1st semester exam review Flashcards
When did the Renaissance take place
Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy
Trade from crusades made Northern Italy rich. After Constantinople fell, the scholars fled to Italy. wealthy italian merchants invested in art. home of classical ideas.
Rebirth of classical art, learning and ideas
Characteristics of renaissance art
use of perspective, realistic figures that had emotion, portrait, landscape, mythology, the everyday, trade, biblical and religious, classical
What were the principles of machiavelli’s the prince
ends justify the means, you don’t have to have moral to lead, also used as a lesson in statecraft
Where did the Renaissance take place
it started in italy in the 14th century and didn’t reach england until 16th century
humans are the center of their own universe and should embrace achievements education, classical arts, literature and science
movement that wanted to mimic the literature, rhetoric, art, and philosophy of ancient greece and rome
Renaissance Man
philosopher that studies a wide variety of subjects - well rounded individual (da vinci)
Someone who is sneaky, cunning, and lacks moral code
common language
When did the protestant reformation take place
why did the protestant reformation take place
european decentralization (rise of nation-states), the black death and hundred years’ war (societal breakdown), renaissance, exploration and scientific revolution, Gutenberg printing press (1455)
What were the results of the protestant reformation?
- Europe divided by religion(end of christian unity)
- more centralized monarchies (England - stability under tudors, France - consolidation of power, Spain - unification by marriage, holy roman empire - decentralization)
- All can come before God, printing press, and the patron
What role did the printing press play in the protestant reformation?
Spread the vernacular and easy spread of ideas
what is the counter reformation
the catholic reformation, council of trent, society of jesus
what is the council of trent
(1545-63) it called to clean up the church, wanted to figure out what catholics really believed, affirmation of both faith and works, censor books/art, jesuits
How did political ambitions become mixed with the protestant reformation?
Henry Vlll in England had a power struggle between king and the pope, end of christian unity in the west led to religious wars, and St.Bartholomew’s day massacre killed 3,000-10,000 protestants including women and children
what is a jesuit and what did they do
society of jesus established by ignatius/monastic order that was created to clean up catholic church
What were indulgences?
“Get out of sin” card certificates
Sola scriptura
means only scripture came from rejection of non-biblical traditions
What was 95 theses?
central document of protestant reformation
What were tithes used for?
support of clergy, maintain churches, and assist the poor
what were the protestant reformations?
social, intellectual, and politicall challenges to the church
What are Edict of worms
banned Luther’s writing and declared him a heretic and enemy of the state
what was priesthood of believers
no need for professional intermediaries between individual and God
the questionable religious practice of selling church offices
what is the great schism
weaknesses in the catholic church. like competing popes and questionable practices
things that christians had to do before they died (baptism, first communion, confirmation etc.)
Henry VIII
the king of england. set up anglican church. persecution of catholics in the 1530s
St. Bartholemwus day massacre
huguenots authorized wholesale assasination of 500- 10000
french protestants
What is vernacular?
native language commonly spoken by ordinary people
What we’re peasant revolts?
consequences in north/rise of the princes
What was anglican?
A church established by henry Vlll
What is Calvinism?
the dominant religious movement across western europe
What was lutheranism?
A type of religion - Holy roman empires states princes were able to select either lutheranism or catholicism with the domains they controlled
What was the importance of the peace of westphalia?
ended the 30 years war(treaties)
European motives for exploration
- Three G’s (God, gold, glory)
The difference between Spanish and Portuguese expedition v.s british and dutch expedition
the purposes of the dutch and english were focused on trading and the portuguese and spanish was on civilizing the world and creating families and expanding territories
what was the Enlightenment
Age of reason - movement of scientific revolution and thinkers believed reason could be used to solve social, political, and economic problems
What was the age of reason
another name for the enlightenment
scientific revolution
search for laws which ed governed the physical world
Who was Hobbes and what were his views on society?
Humans are basically cruel and need to be controlled by a powerful government/absolute monarchy (book leviathan)
Who was Locke and what were his views on society?
Humans are basically good/have natural rights given at birth, government has obligation to protect the people and if the government fails people have the right to overthrow (two treaties of government book)
influenced american/french revolution
Who was Montesquieu, what did he write, and what were his views on society?
wrote spirit of the laws, division of government into branches providing system of checks and balances - admiration for limited monarchy that had evolved in England
Who were philosophes
French thinkers who advocated applying laws of science to understanding human nature - love of wisdom
Who was voltaire
A defender of speech and exposed abuses of day in his righting such as slave trade and corrupt government
Who was diderot
creator of encyclopedia- women and men should be on equal ground and moral improvements of humanity would directly result in progress of civilization
Who was Rousseau and what were his views on society?
People born good but society corrupts them/society placed too many limits on people’s behavior
What are some significant maritime innovations that made exploration possible
The sternpost rudder, lateen sails, astrolabe, magnetic compass, three- masted caravel
social gatherings where writers, artists, philosophes, and others exchanged ideas
Enlightened Despot
an absolute ruler who used their power to bring about social and political change
what are some examples of enlightened despots
frederick the great, catherine the great, joseph II
Catherine the great
(russia) allowed a charter of rights for nobles
Frederick the great
(prussia) invited voltaire to set up an academy of science in berlin
Joseph II
(hapsburg) ended censorship, enacted religious toleration, abolished serfdom
Mary Wolstonecraft
in the vindication of the rights of women she said that educating men and women equally would allow women to participate equally in public life
What did Adam smith write/what did he say
book- wealth of nations
it said natural economic forces will regulate the economy if it’s left alone (invisible hand of the market)
who is the father of capitalism
adam smith
what trading company expanded the netherlands to south and east asia and replace the portuguese?
The dutch East indian company
Means hands off government
Laissez Faire
Establishing a hold in India. the portuguese gained acces to these commodities?
spices - pepper and cinnamon
this peace pact allowed princes to choose their faith
The hugenots are french…
the catholic church made much needed changes during the
counter reformation
the buying and selling of church offices is called?
school of athens was painted by
work by machiavelli that was used as a lesson in statecraft
the prince
artistic movement was delayed by spreading of the black death
northern renaissance
What was the difference between northern and italian renaissance
northern - more focused on daily life
italian - more focused on nobility/religion
what were long term effects of the colombian exchange
beginning of transoceanic trade, spread of domesticated animals, disease, and foods
what was mercantilism
economic system before enlightenment that involved government control of economy to ensure balance of trade. system where country exports more than imports and takes the money as mother country
what is predestination
john calvin believed in it - where ones future is already pre destined
used in italian renaissance art. new interpretations
what was martin luther so upset over in the catholic church
the catholic church was corrupt. selling indulgences, only priest can interpret the word of God
how did different groups in society react to martin luther
the catholic church excommunicated him.
act of supremacy
parliament severed ties from roman catholic church and england became anglican church, henry viii head of anglican church