ww1 ww2 and cold war Flashcards
What are the years of WWI
What are the balkan wars
1912-1913- conflicts signalize start of WWI - elimanted ottoman empire
what are the central powers
triple alliances: germany (kaiser wilhelm II), austria-hungary (Franz, Josef I), Ottoman Empire
what is the schlieffen plan
german plan to attack france first then knock them out so they could attack russia - failed - marched though belgium first - britain comes to aid belgium and declares war on germany
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
He was heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne that was killed by Serbian nationalists which is why the Austro-Hungarians think Serbian Slavs and Slavics are a threat
what is the western front
soldiers expressed distaste for the war and it was all lies and culture of a thousand years couldn’t prepare for the bloodshed
what is trench warfare
took place during WWI - dug up trenches to fight on the battle field
situation which no progress can be made/no advancements - nothing happens - stale bread(nothing)
what is the “no man’s land”
no one goes there - between the trenches
what is total war
war that requires each country involved to mobilize its entire population in the effort to defeat the enemy
who is woodrow wilson
American President who had the idea of the league of nations
what is lusitania
germans sunk this ship - began US involvement in WWI 1917
what is the flu pandemic of 1918
The microscopic killer circled entire globe in four months, claiming the lives of more than 21 million people
what are the fourteen points
made by woodrow wilson it heraled new kinds of international life based on moral principles
what is the treaty of versailles
(1919)- formal conclusion of WW1
- terms of treaty: germany loses its colonial empire
- germany lost 15% of its european territory
- germany required to pay huge reparations
- restricted military
- germany required to accept responsibility for war
what is the league of nations
international peace keeping organization committed to the principle of “collective security” - intent to avoid repetition of war
what is the mandate system
ottoman empire separated as turkey, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Arabs emerge from Turkish rule and then was governed by the French or British
what is the great war
WWI - european civil war with global reach - massive casualities, trench warfare, and mobilization of entire population
what is the 1905 revolution
russian revolution - mass political/social unrest spread through vast areas of the russian empire - worker strikes, peaseant unrest, military mutines - led to constitutional reform including the establishment of the duma
what is bloody sunday
Massacre of peaceful demonstraters in st petersburg by forces associated with Tsar nicholas II; led to decline of the ruling of the romanov dynasty = beginning of violence in this era
what are dumas
1906-1917- legislative essembly - after made Nicholas didn’t want to take thier advice and did his own thing and didn’t want help
what are bolsheviks
seized power in 1917 from Romanov dynasty - later called communist
what is the march revolution
overthrew the imperial govt. when russian society exploded. Tsar nicholas II looses all support and ended the romaov dynasty. the provisional govt. came after being led by major political figures from many parties
who is kerensky
established duma - later overthrown by the bolshivieks
what is soviet
russian council composed of representatives from workers/soldiers - remains communist in a capitalist sea for the next 25 years
what is the provisional government
led by major political figures from various parties - followed after Nickolas II lost almost all support and was forced to step down the throne
who is V.I. Lenin
leader of Russian (USSR) Bolsheviks when they seized power in 1917
what is proletariat
the class of wage workers who were engaged in industrial produccion and whose chief source of income was derived from the sale of their labor power
- opposite of aristocracy and upper classes who live off of inherited money or property, including inherited businesses
(think poor)
what is the november revolution
bolshiveks seized power in russia capital and gained power - led to founding of soviet union
what is “peace land and bread”
lenin gained support of russian peasants/factory workers by promising them peace, land, and bread - preached ideas of karl marx’s communism - lenin slogan gave proletariat (poor) hope for a better future under communism
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
peace treaty signed with germany- ends Russia’s involvement in wwi
what is reds vs. white
civil war- breaks out - red=bad/communist - white=good/noncommunist
what is romanov
dynasty that lasted more than 3 centuries in Russia - was overthrown by communist/Lenin
who is Tsar Nicholas II
Head of Romanov dynasty/Russia - got overthrown when he lost support of almost all people
what is the lost generation
group of american writers that shared their sorrows and questioned the world they lived in
who is gertrude stein
an american writer of novels, poetry, plays (one of americas most important feminist icons)
What is the great depression and its effects on the government
began with an ebrupt crash - 1929 of the stock market; capitalist economies grew weak during depression while the communist economies thrived
What is the crash of 1929
stock market crash in october 1929 that started the great depression and lasted for ten years
who is Franklin D. Roosevelt
U.S president who made the New Deal - worked closely with other national leaders in leading allies against axis powers
What is the new deal
president FDR’s plan to counter the great depression;made it super easy to get a job- programs of public spending
who is lenin between the wars
dies in 1924. russian revolutionary and political leader who played a key role in bolshevik revolution of 1917. he became the first head of the soviet union and is known for implementing and developing marxist theory into practical policies
who is Trotsky
central figure in 1905 revolution, october revolution russian civil war, and the establishment of the soviet union
who is joseph stalin
Tasked with constructing socialist society; soviet leader by 1920 - used position as secretary to fill posts with his supporters - forced all his opponents out of power(trotsky) - estbalishes totalitarian state - five year plan
who are the bolsheviks
lenin was the leader- seized power in 1917 from Romanov dynasty - later called communist