early modern 1450-1750 unit test review Flashcards
Alfonso I
Kongo King that reigned from 1506-1543. spoke and wrote in portuguese. His letters to the vatican and portuguese bishops are very important records of precolonial africa and the kongo christian faith. Close relationship with European governments
Converted to Catholicism
Tried vigorously to convert Kongo to a Catholic country by establishing Roman CC in Kongo, providing finances from tax revenues + creating schools.
African Diaspora
voluntary/involuntary spread of african people via slave trade - introduced elements of african culture
african states during slave trade
dahomey and benin became dependent on the slave trade for evening - queen nzinga resisted portuguese imperialism
- Mughal India’s most famous emperor and acted to accommodate Hindus.
- Incorporated large # of Hindus into political-military elite and supporting buildings
- Softened Hindu restrictions on women
Amerindian - Mayan
developed the science of astronomy, calendar systems, and hieroglyphic writing.
Amerindian - Incan
built roads and bridges, including suspension bridges, which use thick cables to hold up the walkway.
Amerindian - Aztecs
- built temple-pyramids, used sophisticated techniques of agriculture, eagle warriors built a great empire, and made human sacrifices to their gods
- enlarged the area of the city by creating artificial islands called chinampas
Amerindian & Effect of European Exploration
Lost their people and home due to Columbus’ colonization and germs that killed off the Amerindians.
Asian & European Trade Relations
China was largely enclosed off to foreigners but foreigners desired the luxuries, like Chinese silk, that they had to offer
Asian policies towards Europeans
Banned foreigners and disliked the attitude of Europeans
Atlantic Slave Trade - 1500-1866
Trade in human beings took an estimated 12.5 mil ppl from African societies, shipped them across the Atlantic in Middle Passage, and deposited 10.7 mil in Americas as slaves.
Social hierarchy under Tokugawa
warrior (samurai, daimyo, shogun), farmer, artisan, and merchant. Merchants were frowned upon because they had nothing to produce. Influenced by confucian values + filial piety
Open competition in a free market where individuals control their own market and profit
- Mughal emperor who reversed his predecessors’ policies of religious tolerance
- attempted to impose Islamic supremacy
- Reached its peak
- Forbade sati, (akbar discouraged it) music, gambling, prostitution, and dance were banned - Dancing girls ordered to marry or leave
- Hindu temples were destroyed and jizya was reimposed
Battle of Vienna, Lepanto
- crushing victory for the ‘Holy League’ (an alliance of Catholic maritime states) over Ottoman Empire (most of its fleet sunk or captured)
- Due to the Ottoman seizure of Constantinople, the marked demise of Christian Byzantium + allowed Ottomans to see themselves as successors to the Roman Empire
Castas System
in latin america (peninsulares—> creoles, or wealthy elites who can’t participate in government—> Mestizos/Mixed—> African/Latin people)
Causes for exploration
Glory God and Gold
Buddhism in Japan & China
JAPAN: More loved in Japan, used to prohibit Christianity by requiring everyone to register at a government monitored Buddhist temple
CHINA: Entered via silk road, refused, but it was syncretised with Daoism to become more appealing.
God as a reason for exploration?
Jesuits, missionaries, in the East, Puritans in North America
Glory as a reason for exploration
economic advancement outside of rigid social structure and chance to earn fame
Gold as a reason for exploration
silver and other spices and luxury goods and access to the East
Chattel Slavery
Africa to the new world. the enslaving and owning of humans and offspring as property able to be bought, sold, and forced to work without wages
East india companies
Dutch and British
dutch east india company
overtook Portuguese. private trading company chartered by the netherlands around 1600 mainly focused on indonesia. given monopoly on ocean trade, including the right to make war and rule conquered people. MORE BRUTAL. they seized control of shipping and production of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, and mace
British east india company
overtook portuguese. private trading company chartered by the english around 1600. mainly focused on india, given a monopoly in indian ocean trade (right to make war and rule conquered people). less financed and sophisticated than dutch, excluded from rich spice islands. fell back to india
encomienda system
granted colonists the right to demand labor of natives in the mines and fields. forced labor on indigenous in central america
chinese merchants
came back to china acting like europeans and did not have support from the chinese
Dutch Learning Centers
In Japan , it remained isolated amid a pervasive Confucian-based culture
After 1720 some Japanese permitted to read Dutch books,
Shoguns became proponents of Dutch learning by mid-18th century,
European art, medicine, and science influenced Japanese scholars
Filial piety
honoring of one’s ancestors and parents - Meant for women to be submissive
a practice first carried out on young girls in Tang Dynasty China to restrict their normal growth and make their feet as small as possible. Seen as attractive, frail, submissive. Aligned w/ Confucian tastes.
Forced Labor Systems
- Coercive labor
- Serf labor (Russia, Euro)
- Castas System (Latin America)
- Chattel Slavery (Africa -> New World)
civil service exams
a system of testing designed to select the most studious and learned canine for appointment as bureaucrats in the chinese government
Hacienda System
Private owners of large estates directly employing native workers
Indentured Servitude
a form of labor where an individual is under contract to work without a salary to repay an indenture or loan within a certain timeframe
- member of the elite infantry units that formed the Ottoman Sultan’s household troops
- young christian boys
colombian exchange
christopher columbus introduced horses, sugar plants, and disease to the new world, while facilitating commodities like sugar, tobacco, chocolate, and potatoes to the Old World. The process by which commodities, people, and diseases crossed the atlantic
(Society of Jesus) Founded by Ignatius of Loyola.
who conquered Constantinople
sultan mehmed II of the ottoman empire. and he renamed it istanbul
Joint Stock Companies
- Wealthy individuals operating under a royal charter
- British settler colonies evolved traditions of self gov.
- Large, investor-backed companies that sponsored European exploration and colonization in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
what was the purpose of establishing european trading posts
to influence and control trade to increase commercial profits. built in Africa and Asia (ex: macau in southeast asia)
Little Ice Age
A long period of cooling across the globe - Fuelled the fur trade
- Major Islamic state centered on Anatolia that came to include Balkans, parts of ME, parts of N Africa and lasted from 14-20 century
- Creation of one of many Turkic warrior groups that had migrated into Anatolia
- Huge territory, long duration, incorporation of many diverse ppl = one of great empire of world
- Represented emergence of Turks as dominant ppl of Islamic world
-gunpowder empire
one of two ports in which europeans were permitted to trade in china during the ming dynasty along with canton. the water margin
one of two port cities in which europeans were permitted to trade in china during the ming dynasty
muslim port city that came to prominence on the waterway between sumatra and malaya
- Silver heart of the Spanish empire
- Caused Spain to become most powerful in Europe, but lead to inflation
- Natives were used to mine silver and they were exposed to massive amts. Of Mercury (toxic)
- biggest silver mine and city in americas
british east india company headquarters in bengal
Queen Nzinga
- Region of Matamba
- Powerful queen 1626-1663 who guided state amid complexities + intrigues of various Euro + African rivalries
-Gained reputation for resistance to Portuguese imperialism
a community of hunters, fishermen, and farmers from the lands to the northeast of China established qing dynasty
- series of wars in Portugal and Spain to reclaim land taken by the Muslims.
- Turned Catholicism into the dominant religion of Spain - which has shaped the development of the Spanish state and national identity.
system that the europeans used in the americas. system where a country attempts to amass wealth through trade with other countries. exports more than it imports
Role of Elites in Early Modern Societies
- Nobles
-Protected others from violence.
middle passage
the forced voyage of enslaved africans across the atlantic ocean to the new world
Role of Elites in Early Modern Societies
- Zamindars
landowners in the villages who collected land revenue as fixed by the Mughal court
Role of Elites in Early Modern Societies
- Creoles
Wealthy elites in the Americas who were of Euro descent that couldn’t participate in government.
mita system
incans came up with this, had to serve empire for 4 years (build roads, mining, military) but governments gave incentives during the time served
Role of Elites in Early Modern Societies - Samurais
japan was decentralized and then the tokugawa shogunate had a daimyo. there were the warriors of japan. had martial skills. backed up the authority of the shogun and gave him power over the mikado (emperor)
Role of Elites in Early Modern Societies
- Daimyo
leaders of powerful warrior bands. powerful lords of japan
Role of Gunpowder
Used for warfare, helped countries advance into territories (ottoman, safavid, mughal)
Role of Religion in Age of Exploration
Spread Christianity, used as a motive for exploration
Role of Religion in Gunpowder Empires
Islam. Safavid Ottoman
Taj Mahal
- Most famous architectural achievement of Mughal India
- originally built a mausoleum for the wife of Shah Jahan, Mauntaz Mahal.
Tokugawa Policies
- Restricted daimyos to keep them from rebelling
- took over the agriculture productive + made it thrive thru innovations
- the Japanese population soared
Triangular Trade
- African people taken, put on ships through Middle Passage, sold to plantations, used to harvest sugarcane
- Americas gave timber to Europeans, gave luxuries
A high official in a Muslim government (especially in the Ottoman Empire).
Zheng He Expeditions
- Muslim eunuch commanding fleets.
- Contained hundreds of ships, thousands of crew members.
- Excessively large compared to Vasco de Gama’s small ships w/ crews of 90
major turkic empire in persia in the early 16th century. notable for its efforts to convert people to shia islam
what emerged from sufi religious order by safi al din (1252-1334)
samurai, daimyo, shogun
china became decentralized, formed these. warriors under a daimyo.
feudal lords that each owned his cadre of samurai warriors. plagued japan in endemic conflict
a series of supreme military commanders who hailed from the tokugawa clan that unified japan politically in the early 17tg century.
-end of japans civil wars—> shogun viewed euros as a threat to the country’s new unity—> expelled christian missionaries and VIOLENTLY suppressed christianity. (execution of 62 missionaries and thousands of japanese converts)
- shogunate authorities forbade abroad travel and banned euro traders, permitting the dutch only
scholar gentry
members of chinas landowning families, had wealth from the land and power from being government officials
school of national learning
school for learning japanese history and literature but ended up being a source of nationalism and set up the feudal system
condition in medieval europe where a tenant farmer was bound to a manor plot of a landlord. lowest level of peasantry on europes feudal system
believes that leaders can be anyone
believed that leaders must be descendants of the prophet, that caused a periodic military conflict in 1534-1639 that reflected territorial and religious rivalry
silver trade
Trade b/t Spanish America (Potosi) that produced silver -> Manila for Philippines, then to China and Europe for exchange.
social hierarchy under tokugawa
Warrior (samurai, daimyo, shogun), farmer, artisan, and merchant. Merchants were frowned upon because they had nothing to produce. Influenced by Confucian values + filial piety.
spanish armada
a fleet of ships created in 1588 on commission from King Philip II of Spain.
spanish trade and exploration
went west to india…
muslim holy men, islamic scholars, and itinerant traders
→continued islamization by wandering . Islamized empires usually depended on this over conquering armies and expanding empires. None posed a threat to local rulers.
Offered Arabic literacy, informal schools, protective charms from Quran, and advisers to local authorities.
Didn’t insist on converts to give up older practices, but rather connections to the wider world of Islam.
sugar, tobacco, tea, coffee, trade
What African or Latin American slaves would farm and ship to countries during the Triangular Trade. New World commodities.
sunni ali
first ruler of songhai empire in west africa. built mosques and strengthened timbuktu
swahili states
stretched along the East African coast from Somali -> Mozambique. Bound by a common language and culture. Islam is a a product of Arab + Persian traders who came to trade and settled to create distinct communities.
Royal Sponsorship
to give a person or group the money that is needed to pay for an activity or a project.