(WU 27) Preterite indicative: irregular verbs Flashcards
The old woman
la anciana
Last week
La semana pasada
You* told us.
Ud. nos dijo.
Last week you told us.
La semana pasada Ud. nos dijo.
I have something here.
Tengo algo aquí.
The article begins like this.
El artículo comienza así.
Yesterday on the train five or six young people took a seat.
Ayer en el tren cinco o sies jóvenes tomaron asiento.
A woman of some 70 years.
Una señora de unos setenta años.
Nobody wanted to give his seat to the old lady.
Nadie quiso darle el asiento a la anciana.
And the poor lady had to stand.
Y la pobre señora tuvo que estar de pie.
There is no respect for elderly people anymore.
Y no hay respeto para los ancianos.
What do you* think?
¿Qué piensa Ud.?
Don’t you* believe?
No cree Ud.
That writer is right.
Ese escritor tiene razón.
He well knows.
Él conoce bien.
He know a lot.
Él sabe mucho.
This was written.
Esto fue escrito.
I found this old newspaper in the cellar.
Encontré este viejo periódico en el sótano.
The old woman
la anciana
the old people
loas ancianos
the consideration
la consideración
the writer
el escritor
the incident
el incidente
teh young
los jóvenes
the opinion
la opinión
the respect
el respeto
the responsibility
la responsabilidad
the responsibility
la responsabilidad
the magazine
la revista
the basement
el sótano
the times
los tiempos
to begin
to give thanks
dar las gracias
I gave
he/she/you said
to find
it was written
fue escrito
they did, made
I could not
no pude
he/she/you wanted
to be right
tener razón
he/she/you had to
tuvo que
they came
Let us see!
A ver!
de pie
for that reason; because of that
por eso
Preterite stem of estar.
estuv, i.e., using estar in the past tense, the stem must be changed to estuv.
Preterite stem of tener
tuv, i.e., the stem of tener in the past tense must be changed to tuv.
I was there (location)
Estuve allí (no accent on e)
You were there.
Estuviste allí (it’s iste, not aste)
he/she/you were there
Estuvo allí (no accent on the o)
We were there.
Estuvimos allí (not estuvamos)
They were there.
Estuvieron (not aron)
I had a letter.
Tuve una carta
You had a letter
Tuviste una carta
he/she/you had a letter
Tuvo una carta
We had a letter
Tuvimos una carta
They had a letter
Tuvieron una carta
Preterite stem of poner
I put that there
Puse eso allí
You put that there
Pusiste eso allí
he/she/you put that there
Puso eso allí
We put that there
Pusimos eso allí
They put that there
Pusieron eso allí
Preterite stem of saber
I knew that
Supe eso
You knew that
Supiste eso
he/she/you knew that
Supo eso
We knew that
Supimos eso
They knew that
Supieron eso
Preterite stem of venir
I came home
Vine a casa
You came home
Viniste a casa
he/she/you came home
Vino a casa
We came home
Vinimos a casa
They came home
Vinieron a casa
Preterite stem of hacer
I did that
Hace eso
You did that
Hiciste eso
he/she/you did that
Hazo eso
We did that
Hacimos eso
They did that
Hacieron eso
Preterite stem of traer
I brought this
Traje esto
You brought this
Trajiste esto
he/she/you brought this
Trajo esto
We brought this
Trajimos esto
They brought this
Trajeron esto
Preterite stem of decir
I said the truth
Dije la verdad
You said the truth
Dijiste la verdad
he/she/you said the truth
Dijo la verdad
We said the truth
Dijimos la verdad
Y’all said the truth
Dijeron la verdad
Preterite stem of andar
I, you, she, we, they walked
Anduve, anduviste, anduvo, anduvimos, anduvieron
Preterite stem of poder
I, you, he, we, they able to
pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudieron
Pret. stem of querer
I, you, she, we, they want
quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisieron
Pert. stem of ser
I was a soldier
Fui soldado
You were a soldier
Fuiste soldado
He was a soldier
Fue soldado
We were soldiers
Fuimos soldados
They were soldiers
Fueron soldados
Pret. stem of ir
I went home
Fui a casa
You went home
Fuiste a casa
He went home
Fue a casa
We went home
Fuimos a casa
They went home
Fueron a casa
Pret. stem of dar
I gave thanks
di las gracias
You gave thanks
diste las gracias
She gave thanks
Dio las gracias
We gave thanks
Dimos las gracias
They gave thanks
dieron las gracias
Pret. stem of leer
I did read that
leí eso
You did read that
Leíste eso
You* read that
Leyó eso
We read that
Leímos eso
They read that
Leyeron eso