Worship Flashcards
worship ?
an act that shows devotion towards god
christians believe that worship is two way and that god also communicates with the believer. This can be in the form of reading the bible, attenting the eucharist which celebrates the scarificial death and resurrection of jesus christ
a group of christians meeting for worship
Christians feel benefits by worshiping communally as they surrounded by people who share a love of god.
Quote for congregational worship
For where two or three gather in my name, there i am with them - matthew 18:20
Reason for church on sunday
keep the sabbath day holy - god rested on the 7th day
Liturgical worship
follows set prayers and readings that can be found in printed books
christians join in a congregation to worship
feel connected with the tradiitons of their church - roman catholic, orthodox and church of england take part in liturgical worship
familiarity of sevices helps them reflect on the deep meaning
Nothing will be said that is not appropriate to what the congregation believes
liturgy - reflect the importance of organised worship
symbolic use of colour for example - reflect different times on jesus’ life on earth - christmas and easter
specific liturgical service for imporatn events like these- they have different but set music and readings
Colours of robe that the preist wears helps to reflect the character of the celebration
white and gold - easter and christams
red - colour of blood, when christians explore the passion and sufffering of christ. Used for coming of holy spirit and pentecost
green - ordinary time - represents hope
purple - advent, in preparation for the coming of christ also used during lent, the season of pentance and renewel
Non liturgical worship
informal, less structure
different parts of service can be changed for special events
sermon can be main part of the service
prayers from the service leader can be unscripted
eucharistic services ( liturgical )
catholics believe in the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into body and blood of christ - present in the eucharist. important - sacrament of sacraments. Alter serves rings the bill to alert the presence of Christ. When priest blessed bread and wine - reminded of the last supper. When jesus broke bread, symbol of his sacrififce for our salvation
When priest breaks bread he is inpersona christi - taking on the role of jesus when he distributes the bread
‘This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins’ matthew - we are able to go to heaven.
other denominations - symbolic
why is the eucharist important for catholics
gateway for catholics to have a restored relationship of god and no longer salves of sin but of god. Eucharist gives us the spiritual strength of god’s grace which we then use to evangalise and spread the word of god.
What is eucharistic adoration
catholics pray towards eucharist, showing devotion to the presence
tabernacle keeps host consecrated - special and holy and blessed
genuflect towards tabernacle - shows respect towards the presence of Christ.
service of the word
the service without the eucharist so focuses on bible readings and sermon which is longer and more developed
Anglican liturgical worship
- use book of common prayer
- sets out words of service and gives directions to the worshipers and ministers
people stand ffor reading of creed and gospel reading
anglican liturgical eucharistic service
- gathering
- liturgy of the word : bible readings and sermon, nicene creed, prayers of intercession and confession - the lord’s prayer
- peace be with you handshake
- liturgy of the sacrament : preparation of the lord’s table, eucharistic prayer, breaking of the bread, receiving communion
- sending the people out as evangelists
Roman catholic worship
use missal - order of service
difference between them and CHURCH OF ENGLAND - transubstantiation, anglicans believe that jesus’ sacrifice isn’t truly recreated at the alter
they see his death as a single event in time not to be repeated every Eucharistic service
what does the church of england minister say before he breaks the bread
BEHOLD the lamb of God. BEHOLD him who take saway the sins of the world
what does a catholic minister say when he breaks the bread
THIS IS the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world
Quaker meetings
‘a meeting of worship’ - an hour
silence - worshippers are able to reflect individually
in this silence - they believe that they become closer to god
equality of all people - no ministers who contribute or lead the meeting
During worship, someone may choose to pray or read aloud and someone may respond to it - THIS IS CALLED GIVING MINISTRY.
‘advice and queries’ booklet - insights and questions
they believe everyone has THE INNER LIGHT OF GOD - so this is why silence is so important, as you can focus on you and god - not everything is explained by language.
bible is not the literal word of god - some are no theist, instead believe of the power of the universe
Testimonies - values
greek orthodox
eucharist called THE DIVINE LITURGY
involves a procession
1st section - liturgy of the word - hymes and prayers and readings
followed BY THE LITURGY OF THE FAITHFUL - only baptised believers are allowed to take part. Nicene creed is said in unison and then recitation of the lords prayer and consecration of the bread and wine
what do greek orthodox churches emphasise
the role of holy spriit in divine liturgy
prayer of consecration - god is called upon to send down the holy spirit to bring about TRANSUBSTANTIATION
non orthodix believers are invited to share in the distribution of the eucharist - symbol of wider christian fellowship
methodist worship
follows a liturgy
some may follow a less structured service
church publishes its own hymn book
eucharist referred to as communion
open communion - all are welcome to participate
communion lead by ministers but also assisted by lay members of the church
wine distributed in individual glasses, bread in wafers
celebrate communion ONCE A MONTH
non liturgical worship
more sppontaneous
anyone in congregation can be invited to pray/ sing/ preach a sermon
a less formal kind of worship ensures they do not get stuck in mindless repetition of words or pre planned responses
focus - reinforce imporatnce of bible as authoratative word of god
sermon - focus of the service which will help them understand bible and how to apply it in their daily lives
Charasmatic worship - pentecostal churches + evangelical
belivers think that they can experience the holy spirit just as the apostles did on THE DAY OF PENTECOST
-speaking in tongues - glossolalia, prophecies and healing
charasmatic references to the gifts of the holy spirit
dancing, clapping and spotaneous gestures for adoration of god through the intercession of the holy spirit.
‘ God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
evangelical believe that god sets them free so very happy movements
Individual worship
reading bible passages ect
their way of developing their own personal relationship with god