X-ray Interaction With Matter Ch 10 Flashcards
Five Ways of X-ray Interaction With Matter
Coherent, Compton, Photoelectric Effect,
Pair Production & Photodisintegration
It interacts with whole atom
Low-Energy X-ray
It interacts with electrons
Moderate-Energy X-ray
It interacts with nuclei
High-Energy X-ray
The incident x-ray interacts with a target
atom, causing it to become excited
Coherent Scattering
The general graying of an image
Image Noise
The incident x-ray interacts with the outershell electron & ejects it from the atom
Compton Effect/Scattering
X-rays scattered back in the direction of the
incident x-ray beam
Backscatter Radiation
Compton scattering reduces…
image contrast
The incident x-ray interacts with the innershell electron
Photoelectric Effect
The photoelectric effect is
total x-ray absorption
The incident x-ray interacts with the nuclear
force field
Pair Production
A process wherein the mass of positron &
electron is converted to energy
Annihilation Radiation
The incident x-ray interacts directly into the
Different degrees of absorption in different
Differential Absorption