Death and the Elderly Flashcards
A state of being with God after Death
A state of being without God after Death
A time of spiritual cleansing and preparation for heaven
Being born again in another form
Continuing life in another form
Prejudice and discrimination against the elderly
Inducing a painless death, by agreement and with compassion to ease suffering. Not legal in the UK but it’s legal in Holland
Voluntary Euthanasia
A person gives consent to die
Non-voluntary euthanasia
A person is not able to give their consent to die
Passive Euthanasia
When the patient dies because the medical professionals either don’t do something necessary to keep the patient alive or when they stop doing something that is keeping the patient alive.
Active Euthanasia
When the medical professionals or another person deliberately do something that cause the patient to die
Assisted suicide
A person gives someone the means to end their own life.
A place were terminally ill people go for support to end their lives
Palliative Care
Care that doesn’t cure but will make and I’ll person more comfortable
Ordinary means
Someone is kept alive using drugs, careens food
Extra-ordinary means
A person is kept alive on life supports machines, very expensive operations
The end of life which can be determined in several ways but normally when brain stops functioning
What are the problems that the elderly?
Often elderly people rely on state pensions which can lead to great financial difficulty. They may face loneliness, especially their husband or wife dies. More than a million elderly people live alone in the UK. Many elderly people feel undervalued and would prefer to continue to work to keep to some normality. With old age comes problems with ill and health. Elderly people may be less mobile and rely on other people to other people to get around.
Who do religious beliefs say that the elderly should be looked after by?
In Islamic worlds there are no old people’s homes. Muslims believe that serving one’s parents is a duty second only to prayer ans so the strain of caring for one’s parents in this most difficult time of their lives is considered an honour and a blessing. In the bible it says ‘honour your mother and father’ they are taught to look after the elderly ans sick members of the family and should mare sure they receive they care they need. In cases were the elderly have no family to look after them the Christian church acts as the social services agency for other believers.
What are the arguments for Euthanasia?
Death with dignity, Suicide is legal, Freedom of choice and ends needless suffering.
What are the arguments against Euthanasia?
There are alternatives, It can be a slippery slope and some say that you shouldn’t play God.
What does St. Richards Hospice do?
Cares for patients and families in Worcestershire who are living with cancer or other life threatening illnesses.
What does Acorns Children’s Hospice do?
Care for children who are terminally ill, along with their families. Making their months and sometimes years more comfortable, as well as giving the parents a small break from the difficulties that having a child who is terminally ill.
What do Roman Catholics say about Euthanasia and Hospices?
Euthanasia is a form of murder. The sanctity of life is a gift from God. Morally this is a crime and Christ suffered on the cross therefore we must accept suffering.
What does Joesph Fletcher say about Euthanasia and Hospices?
Fletcher believed that the quality of life was more important than the sanctity of life. If someone is suffering and in a great deal of pain and suffering and they wanted help to end their lives then helping them would be the most loving thing to do.
What does Islam say about Euthanasia and Hospices?
Euthanasia is a form of murder. The sanctity of life. Allah may be testing a person through suffering. Muslims are banned from killing themselves. However Allah teaches them to be merciful and that if they are suffering should ask Allah for help through prayer. You will spend eternity in hell if you die through Euthanasia.