world questions Flashcards
polyarteritis nodosa
- panmural inflammation of the arterial wall
sx: months of fever, weight loss, muscle joint pain due to cytokines
associated with hep B
-commonly see occlusion of renal arteries and oi abdominal artery aneurysms
fibromuscular dysplasia
cause, presentation, diagnosis
- non-inflammatory, nonatherosclerotic condition that affects small medium arteries and results in ischemia
*Renal artery stenosis (normally bilateral)
- secondary htn, abdominal bruit, flank abdominal pain, CKD
-HA, neck pain, cervical bruit, tinnitus
-TIA, stroke, horners, amaurosis fugax
Diagnosis: string of Beads
-duplex ultrasonography, CT angio
-digital subtraction angiography
- see renal infarction, but don’t see months of constitutional symptoms ie fever, weight loss, muscle joint pai,n
ADR of erythrocyte stimulating agent
onset: 2-8wks of starting
worsening hypertension due to systemic vasoconstriction
hypercalcemia can be caused by what electrolyte deficiency?
reflex change you would see with brain death
-deep tendon reflexes
herpes keratitis
meningitis vs encephalitis signs
meningitis- nuchal rigidity
neck stiffness
encephalitis: AMS, seizures
HSV encephalitis findings
increased lymphocytes
-behavioral changes, seizures
-temporal lobe damage on MRI
most common cause of b12 deficiency and increases risk for
pernicious anemia
- destruction of intrinsic factor receptors form gastric acid
gastric cancer
caused by?
with erythema nodosum, lymphadenopathy
-effects on electrolytes
Erythema nodosum
Interstitial fibrosis
Negative TB test
-increases calcitriol, serum Ca, urinary Ca
-decreases PTH
HIV patient
toxoplasmosis encephalitis
given to slow heart down for tacycardia
- adenosine
- vagal maenuver: carotid massage
amiodarone ADR
hypothyroidism hepatoceluar injury
pancreatic cyst management
endoscopic ultrasound guided biopsy
if it has high risk features
- large size>3cm
- solid components or calcifications
- main pancreatic duct involvement
- thickened or irregular cyst wall
conn syndrome
aka primary aldosteronism
-hypokalemia + low plasma renin + elevated serum sodium bicarb (metabolic alkalosis)
save sodium, kick out potassium
Treatment for MAC and CD4 risk cutoff
- CD4 <50/mm^3
- macrolide + ethambutol
increased erythrocyte destruction results in inc/dec haptoglobin?
looks like MI ,but no signs of obstructive coronary artery disease on coronary angiography
stress-induced cardiomyopathy
- changes in precordial leads
-apical left ventricular ballooning
transverse myelitis
inflammation of parts of spinal cord:
- motor weakness
-authonomic dysfunction
-sensory dysfunction (numbness with distinct sensory level)
steroids , plasmapheresis
murmur associated with infective endocarditis
mitral regurgitation
common causes of massive transaminitis in thousands
ischemic hepatic injury
urine osmolality
value when it is too dilute
meds that cause SIADH
vasospastic angina, what is it and treatment?
heart pain that mimics MI, can wake person up from sleep or at rest,
will see ST elevations, but no sings of occlusion on CT angio
Tx: diltiazem
CXR with ring of calcification around heart + constrictive pericarditis
cardiac surgery
viral pericarditis
bacillary angiomatosis