(WU 31) Familiar tú command Flashcards
the want ad
el anuncio clasificado
the file cabinet
el archivo
the authority
la autoridad
the computer
la computadora
the knowledge
el conocimiento
the attachment
el documento adjunto
the owner
el dueño
the employment, job
el empleo
the scanner
el escáner
the exporter
el exportador
the photocopy machine
la fotocopiadora
the office manager
el gerente de oficina
the printer
la impresora
the typing
la mecanografía
the word processor
el procesador de texto
the receptionist
la recepcionista
the waiting room
la sala de espera
the secretary
la secretaria
the cell phone
el teléfono celular
Don’t say!
No digas!
to ask questions
hacer preguntas
to impress
to obtain, to get
Sit down!
I suppose
in his ear, whispering
al oído
How did it turn out?
Cómo salió?
No way!
De ninguna manera!
Take a pear!
Toma (tú) una pera!
(Are you taking a piece of fruit?
Tomas una fruits?)
Eat a dessert!
Come (tú) un postre!
(Are you eating enough?
Comes bastante?)
Opt for the custard!
Decide (tú) por el flan!
(Are you deciding between the pear and a custard?
Decides entre la pera y un flan?)
Regular affirmative tú commands drop the s from the present tense of tú. Use exclamation points.
Negative commands for tú are formed from the present tense stem of the first person. Replace its o ending by es for ar-ending infinitives, and by as for er- and ír-ending infinitives, e.g., Yo le hablo. ¡No le hables tú! Yo lo hago. ¡No lo hagas tú!
Don’t you take it!
No la tomes tú!
Don’t you eat it!
No lo comas tú!
Don’t you exstinguish them!
No las extingas tú!
Don’t you tell it to him!
No se lo digas (tú)!
le replaced by se for “to him” to avoid le-lo construction.
Don’t put them on either!
No te los pongas tú tampoco!
I am taking the apple.
You tomo la manzana.
I am eating the custard.
You como el flan.
I extinguish the candles.
Yo extingo las velas.
I’m telling it to him.
(Yo) se lo digo (a papá).
replace le for “to him” with se to avoid le-lo construction
I’m not putting on my gloves.
You no me pongo los guantes.
You give money! (dar)
Da dinero!
You say this! (decir)
Di esto!
You be the best! (estar)
Está mejor!
You do everything! (hacer)
Haz todo!
You go to the café! (ir)
Vé al café!
You put that here! (poner)
Pon eso aquí!
You leave now! (salir)
Sal ahora!
You be smart! (ser)
Sé listo!
You have luck! (tener)
Ten suerte!
You come tomorrow! (venir)
Ven mañana!
Don’t you give money!
No des dinero!
Don’t you say this!
No digas esto!
Don’t you be sick!
No estés malo!
Don’t you do everything!
No hagas todo!
Don’t you go there!
No vayas allá!
Don’t you put it there!
No lo pongas allí!
Don’t you leave late!
No salgas tarde!
Don’t you be dumb!
No seas tonto!
Have no worries!
No tengas apuros!
Don’t come today!
No vengas hoy!