Writing Question - Finals Flashcards
What is the difference between a monotheistic religion and a polytheistic religion?
Monotheistic religion is a belief in one God and polytheistic religion is a
belief in many/multiple gods.
Briefly describe the parts of the New Testament:
a. The Gospels: The Gospels testify to Salvation in Jesus Christ.
b. The Acts of the Apostles: Written by Luke, recounts the history of the Church
Pentecost to St. Paul
c. The New Testament Letters: Written by St. Paul, they highlight the importance of
of faith in Jesus Christ.
d. The Catholic Letters: Encourage the universal Church to remain faithful to Jesus
and live Christian lives.
e. The Revelation of John: Encourages Christians under persecution to remain
faithful to Jesus Christ.
What is the primary mission of the Holy Spirit?
The primary mission of the Holy Spirit is to adopt us into the divine family and unite us
to Jesus Christ.
The two elements of God’s intended plan for Holy Matrimony are:
a. Unitive – the two spouses join together as one.
b. Procreative – both spouses are open to children and raising them in the faith.
The three stages of the RCIA/OCIA process:
a. The Inquiry Stage
b. The Catechumenate Stage
c. The Initiation Stage
is the moment when ordinary bread and wine became, in all
reality, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, of Jesus Christ.
The domestic church
is the family that preys and worships together
The Church has the authority to ordain only baptized men
who have been
properly initiated into the Catholic faith through the Sacraments of Initiation.