World Poverty Flashcards
More economically developed country
Natural disaster
Cause by nature
Dishonesty leading to the accumulation of wealth
Emergency Aid/ Short term aid
Aid is needed immediately because of natural disasters
The weather conditions of the world
World trade
Different countries buying and selling goods from each other
Global interdependence
Different countries in the world dependent on each other
Less economically developed country
Bringing about what is right and fair according to law or a religious belief
The idea that believers have a duty to look after the planet.
A feeling of pity that makes one want to help
Long-term aid
Aid that is given to people over a long period of time in order to provide lasting change
Fair trade
Trade between nations that provides fair prices to produce from LEDC’s.
Unfair trade
Trade where producers are exploited by the buyers.
Why are some countries poor? - climate
In order to grow crops a certain amount of rainfall has to happen – however 92% of Africa doesn’t have this sufficient amount. This climate also means there is often not enough water and because the countries are poor they do not have the facilities to catch the water and global warming is making this worse.
Why are some countries poor? – Location
This can include climate, but also includes natural resources. Four example the Sudan has little natural resources like Oil, gas and coal but must use it if they want it. This can be very expensive and so little money is available for other things.
Why are some countries poor? – Population growth
Often in countries that can least afford extra mouth to feed there is population growth. There is a lack of contraception and as many children died young, there is a greater risk of children dying young so many families have many children to ensure someone will look after them in later life.
Why are some countries Poor? – economic reasons
World trade does little to help people in poorer countries to get their prices for what they sell. Many of these countries produce cash crops that provide food for the rest of the world not the country and helping them to feed the poor. The landowner of this land doesn’t help the poor either. Debt is also a problem and the loans that LE DCs have taken out often charge massive amounts of interest.
Why are some countries poor? - politics
Some countries are not politically stable. For examples that have been civil wars in a region in western Sudan. Many people had to flee their homes and over 200,000 were killed
Why are some countries poor? – Corruption
Corrupt governments, such as that in Zimbabwe, also lead to poverty as most people in power keep the money for themselves rather than allowing it to benefit the poor
Why are some countries poor? - Natural disasters
The location of the country might make it more prone to not to disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic corruption or flooding. These can be in both LEDCs and MEDCs however MEDCs such as Japan have the money and resources to deal with the effects and recover more quickly.
Islamic relief
A Muslim charity the helps people all around the world, whenever there need is the greatest. They give emergency aid to those after natural disasters. They also provide long-term aid to people who need it most.
Opportunity International
Christian charity to operate all over the world. They use is the teaching of the parable of the sheep and the goats and they invest in the return the original sum of money to the master who does not charge them interest for the money borrowed. Women grouped together to secure loans from OI order to start their own businesses. Able to make a small profit.