WX Flashcards
What are the 5 different types of FOG?
Radiation, Advection, UPSLOPE, STEAM, ICE
Describe Radiation FOG?
Calm, clear nights in low lying areas (mountain valleys generally) the ground cools from TERRESTRIAL COOLING until due point is reached. Fog without Wind
Which type of fog (generally) is associated with GROUND FOG?
Ground fog is typically Radiation Fog that is 20 feet of less thick.
Describe Advection FOG?
Moist air passes over a cool surface, common on warm front passing over a significant snow pack. Fog with wind.
Describe Upslope FOG?
Moist, stable air blown upslope of mountain.
Describe Steam FOG?
Cold, Dry Air over warm water, associated with the coldest day of the year generally. Low level turbulence and icing associated.
Describe Ice FOG?
EXTREME COLD (-25F), water vapor forming ice crystals.
What are the 3 stages of a Thunderstorm?
Cumulus, Mature, Dissipating
What stage of a TSTM typically reveals an ANVIL?
Mature stage
What stage of a TSTM typically contains the greatest level of up and down drafts?
Mature stage
What stage of a TSTM typically the heaviest rain?
Dissipating stage
What stage of a TSTM typically produces WIND/SHEAR and MICRO BURST?
Mature stage
What distance must we remain clear of TSTMs?
10 miles / 3 miles for TakeOFF and Landings
What are the CLOUD Ceilings classifications
Broken, Overcast, Obscured (haze or fog)
What are the 4 different cloud types?
Stratus, Altostratus, Cirrus and Cumulus
What are the 4 different FRONTS?
Cold, Warm, Stationary, Occluded
Describe a COLD FRONT?
Faster moving front (generally passing in a few hours), pushes warm air up like a snow plows snow…violent cumulus and turbulent
Describe a WARM FRONT?
Slow moving (generally over 2-3 days), air moves up and over cooler air eventually mixing and increasing area temperatures. Stratus clouds, more stable air, with lower visibility
2 air masses of relatively equal strength combine…combination of both cold and warm fronts.
Cold front over taking a warm front.
What atmospheric factor causes rapid movement of surface fronts?
Upper winds blowing across the front
What weather difference is found on each side of a dry line?
Dew point difference, a dew point front or dry line is formed when two air masses of similar density and temperature meet
What term describes an elongated area of low pressure?
A trough is an elongated area of low flow pressure
Where is the normal location of the jet stream relative to surface lows and fronts?
The jet stream is normally located north of the surface systems
What type of icing is associated with the smallest size of water droplet similar to that found in low level stratus clouds?
Rime ice forms when drops are small such as those in level stratus clouds
What condition is necessary for the formations of structural icing in flight?
Flying thru visible moisture and the temperature where the water strikes the aircraft must be freezing