world war 1 study guide Flashcards
causes that led to world war 1
imperialism- british are concerned with germany’s growth/ competition over colonies (rivaling over taking over africa and china), economic rivalries (britain, france, and germany), british and france want to contain germany’s territorial claims
militarism- glorification of military, military was seen as symbol for nationalism, arms race (building up their navy and military, leaders gain influence, germany and britain), military industrial complex (companies making war materials)
nationalism- french want revenge on germany (franco-prussian war), french want alsace-loraine back
creation of alliances (central and powered alliances)- secret agreements among nations, aid each other if attacked, a war between two nations against a war between a whole continent
immediate cause of world war 1
assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
europe on the eve of world war 1 (political)
britain- popular gov., economy boosting, strong nationalism, conquered large parts of the world
germany- kaiser william II, conquered many countries, economy boosting
russia- tsar nicholas, not popular, old order, controlled by monarchy
austrian empire- ethnic problems (groups for independence), weakest
europe on the eve of world war 1 (social)
britain- working class demands better wages/ working conditions, women fight for right to vote/ give up fighting for support of war
germany- social democratic party, demanding wages and conditions, jarres
europe on the eve of world war 1 (economically)
britain, france, germany- feeding industrial beast, economy is soaring, military spending is increased (mainly germany), all countries are increasing their wealth, financially well-off.
how did imperialism lead to world war 1?
european nations were eager to gain the colonial territories owned by their rivals
central powers
- germany
- austria-hungary
- ottoman empire
allied powers
- russia
- france
- britain