Religion 6 Vocab Flashcards
is an unbaptized person who is preparing to receive all the Sacraments of
Christian Initiation
is someone who is newly received into the Church through the Sacraments of
Initiation at the Easter Vigil
Essential Rite
is a portion of the liturgical celebration of a sacrament that is strictly
necessary in order for the sacrament to be valid
happens when bread and wine become the Body and Blood of
Jesus Christ at every Mass.
are sacred signs that resemble the sacraments.
is the prayer by which a priest, by the power given to the Church by Christ
Jesus, pardons a repentant sinner in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
is heartfelt sorrow and aversion for sins committed, along with the
intention of sinning no more.
is a priest or member of the order of the priesthood who are coworkers with
the bishop and servant to God’s people, especially in celebrating the Eucharist.
is Holy Communion received by dying persons to help them pass over to God
in the afterlife.
is the third degree in the hierarchy of Holy Orders, where a man is ordained
as a deacon.
is the state of being unmarried that priests and other religious choose in order
to dedicate their lives totally to Jesus Christ and God’s people.
is an official Church declaration that what appeared to be a Christian
marriage never existed.
are those about to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
is the prayer that petitions God to send the Holy Spirit to transform the bread
and wine offered at the Eucharistic liturgy into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
is remembering and acknowledging Christ’s saving deeds