shellfish Flashcards
How are shellfish classified?
What is the difference between Crustaceans and Mollusks?
A: Crustaceans
-External skeleton
-Many legs
-Found on the sea shore but mainly deep water
B: Mollusks
-Strong shell
-Have no legs
-Invertebrates with no internal bone structure
How are Mollusks devided?
A. Univalve - (single shell) e.g. Limpets, whelks
B. Bivalve - (two hinged shelves) e.g. mussels, clams
C. Cephalopods
Describe Cephalopods?
-Tentacles squirts ink from ink sac
-Means head feet includes cuttle fish, squid
-Internal quill which gives structure to organism
What are gastropods?
-Single shelled mollusks
-Includes edible land snails (Escargo)
Give and describe 2 examples of crustaceans?
A. Crayfish (fresh water)
-Crawfish (USA)
-Live or frozen
-Boil 5 min or grill
-Rivers, lakes
B. Lobster (salt water)
-Northern hemisphere
-Enormous claws
-Live or frozen
-Boil 5 min or grill
-Flesh is tender and flavored
-Two species European and American
How do you kill lobster before cooking?
-Boil if alive
-Pierce with knife between eyes
How are prawns graded?
-Number per kg
Give and describe two examples of Univalves Mollusk?
A. Limpets
-Relative of snail
-Meat flavorful but tough
-Eaten raw or tossed in vinaigrette
B. Whelks
-Relative of snail
-Steamed or pan fried
-Coated in breadcrumbs, when fried
Describe Abalone?
-Expensive shellfish
-Quick fried or grilled
-Asian dishes
Give and describe two examples of Bivalve mollusc?
A. Clams
-Sweet flavored
-Firm (texture)
-Purged in salt water to remove sand and grid
-steamed in stock and white wine for 5-10 min
-Shell opens when cooked
B. Mussels
-Purged live in salted water
-Attached to rocks through fibers (beard)
-Beard must be removed by scraping and scrubbing
-Steam fist to open shells
Give and describe two examples of Cephalopods?
A. Octopus
-Cut into rings and fried
-Very short cooking time when fried
-Marinade in milk and use long moist low temperature cooking method
B. Squid
-Also known as calamari
-Transparent quill
-Beak and eyes should be removed
-Cut in tubes, steaks or rings
-Plain grilled or coated and deep fried
-Ink used to color dishes
How to clean Octopus?
-Lay Octopus on board
-Cut middle eye section out and discard
-Turn Octopus head inside-out
-Clean guts and ink sac under running water
-Turn right side out again
-Remove the beak from legs section
-Marinade in milk
When selecting fish, there are several tests namely?
-Pleasant fresh salty sea smell
-Colour should be bright
-Obvious signs of movement and have no damage
-No claws or tail missing
-Firm, plump, springy and elastic
-Weight in relation to size
Explain freshness when selecting shell fish
-Freshness is essential
-Old shellfish can cause food poisoning
-Traceability is important
-Shell fish should not be harvested from polluted bays and seas
-Shells of mollusks should not be sticky
-Shell fish should be bought and stored alive and cooked soon after purchase
-Shells should be firmly closed in fresh mollusks indicating organism is fresh and alive
How does temperature effect the selection of shell fish?
-Kept moist and cool
How does packaging effect the selecting of shell fish?
-Should be retained in original boxes
-Packaging should be in tact and contents solidly frozen
How long do you cook prawns?
-20 minutes
Explain general rule of thumb when cooking shell fish
-Absolute minimum cooking time required
When should live mussels be discarded?
-When found open and do not close
The main shell fish cooking measures are
-Boiling, simmering and poaching for eg. scallops, mussels and clams
-Shallow frying and deep frying for eg. prawns, shrimps and lobster
-Grilling for eg. prawns, shrimps and lobster
What is the edible weight when purchasing shell fish
Explain guidelines for portion sizes of an entree
-Prawns, scampie - 80 - 100 g cleaned
-Oyster, scallops, snails, mussels - 6 - 12 shells
-Clams - 12 - 18
-Crab and prawn cocktail - 45g
Explain guidelines for portion sizes of a main course
-Prawn, scampie - 150 - 170 g
-Lobster - half a small lobster
List garnishes to finish a shell fish dish
-Lemon slices
-Lemon wedges
-Lemon and herb butter
-Garlic butter
List accompaniments
-Tartare sauce
-Hollandaise sauce
-Beurre Blanc
-Beurre Noisette
-Beurre Noir
-Tomato sauce