Systems Flashcards
Windshear Ahead
Detected by the weather radar.
Enabled during takeoff below 1200 feet. (Triggered when thrust levers set for Takeoff)
Inhabit above 100knt.
Go around windshear Ahead
Within 1.5 miles and directly ahead of the airplane detected by the weather radar.
Enabled during approach below 1200 feet ( weather radar start scanning below 2300 feet RA).
Monitor radar display
Windshear within 3 miles and a head of the airplane detected by the weather radar.
Enabled during takeoff and approach below 1200 feet RA.
The FMC transitions out of “on approach”
- selecting TO/GA
- the airplane lands
- the waypoint cycles to the first waypoint of the missed approach
- executing a direct-to waypoint in the missed approach.
Below 2000 feet radio altitude, the FMC transitions to go-around logic from
approach logic when any of the following events occur
• pushing either TO/GA switch while in a descent
• executing a direct-to waypoint in the missed approach (other than the missed approach point)
• automatically while in a descent and the last waypoint of the approach cycles to the first waypoint of the missed approach.
• the airplane climbs at a vertical speed greater than 600 fpm and the flaps
are retracted from a landing setting toward a flap setting of 15 or 1
Note: LNAV may be engaged when the airplane climbs above 400 feet radio altitude, but VNAV should not be engaged until after flap retraction. FCOM 11.31.38
Drift Down Execution
- disconnect A/T
- set maximum continuous thrust on operating engine (N1 line)
- set MCP speed to ENG OUT SPD
- set MCP altitude to MAX ALT or lower altitude as required
- At ENG OUT SPF select LVL CHG.
Flaps load relief TE 30, 40
900&H J L load relief for flaps 25,15,10 as well
1 knot above placard speed retract
4 knots below placard speed re extend
Flaps 1,2 or 5
Approaching stall
L/E SLATS fully ext
Recovering from stall - back to ext
T/O warning
Flaps not in the T/O position L/E not in the T/O position S/B not down S/B not retracted when lever is down Parking brake set STAB TRIM Norit in the green band.
GPWS warnings
Radio altitude based alerts
Excessive decent rate - SINK RATE
Excessive terrain closure - TERRAIN
Altitude loss after take off or go around - DON’T SINK
Unsafe terrain clearance not in landing configuration - PULL UP
Excessive deviation below ILS G/S - GLIDESLOPE
Look ahead Terrain alerts
20-30 seconds, terrain solid red on ND
30-40 seconds, terrain solid Amber on ND
below unsafe RA, to far from any airport in data base
Graphical representation of surrounding terrain on the ND
• Dotted red: Terrain more than 2,000 feet above airplane altitude
• Dotted amber: Terrain 500 feet (250 feet with gear down) below to 2,000 feet above the airplane’s current altitude
• Dotted green: Terrain from 2,000 feet below to 500 feet (250 feet
with gear down) below the airplane’s current altitude
• Dotted magenta: No terrain data available
Hydraulic system A&B clients
A: flight controllers, flight spoilers (2 each wing), ground spoilers, alternate breaks, A/P A, #1 thrust reverser, normal nose wheel steering, landing gear, PTU.
B: flight controllers, flight spoilers (2 each wing), LE&TE flaps/slats, normal breaks, #2 thrust reverser, alternate nose wheel steering, yaw damper,
SBY Hydraulic system
sby yaw damper, sby rudder pcu, rudder, LE flaps and slats, thrust reverser
Landing gear indications
Up-10: if thrust levers less then 20/34. Can be switched silenced but not below 200RA.
15-25: if thrust levers less then 20/34. Can’t be switched silenced.
> 25: can be silenced only when configuration error is corrected.
Takeoff and landing configuration warnings.
Landing gear.
Air/Ground sensing
Wing emergency doors lock.
What’s available on battery power
Pressurization - MAN Left side flight instruments No fuel pumps No PITOT HEAT (most airplanes) No flap position indication No Radio Altimeter readouts No electrical trim
Do not reengage engine starts swhich below
20% N2
Windshear warning
Excessive windshear of the current position detected.
Enabled below 1500 feet RA.
GPWS Windshear detection begins at rotation.
DUCT PRESS indicator shows 0 without any further indications
Crew action based on the pneumatic duct pressure indicator is not required.
[EFOS technical Boeing question]
engine failure will cause the “Secondary” engine display to “Pop-Up” on the Lower Center DU even if the “Compact” engine display is displayed on the Upper Center DU?
If the secondary engine information is being displayed, such as in compact form on the upper center DU, then the secondary engine display will not pop up on another display.
EFOS 737 technical Boeing reply
Transponder Mode ON or AUTO?
On unless specified AUTO by airport regulations
EFOS Technical Boeing answer
2 basic principles of operation for the 737 electrical system
There is no paralleling of the AC sources of power.
• The source of power being connected to a transfer bus automatically disconnects an existing source.
Engine tailpipe fire FCTM
• to prevent an inappropriate evacuation, flight attendants should be notified without significant delay
Loss of engine control. Which QRH?
Engine limit surge or stall
Speed trim system (Sts)
improve flight characteristics during operations with a low gross weight, aft center of gravity and high thrust when the autopilot is not engaged.
Mach trim system
provides speed stability at the higher Mach numbers. Mach trim is automatically accomplished above Mach .615 by adjusting the elevators with respect to the stabilizer as speed increases
Stab trim override switch on pedestal
When the STAB TRIM override switch is positioned to OVERRIDE, electric trim can be used regardless of control column position.
See jammed or restricted flight controls