libs
Symptom: pain during exercise, decreases during rest. May have swelling
* may only experience the pain during activity, typcally just treated by rest and avoiding activity
plantar facitis
description, impact, cause, location and symptom
Description: inflammation of periosteum of bottom of foot
Impact: pain while walking
Cause: long walks, poorly fitted footwear
location: bottom of foot
Symptom: pain

Skin splints
Description, impact, cause, location, symptom
- AKA medial tibial stress syndrome
Description: Inflammation of muscles and surrounding tissues of lower leg around tibia (skin) bone
impact: pain while walking and running
cause: change in excerise (more running, running up hills, gymnastics)
*often caused by high ipmact exercise that overloads tibia,
location: lower legs
symptom: shin pain, during and after excersie

what are the therapy goals for sports injuries?
symptom relief, heal injury, prevent re-injury
how to prevent sports injury
trian, stretch, warm up and cool down
when would a sports injury be an emergency?
- severe pain, obvious fracture, joint deformity, inabiltiy to bear weight on injured limb
*children usually dont show signs of pain -> more mobility issues
how to treat a sports injurt (non pharmacologic)
R: rest at least 24 h
I: Ice (with bag, cold pack, frozen peas wrapped with a thin cloth)
*do for 1-30 min q3-6h x 48h (10 min for boney areas, 20-30 for fatty)
C: caution for ciruclatory disorders (ex Raynauds desase, diabetes cold stops blood flow to area,)
E: elevate above heart level to drain fluid and reduce swelling
*useful for bursitis, sprains, strains, plantar fasciitis, skin splints, tendinitis
*for stress fractures, rest area and train using low ipmact activity like swimming or cycling
when should you apply heat to a sports injury
2-14 days after injury
- hot water bottle (bath temp), electric heat pad, heat pack, infrared heat lamp
- wrap bottled and pads in towel to avoid burns, apply for 20-30 min q2-4 h prn
*Cool first!
when should you not heat a sports injury
- in first 48h
- avoid in: unconscious patients, impaired skin sensitivity, poor circulation, open wounds
If sports injury still persits after 14 days
refer to physician
- follow up with patient after 14d of therapy, asses for: dec pain, swellling, improved ability to just joint, return to daily activites without pain
What analgesics are used to treat sports injuries
Oral: acetaminophen and NSAIDs
Topical: diclofenac
Injections: corticosteroids (tendinitis)
Vapocoolants: ethyl chloride, spray and strech (pentafluoropronane 95%/tetrafluroethane 5%) *mostly just provide dsitraction from coolingfeeling on skin
cautons for analgesics used for sports injuries
- do not use topical agent more than 4x/daily, do not use under heating pads
- topical counter irritants are ineffective for pain releif but can be used for muscle massage rub (A535)
When a patietn ahs a sports injury what are the first questions to assis them on (patient factors)
- younger than 2 or younger than 12 (if requring an Rx product)
- pregnancy (if planning, or 1st trimester or 20+ weeks)
*NSAIDS area avoided during preg
- CV or GI disease or risk factors
- Renal impairment (CrCl <30 mL/min)
- Asthma (if prev rxn to ASA or NSAID)
- bleeding disorder or antiplatelet or anticoagulant
*if any are yes then refer