Wx and Dispatch Flashcards
Destination inflight
At ETA landing minima.
To proceed required weather at detonation above landing minima or destination alternate above planning minima.
Destination alternate.
ERA 3%.
Takeoff alternate
ETA +- 1hr Planing minima Cat II or III — cat I Cat I — non precision Non precision — +200ft + 1000m Circling — circling Wind limitation apply (gust do not apply)
Destination alternate.
ERA 3%.
Takeoff alternate
At ETA Planing minima Cat II or III — cat I Cat I — non precision Non precision — +200ft + 1000m Circling — circling Wind limitation apply (gust do not apply) To proceed required weather at detonation above landing minima or destination alternate above planning minima.
Destination alternate not required - preflight and in flight
Max 6hr At ETA 2 separate runways 2000ft 5000m or 2500 for circling app. Pre-flight - by company notam In-flight all destinations airports
Destination below minima (closed destination) - preflight.
1+- hr
2 destination alternate above planning minima.
Destination below minima (closed destination) - inflight.
To proceed required weather at detonation above landing minima or destination alternate above planning minima.
Use of weather radar
Below 20,000ft Lateral separation of 10nm
Above 20,000ft Lateral separation of 20nm
At least 5000 above
no significant changes in reportable weather elements are expected during the 2 hours following the reported observation.
no significant weather, the visibility is 10 km or greater, and no clouds below 5,000 ft or MSA.
weather or obscuration listed in the previous group is no longer expected to occur.
Cross wind: Landing
Braking action good (any precipitation)
Dry 40 Good 40 Medium to Good 35 Medium 25 Dry runway, side slip only is not recommended with crosswind above 20 knots - landing using flaps 30.
Runway decoding
R99-Valid report is not available previous report will be repeated.
//99/// nonoperational due to runway clearance in progress.
R88/ all runways contaminated reports not available
Cross wind: Takeoff
Dry 34
Good 25
Medium to Good 22
Medium 20
Cold weather sources
OMA 8.3.10, De-Icing 8.2.5
FCOM supplementary 3&16
Ice, what is aloud
Lower wing:
no ice or frost on leading edges or control surfaces
• Ambient air temperature is at or above +4°C, +39°F
• There is no precipitation or visible moisture
• Tank fuel temperature is at or above -16°C
Or if conditions are not met 3mm.
Upper wing:
• The CSFF on the wing tank upper surfaces is only within the
lines defining the permissible CSFF area with no ice or frost on
the leading edges or control surfaces
• Ambient air temperature is at or above +4°C
• There is no precipitation or visible moisture
• Tank fuel temperature is at or above -16°C,
Minimum fuel at destination
- The final reserve fuel plus the required alternate fuel (to the alternate requiring the higher fuel, if 2 destination alternates are required); or
- The final reserve fuel plus fuel for 15 minutes holding at 1,500 ft above the destination airport elevation in standard conditions if a destination alternate airport is not required; or
- The fuel required to operate to an isolated airport (fuel for 2 hrs at cruise speed above the destination airport).
Diversion to Destination
- An assured landing can be made in the immediate and prevailing operational conditions; and
- An Expected Approach Time (EAT) has been allocated, or confirmation directly from ATC of the maximum likely delay
- Flight visibility 8 km above 10,000 ft AMSL and 5 km below
10,000 ft AMSL; - Distance from cloud 1,500 m horizontally and 1,000 ft vertically;
- Ceiling is not below 1,500 ft.
Contingency Fuel
The highest of:
1: 5 min holding 1500ft
a- 5% of trip fuel & plan rate
b- 3% ERA - 25% with 20% radios, or 20%+50nm
c- 20 min & consumption rate used to plan the trip fuel.
New flight plane and flight release required
- A delay of more than 3 hrs;
- Aircraft (tail number);
- Type of dispatch – (between RCF, Normal or EDTO);
- EDTO diversion time and/or EDTO en-route alternate airport(s);
- Significant change in the flight plan route;
- Change in TOW of more than 2,000 kg for 737 aircraft;
- Change to High/Low airspeed dispatch;
- Change of Destination;
- In any other case if, in the opinion of the PIC or the FOO, a substantial change in the Flight Data has occurred.
Landing RVR
The touchdown zone RVR is always controlling. If reported, the mid point RVR is also controlling, and if the stop end RVR is reported and relevant it is also controlling. The minimum RVR value for the mid-point is 125 m. The minimum RVR value for the stop-end is 75 m.
NOTE: “Relevant” in this context, means that part of the runway used during the high speed phase of the landing down to a speed of approximately 60 kts.
A visual approach may be performed by:
• DayWhen the airport and surrounding terrain can be seen from a distance, or the airport becomes visible following an instrument approach procedure;•
NightWhen the airport becomes visible.
The runway environment shall be kept in sight while maneuvering visually.
Visual Traffic Pattern
- Ceiling: 1,500 ft;
* Visibility: 3 statute miles/5 km.
Circling approach
Circling approaches are to be carried out by the PIC.
The EL AL Circling minima are:
• MDA: 1,000 ft;
• Visibility: 5 km
CAT II Approaches
Decision height not lower then 100ft.
A runway visual range not less than 300 m.
CAT II approaches and landing should be performed with the autopilot engaged (manual landing is allowed when a system malfunction predicates a manual landing).
NOTE: For CAT D aircraft an RVR of below 350 requires autoland.
Category IIIA Approaches
Category IIIA (CAT III/A) operation is a precision instrument approach and landing with: 1. A decision height lower than 100 ft but not lower than 50 ft; and 2. A runway visual range not less than 200 m. CAT IIIA operation is automatic to touchdown using automatic landing.
Alternate Fuel to include fuel for
a. A missed approach from the applicable MDA/DH at the destination airport to missed approach altitude; and
b. Climb from missed approach altitude to cruising level/altitude, taking into account the expected departure routing; and
c. Cruise from top of climb to top of descent, taking into account the expected routing; and
d. Descent from top of descent to the point where the approach is initiated, taking into account the expected arrival procedure; and
e. Executing an approach and landing at the destination alternate airport as filed in the OFP.
Destination pre flight
ETA ALM for the runway in use.