WW2 Test Flashcards
When did WW2 begin?
1st September 1939
When did WW2 end?
6th May 1945.
Where did the Atomic bombs of the USA land?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What were the Japanese suicidal bombers called?
The kamikaze
What were the causes of WW2?
Treaty of Versailles (T.O.V)
Weakness of the league of Nations
Rise of dictators. Mussolini, Hitler, Tojo
What is a Phoney War?
No actual fighting. [1939-1940]
What is Appeasement?
Giving into the Demands of a dictator
What was the treaty of versailles?
This was when the Clemenceau of France, Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy and Woodrow Wilson of the USA met up to decide the punishments for germany.
What were the main terms of the treaty of Versailles?
War guilt Clause
Territorial Clauses
What was The war guilt clause.
Germany was to accept the guilt for causing WW1.
What were Reparations?
This was the money Germany was to pay for damages for WW1.
How much money was Germany supposed to pay for Reparations?
6.6 billion
What was Disarmament of Germany?
They were only allowed to have an army of 100,000 and 6 naval ships.
No tanks, Airforce and submarines allowed.
The Rhineland Area was to be demilitarised.
What were Germany’s Territorial Clauses?
Land was taken away from Germany and given to other countries.
Anschluss was disallowed.
What was Anschluss?
Germany’s union with Austria.
What was the League of Nations?
This was an organization set up by the T.O.V but was proposed by US president Woodrow Wilson.Its purpose was to keep world peace.
What was the aim of the League of Nations?
To maintain World peace.
Improve lives.
Disarmament of Countries.
Enforce the terms of the T.O.V.
Why did the US president not participate in the League of Nations?
The USA did not want to participate in European affairs and wanted to isolate.
What did WADUDS mean?
Who was Hikedi Tojo?
The Japanese Military prime minister during WW2.
Who was Benito Mussolini.
He was the Italian prime minister during WW2.
Who was Adolf Hitler?
He was the Chancellor of Germany during WW2.
How did the Great depression of the 1930’s affect Countries?
This affected the economy in countries making their leaders have an aggressive foreign policy.
When and why did Japan invade Manchuria?
- to get the needed resources for their industry.
Where is Manchuria?
Northern China.
What is collective security.
Countries coming together against an aggressive country.
When and why did Mussolini invade Abyssinia?
1935, because of revenge for the battle of Adwa.
To restore Italy to the Greatness of the roman empire.
To recover from the Great depression.
What was Hitler’s Aggressive foreign policy?
- Reverse the terms of the T.O.V
- Unite all Germans under 1 republic
- To create more living space [Lebensraum]
When did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?
Jan 1933
When did Hitler Re-militarize the Rhineland area?
When did Germany invade Austria?
March 1938
Where was Sudetenland?
When did Hitler invade Poland?
1st of September 1939
Why did Britain and France allow Hitler to do what he wanted?
Because they did not want another war.
What are 3 reasons for appeasement?
People didn’t want another war.
Britain wasn’t ready.
Other countries were still suffering from the great depression.
What are 3 reasons against appeasement?
It gave Hitler the Advantage
It wasn’t right. Germany was breaking the treaty’s rules
It didn’t stop war coming in 1939.