(WU 24) Indirect object pronouns Flashcards
What are indirect object pronouns?
Answer the questions “to whom” or “for whom?”, viz., people. The person or thing that something is being done to for for.
What are the indirect object pronouns?
(me) –me
(you) –te
(him, her, it, you)–le
(they, y’all)–les
the lawyer
el abogado
the pocket
el bosillo
the ashtray
el cenicero
the jacket
la chaqueta
a cut
I cut my hand.
un corte
Me corté la mano.
los datos
the corner
la esquina
the people
la gente
the work
la labor
the bother
Don’t bother me. (Me do not bother.)
la molestia
No me molestes
the morality
la moralidad
the order
el orden
the trousers
los pantalones
the bachelor
el solterón
the tramp
el vago
It’s decent
Es decente
free of cost
You get dressed. (You dress yourself.)
I need to get dressed. (I need to dress myself.)
Te vistes.
Yo necesito vestirme.
badly dressed
mal vestido/a
to classify, to file
Can you file these papers?
clasificar, archivar
¿Puedes archivar estos papeles?
you dropped
You dropped your wallet.
Se te cayó
Se te cayó la billetera
to turn the corner
doblar la esquina
to put in
to bother
to be born
He/she/you can’t stand it any longer.
No puede más.
to notice
to take out
He/she/you follows him
lo sigue
to sweat
instead of
en vez de
often, many times
muchas veces
He gives the book to her.
Él le da el libro (a ella).
He gives it to her (the book).
Él se lo da.
Not “Él le lo da.” Change le to relexive se because the combination of “Ls” doesn’t sound right.
How was Los Angeles?
Cómo fue Los Angeles?
What are the direct object pronouns?
me nos
lo, la los,las
What are the indirect object pronouns?
me nos
le les
What are the reflexive pronouns?
me nos
se se
I buy food.
(It I buy.)
Compro la comida.
La compro.
I buy you food.
(For you I buy food.)
Te compro comida.
I love him.
(Him I love.)
Lo amo.
I love her.
(Her I love.)
La amo.
I buy him/her the food.
(For him/her I buy the food.)
Le compro la comida.
He writes me each week.
(To me he writes each week.)
Me escribe cada semana.
He tells me.
(To me he tells.)
Me dice.
I want to tell you something.
(To you I want to tell something.)
Te quiero dicer algo.
Quiero dicerte algo.
I write him/her/you.
Le escribo.
I write Manuel.
I write him.
Le escribo a Manuel.
Le escribo a él.
He loves me.
He love me (not you).
Me ama.
Me ama a mí.
I give the book to him.
Le doy el libro.
I buy the book for him.
Le compro el libro.
I give the money to them.
Les doy el dinero.
I don’t write the book for him.
No le escribo el libro.
He writes to me.
Me escribe a mí
He does not write to you.
No te escribe a ti.
Write him a letter!
¡Escríbale Ud. una carta!
I speak to you
yo te hablo
You speak to me
Tú me hablas
He speaks to us
Él nos habla