Matters of Life Flashcards
Quality of Life
A measure of fulfilment
The moment the sperm fertilises the egg. Catholics and Muslims believe that this is when all life begins.
At some moment in the foetus’ life, it receives a soul.
Unable to have children
Fertility treatment
Medical procedure to assist an infertile couple to have children
In Vitro Fertilisation
A scientific method of making a woman pregnant, which does not involve sex. Conception occurs via sperm and egg being placed in a test tube.
Test Tube Baby
Term used for a baby created outside of the woman’s body
Artificial Insemination using the husbands sperm
Artificial Insemination using the donors sperm
A fertilised egg is implanted into another woman’s womb
Transplant Surgery
When someone else’s organs are put into a patient
Blood Transfusion
When a patient is given extra blood as part of an operation
Human Genetic Engineering
The modification of gene make up to change the features of a human
The study of human embryos
Fertilised egg at about 12 - 14 days when implanted into the wall of the womb
Designer Babies
Babies with gender and characteristics chosen by their parents, which is currently illegal in the UK but legal in the USA
Stem cells
A cell, most often taken from a 4 - 5 day old embryo, whose role in the body is yet to be determined
Saviour siblings
A sibling genetically compatible with a sick child is implanted and born to use stem cells to treat the sick child.
The scientific method by which animals or plant can be created which have exactly the same genetic make up as the original because the DNA of the original is used
Sanctity of Life
Christians and Muslims believe that all life is a sacred gift from God
Explain religious views on fertility treatment
Roman Catholics do not support fertility treatments. They believe that it should be in God’s hands whether a couple can have a child or not. They are also against AIH and AID because it involves masturbation They especially disagree with AID as children should be between a married couple, not a married couple and a donor. The Church of England supports IVF and AIH for married couples, they believe that its a way of providing loving parents with a child. Muslims allow IVF and AIH but do not allow AID because they say that it is adultery. Frozen sperm from ex-husband or dead partner should not be used.
Describe the Law on Surrogacy
No payment must be made, advertising is illegal, the parent must be over 18 and married. The human fertilisation and embryology authority which regulated the law in the UK states tat donors of sperm or eggs must be anonymous, the donor has no rights over any baby that is born, frozen embryos can be stored up to 10 years and scientific may be carried out on an embryo for 14 days but it must then be destroyed.
What are the religious views on surrogacy
Roman Catholics do not support surrogacy because of their belief that it is God’s decision whether or not to give a couple the gift of a child., Muslims forbid surrogacy as it is a pregnancy outside a marriage. Joesph Fletcher argues that surrogacy could be the most loving thing to do as it give a family a child.
What do religions say about genetic engineering?
Roman Catholics believe that experimenting on embryos is wrong because it undermines the sanctity of lifer. Church of England supports research on embryos under 14 days old as long as these research embryos are nor just created for research. Muslims believe that we should use the scientific knowledge that Allah gave us, however they shouldn’t be created for research but those left over from IVF can be used.
What do religious people think about transfusions and organ donations?
Blood Transfusions: Muslims support transfusion as long as it is really necessary. Christians support blood transfusions as they believe it is following the teaching of love thy neighbour. Jehovah’s Witnesses are against them because blood is sacred to God who equates it with life. It is reserved for only one use, the atonement for sins. Blood must not be eaten or transfused even in the case of a medical emergency. Organ Transplants: Muslims agree to transplants as long as organs are human. Most Christians also support as the pope says that it is an act of charity.
What do religions say about human experimentation?
Christians believe that human experimentation allows us to improve the quality of life for others who will benefit from the drugs that will eventually be marketed to the public. It is a selfless act that will possibly save other people’s lives and so acts in accordance with the sanctity of life.