Poverty in Britain Flashcards
Being without money, food or basic needs
Situation where a person or organisation owes more money than they possess
Being left money or property in a will when someone dies
‘Fat cat’ salaries
Large amount of money earned or bonus’ or shares
Poverty trap
Not being able to stop being poor
Minimum wage
The legal minimum amount which must be paid to be a worker in the UK
Giving to the needy an organisation that does not work for profit but help others
National lottery
State run gambling where over 16s can choose numbers each week offering large prizes
Large amount of money or investments
What does the parable of the talents tell us?
It is not wrong to be rich but it is wrong to be obsessed with money
What does love thy neighbour mean?
We have a responsibility to use our money to help others less fortunate than ourselves.
What does the parable of the sheep and the goats say?
I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me
What does it mean to be poor in the UK?
Absolute poverty is when people do not have enough income to ensure food, clothing and good health. Relative poverty is when people are poor compared to other people on the same country. Someone in Britain who can not afford to ever go on holiday might be called relatively poor. A poor person is anyone earning less than half of the average wage, according to the UK government
Why are people rich?
They are born rich, they marry into wealth or inherit it. Can win lottery and have lots of money. Work hard and obtain wealth.
Explain why people are poor with regards to unemployment
Often illness prevents people from working. Homelessness can lead to a cycle of poverty people don’t want to employ homeless people so they cannot get jobs or benefits so they can’t get a home so they can’t get a job.
Explain why people are poor with regards to low wages
Despite the increase in educated people millions of people do not earn a good wage mainly because the jobs that they do don’t require great skill. Even the minimum wage it is hard to make ends meet.
Why are people poor with regards to wasteful spending?
People often earn enough to waste their money on luxuries leaving little for essentials. This is particularly hard on any children in the family.
Why are people poor in regards to debt?
Many Poole get into debt by poor financial management. People may so make the wrong investment and loose their money. Some people get short term loans which have high interest rates
How can people escape poverty with education?
Most young people really benefit from the education in schools and with support from families and teachers. They gain qualifications they lead to further education and hopefully a good job. Many don’t see the benefit school might offer, or why employers want we qualified people. People can at any time take the benefit of education they don’t have to feel that it just happens in childhood at school.
How can people escape poverty with regards to counselling?
People can look at career guidance and look at how they can improve their chances of finding s good job. Adults can also do this the citizens advice service is a national charity providing advice on these issues
How can people escape poverty with government help?
The minimum wage was introduced in 1999 to prevent workers from being exploited. The government also provide benefits for people who don’t have a job or who cannot work as well as various allowances for children and accommodation for the lowest earners.
What do Christians believe about wealth responsibility.
Christian teachers are well should be shared with the poor. Jesus praise the pool with a forgiving what she had to charity is God provides what is rich in heaven. Just also taught to love our neighbour and so we should help those less fortunate than ourselves
What does Islam believe about wealth responsibility.
Islam teaches of the value of money is in what it can do rather than what it is. What is a blessing from our and should be used wisely for the benefit of the poor as well as oneself. Families will support the families with interest free loans. Don’t forget Zahak at the third pillar of Islam when 2.5% of wealth is given to charity.
The national lottery.
Many religions don’t support gambling Muslims believe that gambling is wrong as well should be sought by work. As it is gaining money three reasons other than working for it. Muslims will not ask the lottery to help them build a mosque. Some questions don’t agree with gambling as they believe it encourages laziness and promotes greed. However Church of England and Roman Catholics don’t encourage gambling but allow believers to gamble in moderation. Good causes funds have been provided or by the lottery and Heritage fund has provided for upkeep of churches and cathedrals.