Multiple Choice - Final Flashcards
The Sacraments of Ministry
Matrimony / Holy orders
Sacraments of Healing
Penance/Anointing of the sick
Sacraments of initiation
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
The most recent ecumenical council to initiate long-
term changes in the Church.
The Second Vatican Council
A neophyte
A newly baptized Catholic
A catechuman
An unbaptized individual who is preparing to receive the
Sacraments of Initiation.
Is the relationship between God and humans that results in a body of
beliefs and a set of practices, a creed, and a code.
Is a regional grouping of churches, schools,
and ministries.
An outward, visible sign of an invisible grace and God’s presence
in our lives.
Refers to the official public prayers and rituals of the Church.
The official teaching authority of the Church
An open-ended contract of love between God and human beings
A covenant
A central truth of the Catholic faith that Catholics are required to believe is
A dogma
Jesus has many titles:
Son of God, Christ, Lord, Savior, Messiah.
The Hierarchy of the Church follows this structure:
Pope > Cardinals > Bishops/Archbishops > Deacons and Priests > Laity
Bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to other people
Immanent Trinity
refers to God alone, without any reference to human beings.
Salvific Trinity
refers to the many works God has performed to reveal and
communicate his divine life.
is God’s gift of friendship and life that enables us to share his life and love.
Jesus was conceived through the
Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit without the cooperation of a human
The Virgin Birth
Symbols of the Holy Spirit
fire, tongues of fire, anointing with oil, water, hand,
and dove.
an appearance or manifestation of God to humans.
Jesus gave himself to us by sending the Holy Spirit, whom he called the
The Second Coming of Jesus is known as
A heresy that taught that Jesus was created by God, but not equal
to God.
Was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death by
Pontius Pilate