Worksheet Study 002 Flashcards
List 8 personal hygiene standards that must be adhered to in the kitchen.
- nails short and clean
- No nail polish or nail art
- Hair or braids needs to be neat
- Facial hair needs to be trimmed
- Bodywash has to be regular
- Minimal make up
- No eating or chewing gum
- no strong perfume
Which Jewelry is allowed in the kitchen?
- Wedding band
- Studded earrings
- Amulet
Name 4 illnesses that should be reported to your supervisor.
- Hep
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Ccold flu’s and fever
- Sore throats
- Nasal conjestion
List 6 unhygienic practices.
- Touching any part of body, face or hair
- Eating, chewing, nailbiting
- Sneezing, blowing nose
- Smoking
- Going to toilet
- Handling cleaning fluids
What are the consequences of unhygienic practices?
- Cross contamination
- Unclean hands and build up of waste
- Bacterial growth
- Spreading and contracting of illnesses
- Poisoning
How does one maintain safe and hygienic tasting procedures?
- Don’t use prep utensils
- Don’t taste with fingers
- Carried in uniform
- Don’t share spoon
5 Don’t double dip - Washed regularly
When should staff wash their hands and sanitize?
1. After touching face, hair on any part of body
2. Coughing, sneezing, blowing nose
3. After touching raw food
4. After removing gloves
5. Handling chemicals
6. Cleaning a wound
7 Any breaks
8. After toilet breaks
9. Handling money
10. Between tasks to prevent cross contamination
Why is is important to wash your hands?
- Prevents cross contamination
- Remove buildup under nails
- Prevent bacterial growth
- Prevent spreading of illnesses
Describe proper hand washing procedures.
- Warm running water
- Wet hands first and then add soap
- Wash hands and between fingers for 20-30 seconds
- Rinse and dry w/paper towels
- Apply sanitizer
What are the requirements for a hand washing station?
- Separate dedicated hand washing basin
- Hot and Cold taps
- Anti bacterial soap
- Sanitizer
- paper towels
When are plasters required?
Any open wound (ie. cut or burn)
Describe the requirements for plasters used in a food production area.
- No food or skin colored platers. Must be bright.
- Water proof
- Preferably with a metal strip
Explain when gloves are required.
- To cover blister or skin irritations
- To use as a barrier when handling raw foods
- When serving food in front of guests
- Whe. Serving rte foods such as salads
Gloves should always be clean and…
What are the advantages of wearing disposable gloves?
- Provides a barrier for cuts and burns
- Reduces bacterial contamination
- Created a public perception of good hygiene when preparing RTEs.
What are the disadvantages of wearing disposable gloves?
- Can irritate skin
- Issue if allergic to latex
- High cost
What does the acronym PPE mean?
Personal Protective Equipment
What does the chef’s PPE (The uniform) consist of and how is it protective?
- Double breasted Jacket: Prevents burns
- Pants: Prevents burns
- Apron:
- Non - Slip and Close toed shoes: Prevents slipping and protects toes from falling objects
- Skull cap: Keeps hair back and out of food
Why is it important to keep your workspace area clean, neat, and tidy?
- Minimize risk of injury
- More Productive
- Focus better on job
- Create more awareness to other hazards