Wound Debridement Flashcards
What is wound cleansing?
use of a fluid to remove loosely attached cellular debris and surface pathogens contained in wound exudate
What should not be used in wound cleansing?
- no cytotoxic substances (betadine or hydrogen peroxide) kills good tissue and bad
- no iodine (kills macrophages)
What is selective debridement?
removal of dead tissue using pulsed lavage with suction (4-15 psi) or sharp debridement
What is non selective debridement?
removal of all tissue good and bad
What is purpose of debridement?
decrease bacteria concentration and chance of infxn, increase effectivennes of topical creams, shortern inflammatory phase, decrease eneergy required by wound
Indications for wound debridement?
necrotic and foreign debris/tissue, removal or callus, removal of eschar, gross purulent/sloth
red, granular wounds (good healing is occuring), heel ulcers with eschar, patients PVD, larger wounds that require surgical debridement, electrical burns
What are types of debridement?
- surgical/sharp- use of tool
- enzymatic- topical creams like papain
- autolytic- breaks everything down like a occlusive dressing or self healing
- mechanical- pulsed lavage, gauze
- other- maggots, leeches
What are forms of selective debridement?
sharp, enzymatic, autolytic
What are forms of non selective debridement?
surgical, wet to dry dressings, whirlpool, pulse lavage???, hydrogen peroxide
Who can legally debride?
PT (state to state dep.) , md, pa nurse, np, podiadrist
Do you need a md order?
Yes, must say PRN to do whenever
What can you debride?
avascular tissue (callus), insensate tissue, odor, dead fat and muscle (brownish grey)
What can’t you debride?
sensate, fat, muscle fascia tendons, vessels
When should you use enzymatic debridement?
infected or non infected wounds with necrotic tissue, if they cant tolerate sharp, at home care
need prescription
When do you stop enzymatic?
once debridement is done, if necrotic tissue fails to decrease in expectec time
wounds with exposed deep tissue, facial burns, calluses
Why is autolytic debridement helpful?
with use of moisture retentive dressing or self heal endogenous enzymes like macrophages and neutrophils digest necrotic tissue
What is procedure for autolytic debridement?
crosshatch eschar ( to allow meds to get in), dressing should be 2 cm larger than wound
keep on for 72-96 hours
What are contraindications of sharp debridement?
arterial insufficiency, gangrene, unidentifiable structures, meds (blood thinners), terminally il
When should sharp debridement stop?
clinician fatigues, pain control is inadequete, decline in pt status, extensive bleeding, tunnel or undermining found
If bleeding occurs what should you do?
pressure on area for 10 minutes, no interupption or restart timer, elevate, nitrate stick etc. can be used also
What can be useful for pain management for pts?
meds 30 mins prior, tens prior
What is a medical emergency during debridement?
bleeding where you can not see the source, bleeding you can hear