How can you conserve energy when running on battery power? (5)
- Reverser to neutral
- Deactivate cab
- Turn off cab lighting if possible
- Saloon lights to emergency (0) if daytime
- Close cab door (step light off)
What 3 fault lights tell you a MCB has tripped?
Major Fault
Major 2nd Level Fault
Minor Fault
What fault light tells you a MCB has tripped in the E Box?
Minor Fault
Can you check MCB in E Box?
What does an AUX Fault light mean?
Failure of 1 or more SIVs
How many 24V converters can you lose per 3 car unit?
Must have 1 of the 3 working
What 2 MCBs protect the Safety Loop?
23Q1 & 23Q2
What MCB controls Pantograph commands?
What is the MCB for the Multi Units Relay?
What is the MCB for the PA System?
Where are the MCBs located in the T Car?
Left of door 2
What 6 MCBs are located in the T Car?
- Tachy Unit
- Panto 2
- Panto 1
- AUX 2
- AUX 1
How many E Boxes on a 6 car train?
For Pantograph faults, what 3 MCBs can you check?
Panto 1 & 2 - 22Q10 in T Car
22Q11 in M Car
For Pantograph faults, what 3 MCBs can you check?
Panto 1 & 2 - 22Q10 in T Car
22Q11 in M Car