(WU 23) Direct object pronouns: me, te, lo/la, nos, los/las Flashcards
What are the direct object pronouns?
Stands in for a noun or proper noun and agrees in number and gender. The thing the verb is directed at; the book being read, the flower being given.
(me) –me
(you) –te
(him, her, it, you)–lo, la
(them, y’all)–los, las
Nothing is free
Nada es gratis
Another tramp.
Otro vago.
Those tramps never work.
Esos vagos nunca trabajan.
He gives money to them.
(To them he gives money.)
Los da dinero.
like a dog
como un perro
You will have to take out your wallet.
Tendrás que sacar tu billetera.
He runs
He put it in his pocket.
It he put in his pocket.
Lo puso en su bolsillo
He begins to walk faster.
Él comienza a caminar más rápido.
Wait for me
Instead of bothering me, go fly a kite.
En lugar de molestarme, ve a volar una cometa.
Sorry for the disturbance
Perdone la molestia
Here it is
Aquí la tiene
the grand papa
el abuelito
the box
la caja
the cardboard
el cartón
the construction
la construcción
the chimney
la chimenea
the front
el frente
the garden
el jardín
the side
el lado
the wall
la pared
the floor
el piso
the cover
la tapa
the roof, the ceiling
el techo
the neighbor
la vecina
the neighborhood
el vecindario
to build, to construct
tell me!
it is cold
hace frío
It is bad weather.
Hace mal clima.
Make me a taco, please.
Hazme un taco, por favor.
It rains
It is raining.
Esta lloviendo
Put it on the table.
Ponlo en la mesa.
let’s go
after a half hour
después media hora
of course
por supuesto
What is a direct object pronoun?
The thing or person getting the action.
Usually answers the question “what?” or “whom?”
Carlos eats the food.
Carlos eats it.
Carlos eats it
Carlos come la comida.
Carlos la come.
Carlos comerla.
Carlos eats the chicken.
Carlos eats it.
Carlos eats it.
Carlos come el pollo.
Carlos lo come.
Carlos comerlo.
Carlos introduces you.
Carlos te presenta.
You introduce him.
(Tú) Lo presentas.
Carlos introduces us.
Carlos nos presenta.
I want to eat the chicken.
I want to eat it. (It I want to eat.)
I want to eat it. (I want to eat it.)
Quiero comer el pollo.
Lo quiero comer.
Quiero comerlo.
I want to eat the pizza.
It I want to eat.
I want to eat it.
Quiero comer la pizza.
La quiero comer.
Quiero comerla.
What are the direct object pronouns?
(me) –me
(you) –te
(him, her, it, you)–lo, la
(they, y’all)–los, las
Anita has it.
Anita lo tiene.
Juan learns them.
(Them Juan learns.)
Juan los aprende.
Eat it now.
Eat it now!
Cómelo ahora.
¡Cómalo Ud. ahora!
Anita does not want to eat it.
Anita does not want to eat it.
Anita no lo quiere comer.
Anita no quiere cómerlo.