World Views Exam Flashcards
Definition of a worldview
What I believe about REALITY and how that causes me to LIVE
Things that influence your worldview (5)
Culture/environment your born into
Examples of atheist worldviews
examples of polytheist worldviews
New Age
Greek and Roman Pantheon
Examples of monotheistic worldviews
Philosophy of Socrates
Raised questions about the Greek pantheon of gods (didn’t personally believe in them)
Used dialogue and question to find truth (Socratic method)
Convicted for corrupting Athenian youth; died by drinking hemlock
Philosophy of Plato
○ Believed the sole is imprisoned in the body, attempting to break free into the ideal form.
○ He distrusted the senses as a good way to perceived knowledge; trust logic and reason more
○ Believed all physical things are imperfect manifestations of the really real
Teacher of Aristotle
Philosophy of Augustine
○ Major Christian philosopher and theologian
○ Linked the Platonic ideal to the God of the Bible
○ Immaterial = good. Material = not really good
○ Emphasized the rational and logical, deemphasized the senses
Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
○ Proof of the infinite starts with the finite things
○ Emphasized looking at the “physical” along with the Scriptures since God is reason and the universe He created is reason - he can be known thorough reason and creation.
Philosophy of Immanuel Kant
○ One of the most influential modern philosophers
○ “Kant’s Wall”
§ The ideals, faith, and subjective exist but is unknowable, the real, reason, and objective is all we can know
○ We can only have knowledge of things we can experience.
Philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard
○ Existentialism: individuals are free and responsible to create meaning and purpose in our lives.
○ Faith and reason are mutually exclusive
○ Lea of Faith: decisive commitment with passion but subjective
Philosophy of Charles Darwin
○ Natural selection: guarantees a progressive improvement in species
○ Gave a scientific bases for materialism.
○ Gave a scientific basis for optimism
Philosophy of C.S. Lewis
○ Christian apologist
○ Joy (or our deepest longings) are signposts directing us to God
○ Moral Law exists and all humans have an intuitive knowledge of it
○ Evil is not original
○ Jesus is God
Improper Views of God
○ God is a tyrant judge
○ God’s love overlooks sin
○ God doesn’t care
Three parenting methods that mirror an improper view of God (and what the mean)
- Authoritarian - focus on absolute obedience
- Permissive - Don’t enforce rules, kids will be kinds
- uninvolved - provides little attention or engagement
Parenting style that coincides will an accurate picture of God
Authoritative - creates a relationship while enforcing rules.
Proof of God’s existence as seen through General Revelation (Science) (7)
- 2nd law of thermodynamics: The amount of usable energy in a closed system will decrease over time, therefore the world must have a beginning because it has a finite amount of energy
- Spontaneous Generation: there is no evidence that living matter can ever come form nonliving matter through natural processes
- Genetic information theory: the intricacy of DNA indicates not just information, but design.
- Anthropic principle: The incredible harmony of everything points directly at an intelligence vastly beyond any human thinking
- The general fine tuning of the universe creates an overwhelming impression of design
- The randomly generate the 23 Psalm would take way longer than the universe is old
- God is the best explantion of the origin of the universe.
Proof of God’s existence through special revelation
- He is the best explanation for the existence of objective moral values and duties
- He is the best explanation of the historical facts concerning the life, death, and resurrection Jesus of Nazareth (empty tomb, numerous sightings by many people, the disciples change in belief about Jesus’ resurrection (they go from scared and running to fearless and public in their faith)
- He can be personally known
God is ______________, _____________________, and ________________
Perfectly good
personally loving
infinitely unchanging
Worldview analogies (3)
carpenters level
What are the two elements of truth
- Truth is a Person (“I am the way, the truth, and the life”)
- truth is an accurate description of the way things really are. Truth aligns with reality
What does logic help us do?
make accurate descriptions which are consistent with the thing itself
two types of worldviews
philosophical WV and functional WV
means “it does not follow” An illogical statement that draws o conclusion not supported by the premises. e. people believe in God because they aren’t’ educated
Non - sequitur
Evades the question by appealing to the feelings of the audience Ex. I don’t believe in God because the Christians I know are unkind, arrogant people
Ad hominem
using a famous name or credential to validate a position rather than a serious argument. Ex. Global warning doesn’t exist- my pastor said so
Appeal to Authority
an argument that appeals to the beliefs or prejudices of the crowd to validate a position. Ex. Most of the world now realizes there isn’t a God- you must be stuck in the 60s.
Bandwagon argument
evades a real conclusion by restating eh problem in new words or by using the problem as the solution to itself. Ex. God exists because the Bible says He does, and God orchestrated the writing of the Bible so it can be trusted.
Circular Reasoning
presents only two possibilities as the only possibilities when more then two possibilities exist. Ex. Either God doesn’t exist or he is a mean-spirited monster.
Either-or fallacy (false dichotomy)
cherry-picking data or relying on very limited data or evidence to draw sweeping conclusions. Ex. Atheist scientists create nuclear bombs and weapons which kill; Christin scientist build hospitals which save lives.
Hasty genralization
a statement introducing an unrelated point instead of addressing the question under debate. Ex. Some say that objective moral values can only exist if God exists, but Christians are really not more moral then non-Christians
Red Herring
assumes that since something has not been proven false, it is therefore true OR because something has not been proven true, it is therefore false. ex. There is no way of scientifically proving the existence of God, therefore he does not exist.
Argument from Ignorance
What do Naturalists believe is real
Matter; the physical is the only reality
What do Postmodernists believe is real
Language construct - words being used to create your reality
what do Easter Spirituality/New Age people believe is real
Spiritual oneness of all things - no distinction between God and man and matter
What do Naturalists believe humans are
evolved animal
humans are complex machines
matter is the only substance
there is nothing above man
What do Postmodernists believe about what humans are?
There is no essential you - you are what you make yourself be.
What do Eastern Spirituality/New Age people believe about what humans are?
Man is God
What do Naturalists believe is good?
human survival is primary
values are determined by humans - driven by needs/interest
What do Postmodernists believe is good?
happiness through nonjudgmental communal experiences
What do Eastern Spirituality/New Age people believe is good?
Cessation of desire
union with all
What do Naturalist believe about what is wrong and what the solution is?
Problem: Ignorance
Solution: Education
What do Postmodernists believe about what is wrong and what the solution is?
Problem: power
Solution: deconstruction - ask questions in such a way that at the end there is no answer
What do Eastern Spirituality/New Age people believe about what is wrong and what the solution is?
Problem: ignorance of the god that you are
Solution: meditation to unlock the truth within
What do Naturalists believe about how to know what is true
Science (scientific method)
What do Postmodernists believe about how to know what is true
I can only determine what is true for me (aka relativism)
What do Eastern Spirituality/New Age people believe about how to know what is true
its self-validating
What do Muslims believe about what is real
Allah - His Oneness and his sovereignty
What do Christians believe about what is real
There is God and then there is everything else
What do Muslims believe about what humans are?
Humans are the pinnacle of creation
What do Christians believe about what humans are?
Humans are lovingly made in the image of God and given dominion over creation
What do Muslims believe about what is good?
Serving Allah by carefully following His instructions accurately.
What do Christians believe about what is good?
Walking in His way
What do Muslims believe about what wrong and what the solution is?
Problem: disobedience to Allah’s Law
Solution: Following the Quran and 5 Pillars
What do Christians believe about what wrong and what the solution is?
Problem: sin, separation from God
Solution: repent & believe, grace
What do Muslims believe about how you know truth
What do Christians believe about how you know truth?
God reveals Himself
God’s Word
Logic and Reason
Ethics definition
the study of moral principles and how they guide peoples actions and decisions (“right and wrong”)
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
Cultural Relativism
Actions are judged by each person’s cultural context; no culture has a base to judge another culture.
Cultural Relativism
- Problems:
○ Acceptance of sin
○ No morality that is higher than the culture
○ No basis for cultures improvement
○ Nothing to appeal to when culture’s class
○ No way to stop a culture from destroying itself.
Cultural Relativism
“look out for Number One.”
Ethical Egoism
We should choose to be concerned with our own broad-based and life-long interests.
Ethical Egoism
- Problems
○ Is human life, even my life, of ultimate value?
○ Dismisses community
○ Cannot learn from others
○ Ignores Revelation
Ethical Egoism
Ethical system that fits well with naturalism
The greatest good for the greatest number of people”
“Good” is determined by the greatest happiness for the greatest number.
- Problems
○Happiness is subjective to personal opinions
○The majority is not always right
○ Ignores an Absolute ethical standard
○ Thinks only of outcome and doesn’t consider motivation
“It’s your duty”
Kantian Ethics
“Good” is determined by what is one’s duty and can be learned and understood by reason.
Kantian Ethics
○ There are discrepancies about what is our “duty”
○ Pre-conceived ideas will affect your logic in determining duty
○Misses the importance of love
Kantian Ethics
fits kind of well with Muslims
Kantian Ethics
In Kantian ethics, duty is usually based of a ________________
Sense of Justice
“All you need is love”
Situations Ethics
fits well with Postmodernism
Situations Ethics
Love - doing the good of others - is the only ethic to determine right.
Situations Ethics
The core of Christian Ethics
- Ethics are rooted in the very character of God and seen in the example of Jesus
- It follows then, that making ethical decisions (determining what is right and what is wrong) is ultimately an exercise in getting to know God better and to follow Jesus more accurately.
More than a list (5)
- Ethical decisions have deeper consequences than simply being a list of right and wrong
- Right ethics are rooted in the character of God
- We are made His image
- Right ethics change us more into His likeness
- Wrong ethics turn us away from sin
About God
(God is - )
He doesn’t change
* Just
* All-knowing
* Right
* faithful
People are -
○ Inherently sinful
○ Judgey
○ Fickle pickles
○ Finite
○ Deceivable
○ Proud
7 attributes of God as relating to Christian ethics.
- Holy
- Righteous
- Just
- Love
- Compassion
- Gracious
- Merciful
- Trade industry owned privately
- Supply & demand
- Limited govt. involvement
- Private property improvement
Competition within a free market
- Means of production owned by government
- Redistribution of wealth to eliminate/diminish classes
- Freedom of religion
High taxes to collect wealth
- One ruler or small group dictates authority
- Nationalistic
- Religious limitations
Focus on military strength
- Aims to create a classless society where the state owns production & wealth
- Says capitalism has failed; therefore reject it and replace it with a central power by force.
No private property
Pros of Communism
- In theory: everyone is taken care of
In theory: people prioritized over profit
Cons of Communism
- Limit of human rights
The govt. become really wealthy and overwhelmingly controlling
Pros of Socialism
- Equal opportunity
Reduction of relative poverty
Cons of Socialism
- Takes away incentive to work hard
Just throwing money at people doesn’t help them
Pros of Capitalism
- Keeps the government from getting to powerful
- Encourages innovation with wealth being the incentive
- Consumers have free choice
Competition in a free market keeps prices reasonable
Cons of Capitalism
- Prone to the boom-bust system
- Has classes and homeless
The ones with money hold the sway
Pros of Fascism
Increased efficiency in government
Cons of Fascism
- Tends towards rampant racism
Fighting mentality
Two things a Christian should be as a duel citizen
an ambassador (representative and builds relationships)
a steward (acts on behalf of their master)
The governments role
maintain order
punish wrongdoing and praise good
bear the sword: use force to restrain evil
how should a Christian relate to government?
Respect them
Summit to their authority unless they require an action that is contrary to the way of Christ.
Pray for them
Witness to them if given the opportunity
Pay taxes
Based on Scripture and Jesus’ example, what can we logically assume He would do?
He would humbly serve others
His integrity would be unquestionable
He would care deeply about a lot of things that many do not.
He would not appear to care much at all about some of the things that many do care a lot about
The change He would bring would be heart transformation.
three reasons not to vote
- you represent a different kingdom
- Politics are so divisive
- The time, money, and emotional energy put into campaigning could be put to better use
characteristics of community
- A desire to be a part of a thriving community is universal.
- A healthy community has a clear vison for something bigger that people want to be a part of.
- All communities have expectations and requirements
- The communities you invest in affect who are you become; they influence your behavior.
your _____________ ___________ should be with fellow believers
deepest commonalities
The church is God’s chosen community for His work on earth. Deep participation in this community is….
not optional for the follower
Things naturalist think about when considering free speech
Does it put peoples lives at risk?
based in logic and rationale
The rightness/wrongness is secondary to whether it is rationally expedient
Things Postmodernists think about when considering free speech
There is no overarching truth, therefore no one is wrong
All you need is love
What emotional impact does it have
The rightness/wrongness is secondary to how it will make people feel.
Godly speech principles. Our speech should…
○ Remember who we were outside of Christ
○ Speak the truth
○ Build up
○ Fit the occasion
○ Offer grace to those listening
○ Be kind
○ Be appropriate
○ Be thankful
○ Expose works of darkness.
3 types of Evil
Moral evil (result of human choices)
Natural Evil ( human choices are not involved)
Maximum evil (suffering of the innocent)
Two sides to the problem of evil
Logical side: the existence of evil; how can evil and God co-exist?
Personal side: the existence of pain and suffering
Naturalist believe what about evil
Evil has no meaning
there is no evil, only bad luck
Eastern thought believes what about evil?
physical world is an illusion.
evil is an illusion
evil is the result of karmic debt
What Muslims believe about evil
God allowed evil into the world for his own purposes
God causes evil
3 vantage points about evil (Christian)
Gods creation was very good
free will is an essential component of humanity
We are not good
Christian conclusion about evil
Evil will one day be destroyed by an all powerful God
A view of the future and a view of the present
the end will be better then the beginning
Our God suffers with us.
5 reason evidences that William Lane Craig gives for reasons why one can believe that god exists
- he is the best explanation of the origin of the universe
- the complex order of the universe points to a complex creator
- he is the best reason for morals
- he is the best explanation of the circumstances surrounding Jesus life death, and resurrection
- he is personally knowable
the majority of Muslims belong to which sect?
2 differences between a Postmodernists and a Christians view of unity
Christianity: it is based on concrete standards and we need to change to fit it
Postmodernism: don’t embrace the need for change or a concrete standard.