Electricity, Magnetism & Electromagnetism Ch 5 Flashcards
X-ray Imaging System Primary function
to convert electric energy into electromagnetic energy
The study of stationary electric charges
The object that has too few or too many
The process of adding or removing electrons
from an object
Electrification is created by…
contact, friction or by induction
The object that behaves as a reservoir for
stray electric charges
Electric Ground
Electrostatic Laws is
-Unlike charges attract
-Like charge repel
-Electric field radiate out from positive
-Electric field radiate toward a negative
-Uncharged particles do not have electric
The lines of force exerted on charged ions in
the tissues by the electrodes
Electric Field
The force of attraction between unlike
charges or repulsion between like charges
Electrostatic Force
The electrostatic force is directly proportional to the product of the electrostatic charges & inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
Coulomb’s Law
The study of electric charges in motion
Work with electric current
Electrical Engineer
Four States of Matter
Conductor, Insulator, Semiconductor,
Any substance through which electrons flow
Any material that does not allow electron
A material that some conditions behaves as
an insulator & as a conductor
Any material that allows electrons to flow
without resistance
He demonstrated semiconduction
William Shockley (1946)
The property of some matter to exhibit no
resistance below a critical temperature
Superconductivity (1911)
The path of electron flow from the
generating source through the various
components & back again
Electric Circuits
Increasing electric resistance results in a…
reduced electric current
The flow of electrons through a conductor
Electric Current/Electricity
It is measured in volts (V)
Electric Potential
It is measured in ohms (Ω)
Electric Resistance
The voltage across the total circuit or any
portion of the circuit is equal to the current
times the resistance
Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s Law Formula
V = IR; R = V/I; I = V/R
Two Basic Types of Electric Circuits
Series & Parallel Circuits
All circuit elements are connected in a line
along the same conductor
Series Circuit
Elements are connected at their ends rather
than lying in a line along a conductor
Parallel Circuit
Electrons that flow in only one direction
Direct Current
Electrons that flow alternately in opposite
Alternating Current (AC)
The graphic representation of a wave
It is measured in watts (W)
Electric Power
Lodestone or leading stone
The fundamental property of some forms of
Any charged particle in motion creates a…
magnetic field
A property created when electrons behave as
if they rotate on its axis
Electron Spin
A nuclear magnetic dipole created when
magnetic field is created by spinning electric
charge, the basis of MRI
Magnetic Moment
The lines of a magnetic field are always…
closed loop
A magnet that has two poles
The small magnet created by the electron
Magnetic Dipole
An accumulation of many atomic magnets
with their dipoles aligned
Magnetic Domain
The ability of a material to attract the lines
of magnetic field intensity
Magnetic Permeability
Magnets are classified according to the origin
the magnetic property
Three Principal Types of Magnets
- Naturally occurring magnets
- Artificially produced permanent magnets:
- Electromagnets
A magnet that gets its magnetism from the
Natural Magnet
A magnet whose magnetism is induced
Permanent Magnet
A coil or wire wrapped around an iron core
that intensifies the magnetic field
Four Magnetic States of Matter
Nonmagnetic, Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic,
& Ferromagnetic
Unaffected by magnetic field
Weakly repelled from both poles of a
magnetic field
Weakly attracted to both poles of a magnetic
It can be strongly magnetized
The degree to which a material can be
Magnetic Susceptibility
A condition wherein some materials that are
very susceptible are also reluctant to lose
their magnetism
The magnetically charged end of a materi
The process of making ferromagnetic
material magnetic
Magnetic Induction
The imaginary magnetic field lines
Magnetic Lines of Induction
An excellent temporary magnet
Soft Iron
The force of attraction between unlike poles
or repulsion between like poles
Magnetic Force
He observed that a dissected frog leg
twitched when touched by two different
Luigi Galvani (1700’s)
HE Contributed on the development of
Alessandro Volta
Any device that converts some form of
energy directly into electric energy
Source of Electromotive Force
He demonstrated that electricity can be used
to generate magnetic fields
Hans Oersted (1820)
Any charge in motion induces a…
Magnetic field
It determines the direction of the magnetic
Right Hand Rule
A coil of wire
A current-carrying coil of wire wrapped
around an iron core
An electric current is induced in a circuit if
some part of that circuit is in a changing
magnetic field
e.g radio reception
Electromagnetic Induction
He observed the current in a changing
magnetic field
Michael Faraday
The first law of electromagnetic
Faraday’s Law
Varying magnetic field intensity induces an…
electric current
Electromagnetic Devices
Electric motor, Electric Generator &
Electric current produces mechanical motion
Electric Motor
Mechanical motion produces electric current
Electric Generator
It changes the intensity of alternating
voltage & current
A type of motor used with x-rays tubes
Induction Motor
The change in voltage is directly
proportional to the ratio of the number of
turns (windings) in the secondary coil (Ns) to
the number of turns in the primary coil (Np)
Transformer Law
Transformer Law Formula
Vs/Vp = Ns/Np
Turns ratio greater than 1
Step-uo Transformer
Turns ratio less than 1
Step-down Transformer
Types of Transformers
Closed-core, Autotransformer & Shell-type
A square core of ferromagnetic materials built up of laminated layers of iron
Closed-core Transformer
A current that opposes the magnetic field
that induced it, creating a loss of transformer
Eddy Current
It consists of one winding of wire & varies
in voltage & current by self-induction
It confines more of the magnet field lines of
the primary winding
Shell-type Transformer