World between the wars Flashcards
What did France and Britain promise Italy to join the war?
Did they keep their promise?
No, they only received some of what they were promised
After WW1, what was happening in Italy?
Peasants seized land
Workers went on strike
There was post war inflation
What did WW1 veterans from Italy face?
The Italian government split and enveloped in ______?
Who steps in?
Benito Mussolini
At first Mussolini was a ___ like his father
What did he later become?
Extreme Italian Nationalist
At first Mussolini ______ Italy joining WW1, but he changed his views?
What ended Mussolini’s WW1 military service?
Mortar bomb
Mussolini’s name came from the Latin Fasces, which is what? What did it symbolize?
A bundle of sticks wrapped around an ax
Unity and Authority
What did Mussolini promise?
To end corruption and government, restore order, and turn the Mediterranean sea into “Mare Nostrum” or our sea
Mussolini organized his supporters into ______, they were also called____.
Combat Squads
Black shirts
What did Mussolinis supporters favor?
violence over democratic process
Where did the black shirts have a rally?
What was this rally called?
What was their intent?
March on Rome
Go to Rome to demand gov. changes
Who was the king of Italy?
Victor Emmanuel III
What did king Victor Emmanuel III do in response to the March on Rome? And why?
Made Mussolini Italy’s prime minister b/c he feared a civil war
What title did Mussolini take? What does it mean?
Il Duce
The Leader
How did Mussolini make more Fascists in gain control?
Silenced the press and fixed elections
Who was the pope? Why did he support Mussolini?
Pope Pius XI
He recognized the Vatican city as an independent state
In theory Italy remained a parliament_____. However it was a _____upheld by terror
Mussolini brought the economy under ____ control.
Business, labor, government, and Fascists party controlled industry, agriculture and trade. What is this called?
Production increased but the workers could not ____ and ____ were kept low.
What did Mussolini’s greatest success come from ?
Massive public works programs
In Italy, what were men encourage to do?
Become selfless warriors to fight for Rome
What were women expected to do in Italy?
Become mothers and don’t work
What made children tough and taught them to obey strict military discipline? What else were they taught?
Fascists Youth groups
After WW1, who was abdicated?
This was a threat for a ______ revolution?
What leaders signed an armistice ending fighting in WW1 and the Versailles Treaty?
moderate leaders
What was the constitutional monarchy established in Germany?
Weimar Republic
What did the Weimar Republic create?
What did it give to citizens?
Chancellor (prime minister)
rights like the US bill of rights
What was the problem with the weimar republic?
It was weak
True or False: The weimar republic was always under attack.
Who demanded radical changes like in Russia?
Who thought the weimar republic was very weak?
What did the Germans blame the weimar republic for?
The treaty of versailles
Where was Hitler born?
Where did Hitler go when he was 16?
Vienna, Austria
As a young boy Hitler was fascinated and obsessed with Germany’s victory in what war?
Franco Prussian war
Who was Hitlers father?
What school rejected hitler when he was young and why
The art school in Austria because he couldn’t draw the human figure
What school rejected hitler when he was young and why?
The art school in Austria because he couldn’t draw the human figure
After being rejected from the art school, where was he rejected?
architecture school
To support workers in Ruhr Valley, what did Germany print and what did it cause?
What did the Western powers do to help with Germany’s inflation?
Dawes plan
What did Hitler’s father do to him and his brother? What did his brother do in response?
He beat them
His brother ran away at age 7
Hitler returned to Germany and fought in WW1. What was his job?
Runner between the trenches
What did the military do when Hitler tried to stay in the military?
they wouldn’t let him stay
What happened to hitler that could have changed history?
he was almost killed by a british WW1 soldier
What extremest group did hitler join?
What did hitler become two years later?
What did Hitler lead that failed to overthrow the government?
What happened to him?
The beer hall putsch
What did Hitler lead that failed to overthrow the government?
What happened to him?
The beer hall putsch
In jail for treason for 7 months
What did he do in prison?
wrote a book called Mein Kampf
Hitler believed in extreme_________, racism and anti-______.
What did Hitler believe a Jew is?
someone with one Jewish grandparent
Who did Germany blame for Germany’s defeat in WW1?
marxmist and jews
What did Germany need to gain in order to create more living space?
Hitler was determined to be the German leader called the _____?
As ______ rose from the great depression, what also rose?
Nazi membership
Hitler promised to end _______, create_____, and defy the Versailles treaty by ______ Germany.
To become chancellor, Hitler split the German parliament lower house called the ____?
Hitler moved to build a Germany based on German __________
What was the first Reich?
Holy Roman empire
What was the Second Reich?
Bismarck’s empire
What was the Third Reich?
German master race dominate for 1000 yrs
What did Hitler do about the Great Depression?
Public works projects
What state did Hitler begin to make?
Totalitarian state
Who enforced Hitler’s will?
Elite, black uniformed SS troops
What was Hitler’s secret police called?
What deprived Jews of German citizen laws?
Nuremberg laws
Nazi led mobs attacked Jewish communities. Destroyed Jewish synagogues and businesses.
“night of brokem glass”
After kristallnacht, what was around the corner?
The “final solution”
Hitler used children by indoctrinating them with _____ ideology and having their textbooks contain Nazi ______ views.
What did nazis believe about woman?
Whatw ere they given ?
Should have limited roles and take care of children.
Given rewards for having lots of children.