What does set back mean?
Driving the train back In the direction of where it has come from
What does propelling mean?
Driving and braking from any cab except the leading cab
What are some routine or unplanned operations where trains may set back? (5)
- Zig zag shunting movements
- Obstruction of the track
- Due to an accident
- Wrong routed
- Any other dangerous situation
How can set back movements be communicated?
- Fixed signals
- Hand signals
- Bell/whistle codes
- Cab to Cab intercom
- Radio
All under authority of signaller or TC
What speed should you proceed over trailing points that are now facing points?
What speed do you set back at when going over a level/pedestrian crossing?
When propelling a train during a setback manoeuver who is in the leading cab?
A competent employer
What are the bell codes?
- Call Attention
- Proceed
- Set Back/reverse
- Call competent employee to the front
Series of bells. Emergency stop
What are the 3 main ways a driver can communicate with a competent employee on a comeng?
110V DC bell system
Whistle codes
If at any time cab to cab communication is lost, what must you do?
Train must be stopped Immediately
What are the 3 main ways a driver can communicate with a competent employee on a Siemens/X’Trap?
Cab to cab intercom
Whistle codes
What area is the Metro Controlled Area (MCA)?
East Richmond
South Kensington
Moonee Ponds Creek Junction
Macaulay/Flemington Bridge
Who gives authority to set back in the Metrol Controlled Area?
Verbal authority from Controlling signaller (Area Controller), supervised by Senior Network Controller
How does the Area Controller prepare for you to set back in the Metrol Controlled Area?
All applicable fixed signals to STOP
Track block and point sleeves applied
When returning to the rear (set back in MURL), what must the driver do?
- Stop at every intermediate Home signal
- Ensure the signal number is included on Train Authority, if it isn’t contact AC
- Cut out/raise leading trip
- Ensure speed doesn’t exceed 15km/h
When at exit to MURL when returning to the rear, what must the driver do?
- Stop the train at the home signal controlling the exit
- Advise area Controller that the train has arrived completed
- Lower leading trip before proceeding on aspect of the signal
What authority do you need to set back in station limits (not MCA)?
Verbal authority from signaller
Given via radio, post telephone or in person
What speed do you proceed at when setting back?
Extreme Caution
What is the purpose of an Electro Hydraulic Point Machine? (EHPM)
- Enable points to be operated remote by signaller
- In case of failure, operated by driver/competent employee acting under instructions of signaller/TC
What is underneath the lid of a EHPM?
- Red directional control level
- Pump handle socket with pump handle (or retractable handle, or at some locations it is stored in the vicinity)
What does POWER and MANUAL mean on the EHPM?
Power: allows remote operation for normal running
Manual: allows manual operation, holds all fixed signals controlling movement over points at danger
What are the 3 positions of the directional control lever on the EHPM?
- Normal
- Centre
- Reverse
What must be held when using the pump handle on EHPM?
The directional control lever must be held in position when using pump handle
When the switch is in POWER, what remains locked? (EHPM)
Directional control lever
How long do you pump the points with the EHPM?
Until the points are lying in the correct position, fully home and locked
What is the procedure for using the EHPM?
- Unlock padlock with 5p, open hinged lid and read instructions (if provided)
- Move switch to MANUAL
- Move directional control lever to required position and hold it there
- Pull pump handle from it’s socket or insert handle
- Pump handle until points are home and locked
How do you secure the EHPM after use?
- Move pump handle to vertical position, retract or remove handle
- Leave switch in MANUAL position
- Close lid and secure with padlock
- Apply hand locking bar
Who can restore the EHPM to power position and remove locking bar/point clip?
Signal Maintenance Technician
When are point clips used?
By competent employees/drivers to secure points. Used when facing movement are required over points when detection of points isn’t visible
What is the purpose of a Dual Control Point Machine? (DCPM)
- Enable points to be operated remote by signaller
- In case of failure, operated by driver/competent employee acting under instructions of signaller/TC
What are the two levers on a DCPM?
- Selector Lever (smaller lever)
- Hand Throw Lever (larger lever)
What is the purpose of the selector lever?
- Allows remote control movement of points/signals (motor)
- Allows manual operation of points and hold signals at stop (hand), prevents remote operation
What is the Hand Throw Levers purpose?
It is used to manually move the points into desired position.
N - Normal
R - Reverse (diverge)
If the points are across two sets of tracks, what must you be cautious of?
Make sure both A and B ends of the points are changed so the crossover is correctly set
Before you operate the points, you must observe the position. What are the positions?
- Normal Position
- Reverse Position
- Intermediate Position (between normal and reverse)
When DCPM is placed at hand position, what are the signals doing?
They will be secured at danger for any points applicable to that machine
What is the hand throw sequence for normal points which are lying in normal position?
What is the hand throw sequence for normal points which are lying in the reverse position?
What is the hand throw sequence for reverse points which are lying in normal position?
What is the hand throw sequence for reverse points which are lying in reverse position?
Where are hand locking bars located?
- In centre of sleeper
- Adjacent to point machine
How do you use a hand locking bar?
- You must be instructed to do so
- Point must be lying correctly
- Reactive Track Access form may be required
- Unlock with 5p key
- Lift bar against long blade and hold in position
- Padlock locking bar in position
How many train authority forms must you carry?
Minimum of 15
How can a Train Authority be issued to a driver?
- Handed by signaller at local location
- Dictated to driver in remote location
When is a train authority not required to return to the rear?
If you are within station limits
Or within Metrol Controlled Area (excluding MURL) supervised by Senior Network Controller
When are train authorities required?
- Train required to return to rear due to obstruction
- Assisting a disabled train, when relief train need to depart controlled signal location. Applied to ABS & ATC
- Safeworking system fails, eg. Signal box failure that renders safeworking system inoperative
If a train is already in the line section (not controlled area) do they need a train authority to assist a disabled train?
No, only trains leaving controlled area to assist disabled train must get a Train Authority
A train authority must be completed according to book of rules and as a legal document must…..?
- Be completed in ink and block letters
- Have no erasures, alterations or abbreviations
- Be on prescribed form
- Be brief and clear (ABC)
- Contain only essential information
A driver must not proceed into a section unless the train authority:
- Complies with above conditions
- Is fully understood
- Has signed the butt portion of the form
What must a Train Authority contain?
- Train Authority issued in consecutive order
- Date, time of issue
- Number and class of leading motor
- Location to which it is transmitted
- Location train has to run
- Any further information for driver Eg. Signal no.
- Train controllers name
- Repeated back ok time
- If assisting disabled train, info on location and length of train. Also which end disabled train is to be taken
When must a Train Authority be vertified?
- The driver does not directly receive the TA from TC/Signaller
- Relief driver is sent out to relieve another driver on train
How do you verify a train authority?
- Contact TC and read entire contents of Train Authority
- Write VERTIFIED across face of form
- Time, date and sign
If a driver incorrectly fills out a train authority, what must they do?
- Write CANCELLED across face of form
- Time, date, sign form
- Write a fresh train Authority as per procedures
When a train arrives from the rear, how far from the points/limit of wrong line movement should they stop?
100m from our most set of points/where wrong long movement will go to &
Obtain permission from controlling signaller
What are the two ways Train Authorities can be completed and cancelled?
Locally - by signaller who will confirm train is complete, cancel authority and notify TC of time it was cancelled
Remote - by driver who will confirm train is complete, cancel authority and notify TC of time it was cancelled
When making a REC/TEC what information must be provided?
‘Emergency, emergency, emergency’
TDN, Origin/Destination
Nature of emergency
Required response
ID any hazards
How do you declare your train disabled?
Contact Train Control and declare disabled
Fill in and dictate DRA to TC
How do you protect your train/other lines if you have derailed?
- Emergency Whistle
- Marker lights to RED
- RED flag
- Flash high beams
- Emergency Track Circuit Jumper Cables
What are the 4 MURL Tunnels?
Clifton Hill/City Circle
What signals are controlled in the MURL?
Departure end of platforms
What signals are controlled in the MURL?
Departure end of platforms
If the home signal protecting points in the MURL is defective but points are detected, what will the AC ask you to do?
Check which way the points are laying
If the MURL points cannot be detected, what will the area Controller ask you to do?
Check and lock the points with the hand locking bar
You may be asked to proceed in wrong direction
If the MURL points cannot be detected, what will the area Controller ask you to do?
Check and lock the points with the hand locking bar
You may be asked to proceed in wrong direction
How can you tell if the overhead is isolated in the MURL?
White indicator lights located at departing ends of platforms. Will illuminate white if overhead is off.
How can you identify the pilot on Single Line Working?
Red Badge with world PILOTMAN in white letter, worn on left arm
Red flag tied around left arm
How can you identify the pilot on Single Line Working?
Red Badge with world PILOTMAN in white letter, worn on left arm
Red flag tied around left arm
What is the Object of Single Line Working?
When one line of a double Line system is closed to normal traffic due to track repair/obstruction, a system called SLW may be introduced
How is the Object for SLW achieved?
Signaller sleeves signals at both ends to stop
What point machine is pictured?
Coates Cushion Weighted Hand Points (CCW)
What point machine is pictured?
Coates Cushion Weighted Hand Points (CCW)
What point machine is pictured?
Willets Spring Activated Point Lever (WSA)
What point machine is pictured?
Willets Spring Activated Point Lever (WSA)
What is this?
Hayes Derailer
What is this?
Hayes Derailer