1950 american unit vocab Flashcards
last name of the man who wrote “On the Road”
last name of the Catholic bishop who used used TV to reach millions of viewers weekly
acronym for the federal agency that backed loans for home buyers in the 1950s
federal housing administration
a hugely popular television show during the 1950s
i love lucy
what is a household consisting of of a mother and father and their children called
nuclear family
a term meaning to arrange something to start
a plan that called for three tiers of higher education
california master plan
during the 1950s the US experienced a _____ revival
last name of the woman who wrote “The feminine Mystique” which elaborated on the frustrations of woman during the 1950s
place where people reside that is outside of metropolitan area. Monroeville is this to Pittsburgh
last name of the republican who won the white house in 1952. he had previously been a significant general.
these types of corporations produce and sell their goods and services all over the world
the last name of the doctor who wrote a influential book in the 1950s to help parents with their parenting skills
to send home members of the army
who created affordable housing for Americans during the 1950s.
william levitt
last name of the man who wrote “catcher in the rye”, a hugely popular book in the 1950s
this act authorized funds to build thousands of miles of highway to connect the nations major cities
interstate highway act
what allows a company to distribute its product or services through retail outlets owned by independent operators
franchise business
the king of “rock and roll”
Elvis Presley
a workplace in which only union members can be hired
closed shop
last name of the man who ran as Truman’s opponent in the 1948 presidential race. he was previously the governor of new york
many Americans called for more federal funds for education hen the soviet launched this.
this term means an abundance of riches or wealth’s used to describe the 1950s.
the name given to southern and western states where Americans moved for better job opportunities
what would strengthen existing new deal reforms and establish new programs. it is the nickname of Truman’s domestic agenda.
fair deal
president Truman went on an energetic “_______” train tour of the nation to win election in 1948
whistle stop
a person who believes the races should be separate
buying as much as one can on credit
the rate at which goods are produced or services are performed
this act outlawed the closed shop
taft-hartley act
last name of the man who wrote “The Other America”
means a sudden increase. and example is an increase of birthrates from 1940-1960
last name of the doctor who discovered the vaccine for polio