WW1 Quiz Flashcards
What do the A’s in mania stand for and what does it mean/ have to do with war
Alliances—> Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia, everyone had to join in
Assassination—> Austrian Arch duke, Fran Fernandez and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo by a member of the black hand
What does the n in mania stand for and what does it mean/ have to do with war
Nationalism—> ethnic groups wanted independence, a lot of pride in someone’s country
What does the i in mania stand for and what does it mean/ have to do with war
Imperialism—>people wanted more territory
What was a popular trench disease that happened on a certain body part
Trench foot
Bolt action riffle (3 things)
Could shoot 15 rounds in a minute
Introduced by the British
Rusted quickly
Machine guns (3 things)
4-6 men to work one gun
Not portable
Jammed a lot by overheat—>cool down with urine
Chlorine gas (3 things)
-introduced by Germans
Death is suffocation + burning sensation
Weather must be right
Mustard gas (3 things)
Germany introduced
Colorless and takes 12 hours to go in effect
blistering skin, vomiting, sore eyes, external bleeding
Zeppelin (3 things)
Introduced by Germans
Massive target
Used to drop bombs
Tanks (4 things)
Introduced by British
First one called little willie
Slow and not modern
Used for first time in WW1
Planes (3 things)
Used for first time one WW1
Dogfights happened
Mounted machine gun on the bow
Torpedos (3 things)
Came out of bottom of boats
Super important
Blows up ships
The triple alliance (when, who, why)
Germany and Austria Hungary make alliance with Italy
To stop Italy from making an alliance with russia
The triple entente (when, who, why)
Brittian France and Russia
Made because of worsening relationships of Germany and russia and Germany and Britain